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Cassini90125 05-11-2008 03:10 PM

Set #8:

Made mostly from images found in various places online, as usual. No pic is safe from me and my copy of Paint. :bloocross:

Imaginary Light 05-11-2008 03:53 PM

That one of the dog cracks me up for some reason.8D

xxxClaire 05-11-2008 05:55 PM

I like the Spam one. 8D

Nyo 05-11-2008 06:16 PM

I made these myself! /GIR



Thanks, MS Paint!

Lynnie 05-11-2008 09:54 PM

More awesome ones here, Cass! I especially like the panda bear, and yeah, that dog one is making me laugh. He looks soooo excited and hyper over something, lol. 8D All the space ones are always cool. And is that Amanda Blue? :frankiesmile:

I like yours too, Nyo! I'm not too familiar with VG Cats, but I did like A Goofy Movie. I love the look on Max's face. ;)

Nyo 05-14-2008 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 78607)
I like yours too, Nyo! I'm not too familiar with VG Cats, but I did like A Goofy Movie. I love the look on Max's face. ;)

VG Cats is one of the many video game webcomics out there. I'd put the link but it's not all that "family friendly" to say the least! ;)

The Max icon was from An Extremely Goofy Movie, btw :D Max is in high school in AGM, here in XGM he's in college.

And of course, the Sonic icon in my sig was made by me as well.

EDIT 1: aaaaand Camp Lazlo:

BluebottleFlyer 05-16-2008 03:34 AM

Man, there's more avatars here than you can shake a stick at. And they're all great work, Lynnie and Cass (and anyone else I forgot to mention), wonderfully random.:D
I clocked a couple of very MC Escher-ish avvies back there, too. Very cool.;)

Cassini90125 05-16-2008 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by BluebottleFlyer (Post 79093)
I clocked a couple of very MC Escher-ish avvies back there, too. Very cool.;)

I think you're the first person to mention his name. Escher's works, and impossible objects in general, have always fascinated me. A lot of the avatars I've made featuring impossible objects were created from images found on Impossible World, a site devoted to the subject and one of my favorite stops on my daily tour of the web.


Originally Posted by xxxClaire (Post 78588)
I like the Spam one. 8D

I had fun making that one. Mr. Spam is endlessly entertaining. 8D


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 78607)
And is that Amanda Blue? :frankiesmile:

It is indeed. I've made more avatars and other images of my most photographed Sim than I care to count, including a few with animated sparkles. Part of me really wants to show them off but this is a Foster's forum, not an Amanda Blue board, so I'll restrain myself. Awfully tempting, though.


Originally Posted by Imaginary Light (Post 78580)
That one of the dog cracks me up for some reason.8D


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 78607)
that dog one is making me laugh. He looks soooo excited and hyper over something, lol. 8D

You two have already seen the original pic, but I thought I'd post it for everyone else's enjoyment, too:

I found it while googling "n00b chow". Don't ask. :cheesegrin:

Ridureyu 05-16-2008 08:29 PM

So, ther'es this forum that recently switched to new software. None of the old posts were migrated, although old POST COUNTS were. This produces an amusing percentage glitch that will likely never be fixed. The forum allows avatars at 150x200, so I promptly made this:

One Radical Dude 05-16-2008 08:48 PM

LOL, nice one, Rid. :bloocross:

Great photo of the dog, Cass. 8D

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