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Mr. Marshmallow 01-16-2007 05:24 PM

I really wished they would have released a DVD of that Pokemon Live show, or at least a musical soundtrack CD. I really enjoyed that show and I treasure the few pictures I got of it before they told me I couldn't take anymore.

The flash distracts the actors and all that jazz. But kid or adult, I loved that show and it's one of the few rare like stage shows I was amazed by, even if it was intended for kids. Can you imagine if Foster's got one like that?

Medikor 01-16-2007 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 28906)
Appreciate it but to be honest, there's much more to it then just the theme song. In fact the theme song is the LAST reason why i listen to them. A lot of the tracks on those CD's are very inspirational and have encouraging lyrics.

Sometimes I've been in such rotten situations, they all go away when I listen to one of those CD's (4 total, that i have anyway). They are very uplifting music and if you ever feel down or doubt yourself, I suggest listening to one of these CDs.

That's very true. One song that almost broght me to tears was the song at the end of Jirachi Wismaker (the one that was half english and half japanese and was about how you don't need to wish on a shooting star to make wishes come true). That is another guilty pleasuer of mine. I would watch that movie every time I found it on tv so I could listen to that song!:D

rukift 01-16-2007 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 28930)
I really wished they would have released a DVD of that Pokemon Live show, or at least a musical soundtrack CD. I really enjoyed that show and I treasure the few pictures I got of it before they told me I couldn't take anymore.

The flash distracts the actors and all that jazz. But kid or adult, I loved that show and it's one of the few rare like stage shows I was amazed by, even if it was intended for kids. Can you imagine if Foster's got one like that?

Actually, I know of a website that has all of the songs up for download. When I find it, I'll note you. 8)

Mr. Marshmallow 01-16-2007 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by rukift (Post 28942)
Actually, I know of a website that has all of the songs up for download. When I find it, I'll note you. 8)

Please do I would really, really, REALLY appreciate it. And in regards to what you said Medikor about Jirachi, I give my support and love to that movie because it really was one of the better Pokemon movies they have released as of lately.

Most of the newer ones have been seriously lacking the enjoyment and flare of the original Pokemon movies. My favorite being the masterful and incredibly eye dazzling 2nd movie "Pokemon 2000", I also loved "Pokemon Heroes" "Pokemon's First movie" and "Jirachi".

I was half pleased half disappointed with "Pokemon 4ever" and I HATED "Destiny Deoxys", I have yet to see the 8th one and I hope it's an improvement. Pokemon movies are a guilty pleasure of mine as well, I gave up trying to track the main series and still enjoy watching their anime films.

Carlaz 01-17-2007 05:21 AM

This is a simple one ~ but I love to chewing bubble gum.

InsaneFan 01-17-2007 07:07 AM

*wanders in* Man, you'd be surprised how many threads I have never been to!

I don't have any guilty pleasures. I am in no way ashamed of the things I like. Well, watching anime shows was my GP for a while...But then I remembered "screw it, it doesn't matter what other people think!" Heh.

Medikor 01-17-2007 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 28975)
I was half pleased half disappointed with "Pokemon 4ever" and I HATED "Destiny Deoxys", I have yet to see the 8th one and I hope it's an improvement. Pokemon movies are a guilty pleasure of mine as well, I gave up trying to track the main series and still enjoy watching their anime films.

I havant really watched many of the movies. I seen the first two in theaters and the one with Jirachie and the one with Latias and Latios on the movie network. Pokemon always has this cute charm to it.:D
And this leads me to another guilty pleasure of mine. I am a May fan. Many fans dislike her and want Misty back in the show but I watch the show off and on and I have to say that I really like her more than Misty. She brought a refreshing change with her since she's new to Pokemon. I rarely let people know about this because Misty fans will eat me alive!8D

Mr. Marshmallow 01-17-2007 01:43 PM

I'm one of em. I LOOOOVE Misty and I was super pissed she left, I have been a long time supporter of the whole Ash/Misty love thing (which you have to be blind not to notice at this point). Jirachi made a great reference to this love thing, and "Pokemon 2000" is probably the biggest flag alert on this.

Latios and Latias were in "Pokemon heroes" which is VERY similar to "2000", actually, there's even a direct reference to that movie in the end credits, when the Rocket girls, Annie and Oakley are looking through a book in jail.

I don't mind May, she's all right, I wish they kept her Pokemon phobia a bit longer but Misty's still the girl for me. Here's another guilty pleasure of mine:

I'm a BIG BIG BIG Buffy the vampire slayer fan.

Howard 01-19-2007 12:49 PM

I love the Wizard of Oz stories (the original L. Frank Baum ones). I have ALL fourteen of the ones he wrote, and they never grow old!:frankiesmile:

HappyFoppy 01-21-2007 05:59 AM

- Listening to cute Pop'n Music songs (read: Japanese songs that are like lalalalala happy happy all the time)

- Watching TV shopping stuff

- Likeing Pokémon

- Being afraid of the dark :D

- Being addicted to eating candy.

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