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kageri 09-05-2007 04:07 PM

"Young kids may not understand what's real and what's imaginary."

For being so focused on kids' well-being you'd think they'd understand that children aren't human vegetables or dumb as rocks. Come on people.

"The imaginary friends are an eclectic and interesting bunch of monsters, but they run around in a pack and contribute very little to the plot."

They are the plot! I just.... blugh..... uuuuugghhgrrgrgghhhhnnnnnhhh

ETA: Paris Hilton wants to have children next year and that makes me a sad panda.

Partymember 09-05-2007 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by kageri (Post 55484)
"Young kids may not understand what's real and what's imaginary."

For being so focused on kids' well-being you'd think they'd understand that children aren't human vegetables or dumb as rocks. Come on people.

"The imaginary friends are an eclectic and interesting bunch of monsters, but they run around in a pack and contribute very little to the plot."

They are the plot! I just.... blugh..... uuuuugghhgrrgrgghhhhnnnnnhhh

ETA: Paris Hilton wants to have children next year and that makes me a sad panda.

These must be the same type of people who tried violating the 1st Amendment back in the 80's pertaining to heavy metal and got slapped down by a righteous Mister Dee Snyder 8-)

Cassini90125 09-05-2007 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by kageri (Post 55484)
"Young kids may not understand what's real and what's imaginary."

For being so focused on kids' well-being you'd think they'd understand that children aren't human vegetables or dumb as rocks. Come on people.

"The imaginary friends are an eclectic and interesting bunch of monsters, but they run around in a pack and contribute very little to the plot."

They are the plot! I just.... blugh..... uuuuugghhgrrgrgghhhhnnnnnhhh

ETA: Paris Hilton wants to have children next year and that makes me a sad panda.

Perhaps they can someday work on the website we've been talking about. 8D

Nem 09-05-2007 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by antgirl1 (Post 55457)
OR when people steal your art FROM DA and upload it AT DA with "miner edits".

Don't you just love that? You know what I find ironic?

I've been banned from DA about...three times, sure the first time I actually deserved it in a way, but the second two times, I was banned for reporting an art thief.

I guess I deserved it the second time too, because I left a comment saying "You do realize that the original art is found here, and you put a filter on it and said it was your art, which makes it stealing someone else's work, right?"

But the third time, I just used the report button, told them why I was reporting it, posted the link to the original piece, and was banned the next day for 2 weeks.

Funny thing is, I had been inactive on DA for like...3 months or so, and so I couldn't have left a bad comment that would have gotten me busted and I just mistook the ban for that as being banned for my report.

And a few friends IMed me, saying they reported it as well, and they all got banned. And even the girl with the original art that was stolen got banned as well :[

But the person who stole the art didn't get banned either time so...makes me wonder what's up with DA sometimes. Which is why I got fed up and removed my art...tho I started to upload a few select pieces again.

As for other stuff that ticks me off.

Slow people, you know, the ones who walk really fast to get in front of you, and once they're in front of you, they walk reeeeally slow, and then when you walk around they like...go diagonally and end up blocking you.

Or this one time, I was driving home, and this lady had pull off to the side to pick up someone on the sidewalk. Yea that's fine, the road had a wide enough shoulder, so it's not like she was sticking out. Anyways, the car in front of me and myself as well were going about 40 mph, as 40 mph was the speed limit. So, the guy in front of me is about...100 years ahead of me, and about 10 feet behind her when she pulls out in front of him, no turn signal, no nothing, and she's going horribly slow. So he honks at her, she pulls back to the sidewalk, and then she does the same thing to me, so I'm honking at her, and she gets out of my way too.

Wow, lady, pay attention :[

I also dislike liars, for example, this happened to my mom and dad back when they got married. They owned a rather nice motor home, and had pulled into a truck stop to get some food, gas, etc. So they're eating, and all the sudden the motor home shakes and there is a huge bang outside. My father leans out the window, and this women in an SUV had hit them. So he walks out, and says "Excuse me, but you just hit my motor home..."

She was all "NO I DIDN'T, YOU'RE LYING!!!" Luckily, she had a small child, and her little girl was all "Sure ya did mom, didn't ya feel it hit, and hear the loud bang!?"

So she had to pay for the damages haha, serves her right.

It also ticks me off when people don't know how to park. Like at my college, the parking places are huge. I park right in the middle of them usually, so I have about 2 feet on each side, because I drive a small four door sedan. Anyways, I did just that, had about 2 feet of room on the drivers side, went to class, and came back...Only to find a beat up old truck, in my parking spot, 3 inches away from my driver door, so I had to crawl through the passenger side to get in. Needless to say, I was livid.

Or the time when I lived with my parents (mom and step dad), and they were selling the house, we all had to leave, so I got into my car, drove around, came back after about an hour, and the people who were looking at our house to see if they wanted to buy it were still there, so I did a loop, went to the store and parked in the parking lot, shut off my car, and decided I'd give my dad a call, since he doesn't live with me, and I hadn't talked to him. Needless to say, within about the first 5 minutes, I heard a loud band and my car lurched about a foot forward. So I look behind me, and this guy in a huge truck had hit me.

I was parked though, and not even moving. So I get off the phone, and walk out, and he gets out, and towers over me. I'm only oh...18 at the time, and I'm scared, because I think my parents are going to get angry at me, even though it was dumb to think that. So he glares down at me, says "I didn't do anything, there is no damage, so don't say anything..."

So I just nodded and didn't say a word, got into my car, drove off, and came back about 3 minutes later to get his license plate number just in case, plus I got the license plate number of a women who was sitting in her car and saw the whole thing. Luckily there was no damage, amazingly, because he hit me pretty hard. But that kind of stuff ticks me off, not only did he obviously not know what he was doing, to hit a parked car, but then trying to bully me into not reporting it and using scare tactics.

Haha wow what a long post, I guess mainly just people who cannot drive and are rude tick me off =)

Ub3rD4n 09-05-2007 11:28 PM

I just wanna say that anyone who disses Fosters for the reasons you said are unaware of what they're talking about. Maybe we ought to tell them something, there's enough adults, heck, there's enough PARENTS here who have studied the show at LENGTH to be convincing.

Also, I didn't know that Paris Hilton could HAVE children. I mean, is she female, male, or just some THING?

kageri 09-05-2007 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Ub3rD4n (Post 55517)
Also, I didn't know that Paris Hilton could HAVE children. I mean, is she female, male, or just some THING?

With whom is what I wanna know. Maybe it will be with some incredibly intelligent, modest and dashing man who will help dilute the evil.

fosters home fan 09-07-2007 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 55439)
Yup, that's it. I remember seeing that thread a while ago, but it didn't look like the same sight since it said "Parentcenter", and the one I just came across is "Common Sense Media". But yeah, it looks like the same one. Sorry. :-[ The link to the sight doesn't seem to work anymore, though.

Here's one that does.

I'm not laughing, though. I'm outright mad. Grrrrrrrr...... :scaryberry:

bah, bonerheads. :P Those guys are just stiuupid. EE&E has WAY more crap humor than Fosters'. I hope the dunces from that site are reading this right now. :P

Cassini90125 09-07-2007 02:45 PM

If they are, you can bet they're twisting what you wrote beyond recognition and seeing things that aren't there. >:(

fosters home fan 09-07-2007 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 55630)
If they are, you can bet they're twisting what you wrote beyond recognition and seeing things that aren't there. >:(

BLEH1 I HATE it when they do that! uuuugh! :P

Shelltoon 09-09-2007 10:18 PM

Gotta be honest... I'm really unhappy with this TeenBot forum:

It's become nothing more than hate each other because we all have totally different interests, from wanting to kill cartoon characters and their creators, to now brainstorming ways to kill people because they won't agree with my ideas. It's so full of drama that I have to wonder why I'm still there.

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