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Dmitri Karamazov 05-14-2009 04:53 PM

What ticks me off?

1. When my little brother mocks my video gaming abilities.
2. Writers block
3. Nobody being on Facebook
4. Red Ants
5. When people hang around the kitchen asking to lick the bowl when I'm trying to bake.
6. The Jonas Brother version of "Hello Goodbye"
7. The fact that Dostoeyvsky died before he could write a sequel to The Brothers Karamazov
8. The fact that the Original London Soundtrack of Les Mis is missing so many songs that I'm going to have to buy the Tenth Anniversary soundtrack as well.
9. The word: "Exclaimed"
10. When people try to show me Dilbert comic stips that I don't find funny.

some guy you dont know 05-15-2009 02:58 PM

There is one webcomic I read often. The person making it didnt update on thursday, a usual update day. She just said it would be up the next day, and most readers just said the usual "Cant wait." One person, however...


Everything are just excuses. Since the last update was last week you should ALREADY have a comic page done. I’m reading a lot of webcomics and only your is almost always belated (other webcomic drawer also have busy life, but they are on time with their strips). You should understand that you are loosing a lot of anonymous readers because of that - I like your comic but I don’t feel that you are treating your readers seriously. I alwas chceck on Monday and Thursday and when I see there’s nothing new I am really sad. All I can see is just another note about family/school/other things - you know, I stopped believing you. If you really care about your readers you will find a time to finish the page. I didn’t mean to harm you with this comment - it’s just that I have enough and I’m always telling people if something is annoying me. Good luck with your comic and with your other projects.

P.S: Sorry for my english, I am not native english speaker
I should note the person making the comic is a senior in college, who's about to graduate, and moving to belgium. Also, her family visited from said far off land, and she actually put off spending time with them occasionally just to work on said comic. So, to sum it up, the person is angry because the author has more important things to do at the moment and cant spend every second working on the comic.

Sorry, people like this just really annoy me. Though it was interesting seeing everyone just go off on this guy.

Cassini90125 05-15-2009 03:06 PM

If I were one her readers I'd go off on him as well. What a jackass. :frankiemad:

antgirl1 05-15-2009 03:38 PM

Why can't some people understand the concept of LIFE? :(

fosters home fan 05-15-2009 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by antgirl1 (Post 110830)
Why can't some people understand the concept of LIFE? :(

Because unfortunatly, the world is full of stupid people. ::)

The swine flu hype (MKII). Again, barely any new reports on this, and mom is freaking out about it, even though the inital hype died down at least 2 weeks ago (sorry mods, but I really can't explain this any better). She thought I had it JUST because my nose was stuffed up. It was stuffed because I had just sneezed a whoppin 2 seconds earlier. I'd be more worried about the recent school shooting that happened in CA, than I would be about this "flu". ::)

EDIT: The dreaded return of PC-Cillin happens later. I cannot get my dim witted dad to stop putting that crap on my computer. I swear IT'S what caused all of my previous computers to crash all the time. >:(

xxxClaire 05-17-2009 01:56 PM

My parents don't give a damn about my Sweet 16 party... it's in only two weeks, and nothing is planned... this is really important to me, but they don't seem to care... they'll probably send us out to a movie or something at the last minute... that's hardly special...
Yet, if it were my sister, they'd be planning months in advance... ::)

Sparky 05-17-2009 02:09 PM

I didn't get a sweet sixteen. I think my parents figured that's only for pretty, popular girls who have a boyfriend or something. *shrug* It was never even brought up.

Sparky 05-17-2009 06:27 PM

I have to buy new silver ball earrings. I like to keep a pair in my ears most of the time, to keep the holes from closing up. Kiwi's usually pretty good about not trying to chew them when she's on me but the other day she started licking one and I was really busy on the computer so I thought, she can't damage it or anything, those are solid silver balls. So she nibbled on it and licked it and whatever for a while, maybe 10 minutes, before I got tired of it and took them out so she'd quit. I didn't look at them. The next day I remembered them and put them in, again without even looking at them. Last night I went to roll one between my fingers (I do that when I'm bored) and realised it wasn't a ball. I thought maybe there had been another pair of earrings on the table and I was wearing one ball and one...something else. So I went to the bathroom mirror and I couldn't even tell what it was. I took it out and looked at it. It looked like a little wad of silver, shapeless. My first thought was that it was a ball but that it had melted, like I had been standing in the sun with it hotter on one side and one earring had melted? Then I realised that Kiwi had chewed it up, the balls must be hollow.

It looks like a freakin' silver rasin.

Lynnie 05-17-2009 06:41 PM

8D What a silly, naughty bird! Sorry, I'm not laughing at your misfortune, I know how frustrating that is. It's the silliness and impishness of our pets that amuses me.

Joey likes chewing anything that's rubbery or leathery in feel. He chewed through my phone cord once while I was on the phone, and cut me off. He chewed through some strappy dress shoes, which really ticked me off because I loved those shoes! He's chewed through the band of three different watches. And once he chewed through my computer cord. I started hearing a fizzing sound, looked and sparks were flying from a big hole in my computer's power cord. That really ticked me off because he could have burned the house down, killed himself and/or me, and a new cord was expensive. I need to keep any cords or anything else with a rubbery or leathery feel to them under close watch or else he'll destroy something else.

Imaginary Light 05-17-2009 06:49 PM

Oh man, that reminds me of one time at work when I had one of our cockatoos on my shoulder. She was a nibbler and always went right for any jewelry I was wearing. She ripped one of my earring rights out, totally bent it up. Silly bird.:P

Cassini90125 05-17-2009 07:23 PM

My cats never chewed anything (other than the local wildlife). Sharpening their claws, however, that was another matter entirely. Everything available was a scratching post to them; trees, furniture, people's legs, whatever happened to be nearby when the urge hit them.

fosters home fan 05-17-2009 07:28 PM

Similar thing, I remember the dog used to try and chew through my computer's electrical cords. Had to keep it out of my room, ever since.

Mac-a-lacka 05-18-2009 06:48 PM

I can't find the memory card for my camara, and my dad's doing nothing but yelling at me for "losing it". :madbloo:

EDIT: At least he was nice enough to give me a spare card...

Cassini90125 05-19-2009 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Recent interview with actress Jessica Biel

Allure Magazine: Is being too good-looking really a problem for an actress?

Jessica Biel: "Yeah, it really is a problem. I have to be blunt."

Poor, poor Jessica. She gets absolutely NO sympathy from me. :frankiemad:

Nathander 05-19-2009 01:03 PM

I work at Wal-Mart, which is one of the few companies turning a profit at the moment. So, being one of the few companies turning a profit, what do they decide they need to do?

Cut salesfloor associate hours.


pitbulllady 05-19-2009 01:35 PM

My computer at school/work has crashed, totally and absolutely. This is my second computer to do so this year, and I lost a whole bunch of pictures and documents each time. Since it's close the end of the school year, and this school will be closing down, permanently, and everything being transferred to a new school that is currently still under construction, the district will not replace my computer(s), so I have to do without one from now on at work. That means no internet, period, and I have to borrow another teacher's computer to put in grades, while someone looks over my shoulder. Thing is, they need to use their computers for the same things, so it's gonna be like an ongoing battle that I'm going to lose, since I'm not the one in charge of those other classrooms.


Cassini90125 05-20-2009 05:31 PM

The long-awaited Sims 3 game, due for release on June 2nd, was pirated late last week. There is some question as to whether it's a pre-release version or the version that will be in the stores. The advanced players have torrented copies of the game and examined it, played it, and pulled it apart. I've been reading the reviews and bug reports for the past three days and while these must be taken with a grain of salt, it's beginning to look like EA Games has created a monstrosity. It is very difficult to play more than one family per neighborhood; if you switch between households all the progress made with the first household will be lost. The selection of furniture and other objects is very limited, most likely because EA wants to sell such tings through their online store at inflated prices. The Sims themselves, while more detailed, aren't any smarter than they were before and look like they were created by the Pillsbury corporation. There have been reports of graphics problems and videocard overheating. Worst of all, the game may be very difficult to modify, which will severly limit, or even eliminate, custom content, and this is a game series that thrives on hacks and custom content. More details are available at MATY; it makes for pretty grim reading. Again, it is possible that we're looking at a pre-release beta version and not the finished product but no one really knows for sure. I truly hope it's the former. EA Games has not yet issued any statements about any of this. If you were planning on buying this game, don't, not yet; if you have it on preorder, cancel it. Don't go anywhere near it until at least the end of the year, when we'll have more data available, a couple of patches, and hopefully some decent custom content and hacks to make the game playable, if that's even possible. Oh, and the torrented version contains SecuROM, too. Wonderful.

Nice job, EA. :frankiemad:

creamz06 05-24-2009 10:46 PM

My cousins. Their whining and fighting, and with me included, it bugs me. Arguing really bothers me. I've never argued a lot recently and it just starts up and I don't seem to like it, so it ticks me off even more. Then, I either give up or continue to fight. It hurts a lot, so when I need to calm down, I go and listen to some rock music.

L.G. 05-26-2009 04:58 PM

-With driving season in high gear, I'm seeing convertibles and roadsters more frequently, but what irks me is that some drivers have their tops down and their windows UP. What's the point? They look silly driving around like that.

-There is a small Smash Bros. community (at least I hope it's small) that is turning Super Smash Brothers Brawl into a Super Smash Brothers Melee 2.0 of sorts, and it's called 'Brawl+.' Some of the changes that were made to Brawl to make it Brawl+ include zero random tripping, altered physics, longer hit stun (meaning your attack stuns an opponent longer than originally), and stages like Luigi's Mansion have been altered to make it more "neutral." A Luigi's Mansion stage with a permanently flatten mansion is blasphemous.

Howard 05-29-2009 09:53 PM

I was on the way out the door to a meeting, and the roomie says to pick up milk, and the rest I heard was ", yada." As soon as my meeting was over, I went to the supermarket to get the milk. Now I thought she might have mentioned coffee creamer. Much to my chagrin, I found half a bottle of coffee creamer! Now I do not know what the other thing was, but on the bright side - we have MORE creamer (cannot live without the stuff).:D

Sparky 06-02-2009 03:11 PM

Not "ticks me off" so much as "makes me sad"...We have a bird's nest out in the parking lot, I think they're starlings. The babies are HUGE now, not fledged but adult-sized, and hopping around the tree. When they were still in the nest they were pooping over the side and if you parked in one of two spots your car would get pretty well covered once the babies got big. :P Now that they're mobile you'd better not park anywhere in that section. We're talking stinky, fly-attracting poo.

Today I went to throw something in the dumpster and found one of the babies dead on the ground next to it. :( Now, baby birds die; and I hope s/he did just die on her/his own. Thing is, with the volume of poo these birds are generating and spattering half a dozen cars every day, I've kinda been waiting for maintenance to come over and remove the nest or if they don't want to, one or another of the apartment residents to take matters into their own hands. I'm just hoping someone isn't out there with a bb-gun trying to kill these babies just because they don't want poo on their car. :/ There's at least one baby still in the tree, I checked, but I hope they're safe.

Howard 06-03-2009 08:27 PM

I have to get this out 'cause I hate this:frankiemad: I have to do continuing education for my licenses tomorrow (NASD financial junk). We have to do this every 2-3 years (depending on what firm you work for). What stinks, is the fact that the places to take this garbage, are always far away! I have to be there at 8 am, then go back to work; then I have an appt after work, then I have to speak at a meeting.:terrence:

Lynnie 06-05-2009 02:06 PM

As many of you know, my sister graduated from High School last weekend. We're all very proud of her. :) And her Senior Class Trip was this week. She really wasn't too excited about it because she never felt she "belonged" with her class, but the trip was to Disneyland, and "Senior Night", where Disneyland stays open all night long for graduating seniors from various schools. That was the one part of the trip she was looking forward to. But when they got down there, the chaperons let the kids vote on whether they wanted to do the Disneyland "Senior Night" or go clubbing all night instead. The majority of her class voted clubbing. Now, I'm not dissing clubbing as I know it can be fun and quite a rush, but the school just took away that one and only thing my sister was looking forward to in this trip. She would have been so much happier if she had just stayed home, but of course they make this decision after they get down there. It ruined her whole week. She hates the school even more now than she did before graduation. :terrence:

Cassini90125 06-05-2009 02:10 PM

I don't blame her. Decisions like that need to be made before people commit to a trip, period. What a rip-off. :frankiemad:

Cassini90125 06-09-2009 01:45 PM

Reviews for the Sims 3 are coming in, and they aren't particularly good. These are from Amazon:

This is pretty much what I've been seeing on the major Sims sites as well. I've had the game since the 2nd (the day it was released) and although I haven't done too much with it, my experience has been largely the same; very few furnishings, borked gameplay, and it's impossible to make a decent looking Sim. The game does have it's strong points but overall, EA really dropped the ball on this one. They could have -and should have - done a lot better. :P

antgirl1 06-09-2009 02:56 PM

The sims to me now just look "too" realistic, when in real life, not EVERYBODY has super smooth skin, (Even wrinkles for elders make them still younger than they could be) or having a "chunky" feeling (not that they're fat, it's just something I can see for some reason).

The fun with Sims 2 was that even though they were supposed to look like humans, they weren't, and it showed nicely. With Sims 2 you could enjoy yourself making lovable faces and appearances, built up with creative personalities and aspirations and preset goals (of course could be changed XD), whereas thus far, I've yet to see a decent Sims 3 sim. I think the makers focused more on reality and less on creating itself.

On the basis of the game speed, I think it was a good idea to make the hours in the game longer lasting (more time to do things, for example), and would make it more efficient and you wouldn't need to pause the game when you have "OMG ONLY FIVE SECONDS LEFT BEFORE YOU'RE LATE FOR WORK/SCHOOL/ETC ONOES" (Heck, that was my deal, at least). This would also eliminate the "limited time" thing where it seems to take forever before you get something done when in real life, it time wouldn't pass that quickly; or so the sims won't age too quickly (I played my family's lot a lot and now I'm almost an adult, it's too soon :(). A minute's a second, but sims move like a second's a second. But apparently EA went and overdid it.

WHAT? You can only play ONE family at a time? That's bull. Seriously. And you can't make your own neighborhoods either??

Now, I do not have the game nor do I intend on buying it (the fear of SecuROM or whatever they put in there, the peoples' reviews on the game, also I just don't want to buy it), but this is what I think about the game. I think Sims 2 is just funner, freer, so to speak. Even if the game speed's a tad too fast for me.

And I highly doubt that the sims are any smarter. 8D

Sparky 06-11-2009 11:02 AM

An editor at was accepting all my crew submissions just fine, then I tried to correct the episode order which he rejected saying his was right, that's how they originally aired (out of order I guess). That may be possible but then he also rejected all my new crew submissions so I guess now he's going to reject everything I submit because he didn't like me trying to reorder the eps or something. :jk: He's not actually allowed to do that though so I may have to go to staff about it.

Cassini90125 06-15-2009 01:25 PM

A telemarketer called earlier and left a message on my machine. Seems that they've determined that I'm eligible for home refinancing which could result in lower monthly mortgage payments. I live in an apartment. ::)

Sparky 06-15-2009 02:15 PM

We get those. We also get calls to lower our car payments (our cars are paid for) and lower our credit card bills (neither of us has a credit card). They make it sound like you've been checked out personally but in reality they just have lists of numbers and know nothing about the people behind them.

Cassini90125 06-15-2009 02:26 PM

The part that really perplexes me is that I'm on the national Do Not Call list, yet these pests call anyway. The increase in the number of calls I've been getting started before I moved so I doubt my change of address has anything to do with it. Don't they bother to read the list anymore? Or is the economy so bad that they're willing to risk an $18,000 fine for a small sales commission? Honestly, as far as I'm concerned it's a form of harrassment and it should be illegal. :frankiemad:

Howard 06-15-2009 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 112328)
The part that really perplexes me is that I'm on the national Do Not Call list, yet these pests call anyway. The increase in the number of calls I've been getting started before I moved so I doubt my change of address has anything to do with it. Don't they bother to read the list anymore? Or is the economy so bad that they're willing to risk an $18,000 fine for a small sales commission? Honestly, as far as I'm concerned it's a form of harrassment and it should be illegal. :frankiemad:

Y'know, my roomie (former girlfriend) has the same trouble. She has told the Arizona Republic (our newspaper), she is not interested in a subscription at least more than a dozen times. There are other marketers that do the same thing, and she is on that list. We do not have that gizmo that just blocks them out, and most of the marketing calls are not human anymore. This has become a major headache for the both of us.:terrence:

One Radical Dude 06-15-2009 06:41 PM

I think one telemarketer tried calling me this weekend. I reported them via Do Not Call website. Thankfully, it's the only unwanted call I've had since switching to postpaid and with a new number.

BluebottleFlyer 06-16-2009 06:53 AM

Saw something on telly last night that relates somewhat to telemarketing...a piece about postal scams, how people are sent bogus letters saying they've won the lottery, and the like, and they're asked to send money away in order to claim the so-called prize...and you can probably guess the end result.

Howard 06-18-2009 08:59 PM

This may sound petty, but it is already June 18, and for those of you Frankie fans who have the 2009 calendar - 12 more days before Frankie gets replaced with July:frankiemad:I wished they put her on the month of July (it is her birthday afterall).:frankiesmile:

Sparky 06-18-2009 09:29 PM

I love the pic of her with her hoodie pulled on so much. :smed:

Howard 06-18-2009 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 112487)
I love the pic of her with her hoodie pulled on so much. :smed:

She looks adorable (I know that sounds sappy, but she does)!:frankiesmile:

Cassini90125 06-18-2009 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Howard (Post 112488)
She looks adorable (I know that sounds sappy, but she does)!:frankiesmile:

She does indeed. :frankiesmile:

Back on topic, we just had a power surge here. Barely lasted a tenth of a second but that was enough to sever my internet connection and force my main system to reboot. Fortunately it was sitting idle at the time so I lost nothing. Still irritating, though.

Mr. Marshmallow 06-18-2009 10:30 PM

Two words: Statistics class

Whoever thought up that master level graduate students have to pass statistics with a grade of C or higher in order to go on to become a counselor (which is what I am doing) should be shot.

L.G. 06-19-2009 06:28 PM

My desktop computer was without an Internet connection for a week, and tonight, it was finally restored after a call was made. My mother had to call the people who made our wireless router, Linksys, and I had to stand by for when the serial numbers (in tiny print) needed to be read and to answer any questions that may have come up. The call lasted for about 90 minutes before I could finally get back online. But I'm grateful that the lady on the other line was patient with my mom and I.

Howard 06-20-2009 05:54 PM

Two driving incidents today:

I was in the furthest right lane (usin' the 2 sec rule for following). The car in front of me signaled just as he was making his right turn! Was the driver telling me "I am going right," or "I was straight before I made the right."

I was in the HOV lane in off hours (I drive a Prius anyway), and this Chevy pickup truck came right up behind me and started really hanging on my rear. The fast lane was WIDE OPEN (he could have moved over there). After about ten seconds, I turned me cruise control off (started to slow) - nuthin'. I waited another ten seconds, and gave the brakes a tap. He did back off, then he went into the fast lane. Rule of thumb - if you tailgate me, you will have an education in about ten seconds. I do not tailgate anyone else, so I do not like it happening to me.:frankiemad:

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