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AerostarMonk 03-01-2007 10:43 PM

I really love The Prestige. I would buy it in a hot minute if I had the money. I would love to read the book as well. It's good stuff.

Speaking of The Witches, Guillermo Del Toro and Alfonso Cuaron are supposed to be remaking it. Those are two great choices but I don't see any reason to redo a perfect adaptation. Well, a near perfect adaptation. Dahl hated the ending

jekylljuice 03-02-2007 07:14 AM

I'd also be interested in reading the original Prestige novel, though I hear it's pretty different from the film, which i enjoyed. Naturally, the ending and its implications made my stomach churn, but I thought it fitted in well with the tone and thematics of the rest of the film.

The ending of the Witches never bothered me much as a kid (in fact, after 80 minutes of total terror I found it very warm and comforting), but it's easy to see why Roald Dahl would hate it. Too idealistic, I guess.

Howard 03-02-2007 09:06 AM

Hunchback of Notre Dame (1923) with Lon Chaney and Patsey Miller.:frankiesmile:

Partymember 03-02-2007 11:34 AM



Mr. Marshmallow 03-02-2007 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by AerostarMonk (Post 35511)
I really love The Prestige. I would buy it in a hot minute if I had the money. I would love to read the book as well. It's good stuff.

Speaking of The Witches, Guillermo Del Toro and Alfonso Cuaron are supposed to be remaking it. Those are two great choices but I don't see any reason to redo a perfect adaptation. Well, a near perfect adaptation. Dahl hated the ending

Book or no book, that movie just really conked out on me at the end. I felt really disappointed with it because of that ending. Far as "Witches" goes, I loved the movie and even if Rold Dahl hated it, I thought it was a magnificent film.

I normally oppose remakes unless they are done properly, and it's only because Del Toro is the one BEHIND the remake that I am supporting it. I've seen three of his movies the last of which has been the amazing "Pan's Labrinyth".

So I feel fairly confident he could make the movie something truly worth watching, just to see how his dark imagination makes the movie alone is good enough for me. Even though I feel there's nothing wrong at all with the original.

Invader Bloo 03-02-2007 06:05 PM

Mouse Hunt
First time ever, it was a good movie. CN usually picks OK or good movies which is good well besides Re-animated.

Jabberwocky 03-02-2007 08:10 PM

David Bowie is in The Prestige! He's got a moustache! Just throwin that out there.


Uhh I watched the Lady and the Tramp.

jekylljuice 03-03-2007 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by Jabberwocky (Post 35572)
David Bowie is in The Prestige! He's got a moustache! Just throwin that out there.

I didn't recognise him. I'm so ashamed! :sadbendy: I did pick out Gil Chesterton from Frasier, though. :bloogrin:

Anyhow, the last movie I watched was Deja Vu. So-so time travel stuff with the expected levels of brain-dead action. There's probably room for a lot of theorising upon just how many levels the space-time continuum was actually tampered with, but I really don't care to go into it.

Partymember 03-03-2007 09:54 PM

"The Patriot" movie ever made

Mel just killed that limey commander, the limeys retreated

God Bless America

Jabberwocky 03-04-2007 07:58 AM

Music & Lyrics.

Hugh Grant is soooo cute. I wish he and Sophie would have stayed friends though. The movie would have worked just as well if not better without the rrrrromantic rendezvous. The song and everything would have still fit but it would be more believable.

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