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Howard 12-05-2008 02:19 PM

Just a simple getting the rest of the day off from work (left @ 11 am) - relief!:frankiesmile:

pitbulllady 12-05-2008 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by duck2k (Post 101002)
Just a simple getting the rest of the day off from work (left @ 11 am) - relief!:frankiesmile:

AMEN to THAT! Our Principal let us teachers go home today at 3:00, way earlier than we usually get to leave, so even that was a nice surprise! Sorta makes me really worried about the upcoming staff meeting next Tuesday, though; when she lets us go home early, it often means we're gonna be in "lock-down" till, like 6:30 pm when meeting time comes around!

One thing that REALLY made my day, or evening, rather, was when I went to our local Radio Shack to get some cartridge in for my printer/scanner/copier in my classroom at school(yes, we have to purchase our own ink cartridges, and often, our own printers, as the school does not provide these yet requires you to have one). I only needed a black cartridge, but all they had available was two combo packs of black and tri-color cartridges. I REALLY did NOT want to go to Wal-Mart, the only other source of HP cartridges, since Wal-Mart is like a trip through Dante's Inferno this time of year, so I decided to go ahead and get a combo pack, anyway. To both the surprise of myself and the clerk, when she scanned it, it turned out that the combo packs were on sale...REALLY on sale, just four dollars each! Needless to say, I bought both of the remaining combos, for a little over nine bucks counting tax! ONE black cartridge of this particular number costs $22.00 at Wal-Mart, so I got TWO black cartridges PLUS two tri-color cartridges for less than half that!

Now, if I could just find that darn Foster's 2009 calendar...


Chaos Wielder 12-06-2008 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by pitbulllady (Post 101019)
AMEN to THAT! Our Principal let us teachers go home today at 3:00, way earlier than we usually get to leave, so even that was a nice surprise! Sorta makes me really worried about the upcoming staff meeting next Tuesday, though; when she lets us go home early, it often means we're gonna be in "lock-down" till, like 6:30 pm when meeting time comes around!

One thing that REALLY made my day, or evening, rather, was when I went to our local Radio Shack to get some cartridge in for my printer/scanner/copier in my classroom at school(yes, we have to purchase our own ink cartridges, and often, our own printers, as the school does not provide these yet requires you to have one). I only needed a black cartridge, but all they had available was two combo packs of black and tri-color cartridges. I REALLY did NOT want to go to Wal-Mart, the only other source of HP cartridges, since Wal-Mart is like a trip through Dante's Inferno this time of year, so I decided to go ahead and get a combo pack, anyway. To both the surprise of myself and the clerk, when she scanned it, it turned out that the combo packs were on sale...REALLY on sale, just four dollars each! Needless to say, I bought both of the remaining combos, for a little over nine bucks counting tax! ONE black cartridge of this particular number costs $22.00 at Wal-Mart, so I got TWO black cartridges PLUS two tri-color cartridges for less than half that!

Now, if I could just find that darn Foster's 2009 calendar...


Speaking of Wal-Mart, you wouldn't believe how insane and crowded ours was on Black Friday! So many was pretty hilarious when they started going after some of the items when the employees opened everything to let them buy stuff. They were like rabid animals trying to tear everything apart! 8D

What would REALLY make my day right now is if I could get to sleep now...I'm so sleepy, but everyone's doing other things right now, so looks like I have to wait. :P

scary_dream 12-10-2008 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Chaos Wielder (Post 101094)
Speaking of Wal-Mart, you wouldn't believe how insane and crowded ours was on Black Friday! So many was pretty hilarious when they started going after some of the items when the employees opened everything to let them buy stuff. They were like rabid animals trying to tear everything apart! 8D

What would REALLY make my day right now is if I could get to sleep now...I'm so sleepy, but everyone's doing other things right now, so looks like I have to wait. :P

Oh my gosh... my friends and I drive to the store early in the morning just to see the spectacle that is Black Friday. It's so insane there!

My day is made because I just finished my scariest and hardest final... Intro to Acting was a terrifying class!!

Ridureyu 12-13-2008 12:46 PM

There's a lady whom I consider to essentially be a Second Mom. She's really been a good, close friend for a while now. Earlier today, it occured to me that I've probably accidentally offended her from time to time, so I approached and quietly asked for any forgiveness, and said a few reassuring things. She hadn't been expecting it, wasn't angry with me or anything, and nearly cried. As it turns out, the poor lady had been having a rough week, and from out of nowhere I popped up and said some very nice things.:bloogrin:

If you ever feel like being extra-kind to someone, do it! You'll be surprised at how good your timing may be.

Sparky 12-16-2008 01:04 PM

I was driving home today and wound up behind a little blue convertible Beetle with the vanity plate "[handprint]Y SMURF". ;D

L.G. 12-16-2008 09:53 PM

I went for a ride on an airboat in Florida today with my grandpa. Among the wildlife, I saw a bunch of alligators and a bald eagle in the state park.

Cassini90125 12-17-2008 08:09 PM

We had an ice storm out here about 24 hours ago. Not a really bad one but everything is covered with a thin layer of ice. Doesn't sound like a "made my day" sort of thing, but the way the ice picked up and reflected the evening streetlights was beautiful. Add to that the high humidity we're experiencing and some of the ice-covered trees almost seemed to be glowing. Even better, it was warm enough to wander around amongst all the icy glitter and get a few pics. Nice way to end the day. :)

Lynnie 12-17-2008 08:20 PM

I'm not too fond of ice right now, but that scene sounds amazing. Do share!! :) Purdy please? :frankiesmile:

As for what made my day, despite being called in two hours earlier than I was due to come in, I actually had a good day at work. And I also made it home alive when I left.

Cassini90125 12-18-2008 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 102040)
I'm not too fond of ice right now, but that scene sounds amazing. Do share!! :) Purdy please? :frankiesmile:

This one was my favorite:

Taken just outside my building, backlit by one of the parking lot lamps of the funeral home next door. Lighting is everything. :frankiesmile:

Lynnie 12-18-2008 09:51 PM

Wow, it looks like a spider web with dew on it almost. That's beautiful, thank you for sharing! :frankiesmile: I've seen ice like that, but it's been a few years. Today I'm just seeing snow. Lots and lots of snow.

Cassini90125 12-18-2008 09:58 PM

My pleasure. I'm working on another photo album for my profile page right now, trying to select 24 pics to upload. Unfortunately I went a little crazy with the camera over the last six weeks and I have 500 new photos to look over and choose from. This is what happens when you don't need to buy film. 8D

Mac-a-lacka 12-18-2008 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 102081)
This one was my favorite:

Taken just outside my building, backlit by one of the parking lot lamps of the funeral home next door. Lighting is everything. :frankiesmile:

Dang. That is one pretty picture you got there. :) :frankiesmile:

L.G. 12-20-2008 09:04 AM

What made my day Thursday was going to the beach for the first time in three years. Sure, the water was only 67ºF and the sky was cloudy, but I still had a blast.


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 102081)
This one was my favorite:

Taken just outside my building, backlit by one of the parking lot lamps of the funeral home next door. Lighting is everything. :frankiesmile:


Sparky 12-20-2008 01:55 PM

GM and I were at an electronics store today pricing TVs and I decided to wander over and see if they carried the webcam I want to get to replace the cheapo one I have now. It's ordinarily $99 most places and they had it for $79 which is the best price anywhere including online (if you factor in shipping). So I was telling GM how good it is and why, and how its the best price I've seen anywhere; and then we moved off a bit to talk about something else and the guy who had been standing near us looking at the webcams took one of that model and left.

I love doing random PR work, lol.

Sparky 12-22-2008 12:16 PM

Defeating a giant one of these in Spore. We'll be feasting on pear tonight, men! 8D

Howard 12-27-2008 07:00 PM

Finally building a fire in my fireplace, and I am cozy here on my laptop with my tree glowing, and TSO playing on my cd player. Now it looks Christmasy! Now I wish this area of AZ would get snow to make this Winter dream complete.:frankiesmile:

Sparky 12-30-2008 03:05 PM

Just scored a wireless adapter for my new Tivo that normally runs $60 or $70 (depending where you go) on clearance at a Radio Shack for $30. :yeah:

Lynnie 12-30-2008 07:40 PM

Wow, congrats on that Sparky. That's awesome! :clap:

I got to park in my reserved parking spot today for the first time in two weeks. It's grand! There's still some slush in the parking lot, but at least the steepest part of the hill is clear now. I missed being only a few steps away from my front door. :D

Partymember 12-30-2008 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by duck2k (Post 102608)
Finally building a fire in my fireplace, and I am cozy here on my laptop with my tree glowing, and TSO playing on my cd player. Now it looks Christmasy! Now I wish this area of AZ would get snow to make this Winter dream complete.:frankiesmile:

you can have some of ours bro, we got 20+ inches in a couple of days 8D

Cassini90125 01-01-2009 07:56 PM

I went to CVS about an hour ago. Nothing unusual with that; I'm in there virtually every night, mostly just to grab a snack and a few supplies. Well, those things add up over time in CVS's computer and occasionally they give you a coupon based on what you've spent over the past season or some other timeframe. I got one tonight, worth $11.50. Not bad, not bad at all. ;D

Mac-a-lacka 01-02-2009 12:17 PM

I woke up to fresh snow on the ground. :bloogrin:

It's only half an inch though. :P

Lynnie 01-02-2009 03:46 PM

No snow up here. And I'm not complaining. It'll take me a while to completely recover from the last few weeks of icy turmoil.

One of my friends came to my work today. I haven't seen her in months! We hugged and caught up a bit on what's going on. She's suppose to be giving me a cup/tumbler set, but she's been sooo busy with her job since the beginning of November. Hopefully with the holidays over now, she'll get to relax a bit. It was so great to see her! :)

Partymember 01-04-2009 02:46 PM

i bought an awesome pair of cowboy boots and a sweet cowboy hat with my Christmas money today

i'm going to look pretty fly this summer :bloogrin:

Lynnie 01-05-2009 03:13 PM

I had a pretty good day today. :)

One, it wasn't a nightmare getting to work this morning. It was well above freezing when I left, so no ice despite the four inches of snow that fell last night. And most of it was melting already. It was just another drive over wet streets. And I'm well use to that. This is Seattle, after all. ;)

Two, everyone at work was in a good mood today. Both coworkers and customers. One of my coworkers, and friends, went and got me a tall vanilla cappuccino from Starbucks with no strings attached. And in it she included a stir stick that had a mermaid on the tip. I collect mermaids, as some may already know, so that made me happy. I don't remember seeing them there before, although I usually just take a straw rather than a stir stick when I get coffee.

Three, well, not so good actually, but one of the girls under my guidance lost her grandmother this morning. She was fighting tears all morning. :'( I got her some candy while on my break, she was taken aback by it, thanked me and nearly cried again. She thanked me again for the candy as I was leaving for the day, it did seem to have helped a little knowing someone cared. That made me feel good. :frankiesmile:

Mac-a-lacka 01-05-2009 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 103151)
Three, well, not so good actually, but one of the girls under my guidance lost her grandmother this morning. She was fighting tears all morning. :'( I got her some candy while on my break, she was taken aback by it, thanked me and nearly cried again. She thanked me again for the candy as I was leaving for the day, it did seem to have helped a little knowing someone cared. That made me feel good. :frankiesmile:

Giving is the best gift of all. :)

Imaginary Light 01-05-2009 06:31 PM

Well, this little occurence made my day yesterday:

I was at work, and we were letting a woman use a $3 off coupon on her dog food, even though it wasn't for the specific brand. She was so thankful and started telling me how much she loves the store and how nice all of us are. Then the woman behind her said, "Oh, I know! I always shop here because everyone is so nice!" I told them it was so nice to actually hear grateful comments, and the second lady said, "Oh, please! If anyone's being rude you should just sock 'em in the face." 8D

It really is nice, though, to actually get complimented when working in retail, which is usually filled with rude and entitled behavior from customers.

Cassini90125 01-05-2009 06:58 PM

CVS put up part of their Valentine's Day display today. I spent a half-hour reading the cards. Couldn't help myself. :frankiesmile:

Partymember 01-07-2009 06:32 PM

so i got woken up a the ungodly hour of 7am this morning, my dad and mom were bringing our dog to the vet because he's had really violent siezures. My dad wanted me along because in case we had to put him down he didn't want my mother to have to help carry the dead dog into the car :( long story short he's on doggy downers and he made it home alive :D

some guy you dont know 01-10-2009 05:01 PM

I just got back from this store that sells everything at ridiculously low prices. And I was able to get 48 candy canes for a dollar. I personally think that it was the best deal I've made in months.

Howard 01-11-2009 08:35 AM

Going to a good ol' fashioned jam session with friends I have not played music with in a long time. Here is a couple pics from it.:frankiesmile:

How does this thing work again?

Da Boyz:

Me and my cherryburst Lester:

Cassini90125 01-11-2009 02:01 PM

I have just received word that my brother and his wife have adopted a dog from a local animal shelter. They have named him "Froot Loop". 8D

One Radical Dude 01-11-2009 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 103444)
I have just received word that my brother and his wife have adopted a dog from a local animal shelter. They have named him "Froot Loop". 8D

"Follow my nose! It always knows!" :bloogrin:

Cassini90125 01-11-2009 05:37 PM

Years ago when my brother lived in Chicago he and his roomates adopted a cat. They named her "Dog". Dunno what's wrong with that boy. :cheesegrin:

taranchula 01-11-2009 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 103450)
Years ago when my brother lived in Chicago he and his roomates adopted a cat. They named her "Dog". Dunno what's wrong with that boy. :cheesegrin:

It's just like my brother who has a cat named Mouse. (Of course in her case the name is justified as she acts like a mouse, scurrying away and hiding at the first sign of trouble.)

some guy you dont know 01-11-2009 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 103450)
Years ago when my brother lived in Chicago he and his roomates adopted a cat. They named her "Dog". Dunno what's wrong with that boy. :cheesegrin:

I've been wanting to do that myself since I was five.

I found Metal Gear Solid 2 for six bucks today. I didn't get it, though, but with any luck I should get it tomorrow.

Gamestop is awesome. :D

Partymember 01-11-2009 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by duck2k (Post 103431)
Going to a good ol' fashioned jam session with friends I have not played music with in a long time. Here is a couple pics from it.:frankiesmile:

love the "men are pigs" button 8D

Howard 01-11-2009 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Partymember (Post 103454)
love the "men are pigs" button 8D

That was given to me by my girlfriend!8D

Lynnie 01-11-2009 08:24 PM

Thank you for sharing the pictures, Duck! I wish I could have heard you guys play, I bet it was amazing. It's always nice getting together with old friends.

As for what made my day, finding out that my sister didn't finish my Dr. Pepper on me last night afterall. And making (and eating) one of my favorite foods once I got home- burritos with all the fixings! :bloosmirk:

I'm stuffed now. But satisfied.

HerrimanWasHere 01-11-2009 10:13 PM

On friday I woke up, just feeling so cheerful. I wasn't in too much pain, and my mom made some bread! (it had been years since the last time either had happened. Sucks to have fibromyalgia...) Unfortunantly, it didn't last long. I just hate how noisy and unconsiderate my peers act.

And a week ago I found all the episodes of Beetlejuice! This made me sooooo happy! I loved that show growing up. It let me know that cartoons could be dark and weird. Animation wasn't the best, but I still love the show. :smed:

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