Never Forgotten: a Foster's Home Community

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BlooCheese 08-21-2006 04:08 PM

The food in the refrigerator is all gone, the toilets are all plugged, the people in the pictures all have mustaches, and then the apartment goes up in flames.

taranchula 08-21-2006 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by kageri (Post 1609)
I think Bloo likes living at Foster's more than at Mac's apartment since Mac's apartment is hecka tiny and Foster's.... isn't, but he probably misses Mac when he's not there. I was wondering lately about what Bloo did when Mac, Terrence, and their mom were all out and he was left at home. I need to get around to drawing that sometime.

I don't know, if "Squeeze the Day" was any indication of the kind of stuff Bloo does when he is all alone and no one else is around, I don't think it would be as world shattering as one might think.

BlooCheese 08-21-2006 04:24 PM

Hey, good point. If Squeeze the Day was an indication of what Bloo does when he's all by himself, then he seems a lot more destructive when Mac's around.

kageri 08-21-2006 04:26 PM

That's because there was nobody to impress with his powers of destruction. If you don't have an audience, might as well sit around and watch the weather channel, amirite?

BlooCheese 08-21-2006 04:28 PM

Yeah. Actually, I'd go back to sleep. But you're still right.

taranchula 08-21-2006 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by kageri (Post 1621)
That's because there was nobody to impress with his powers of destruction. If you don't have an audience, might as well sit around and watch the weather channel, amirite?

But then again in that episode it was "Mac" who pointed out to Bloo, "hey hello it's just you and me at Foster's and there are no authority figures within a sixty mile radius, so it's party time!"

Kzinistzerg 08-21-2006 04:57 PM

It was. I bet Mac dosn't get that often either.

Mr. Marshmallow 08-27-2006 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by taranchula (Post 1617)
I don't know, if "Squeeze the Day" was any indication of the kind of stuff Bloo does when he is all alone and no one else is around, I don't think it would be as world shattering as one might think.

I think that wasn't him being alone, it was him being bored because even when Mac arrived they were still acting like that. Bloo is an instigator and he usually has fun getting people mad or just bugging the crap out of them in some way or another.

But I think at that episode, he was just so bored out of his mind that he was willing to do anything. He practically lost his mind.

Kzinistzerg 09-02-2006 05:21 PM

It occurs to me that Mac's name is probably short for something. Does anyone have any ideas? I jsut don't ssee someone naming their kid Mac.

BlooCheese 09-02-2006 05:30 PM

Eh...Mac makes sense to me. I never really gave it much thought.

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