Lynnie |
07-25-2009 11:55 PM |
Yay, I finally have something to add today!
My plane landed about five minutes late, no biggie, got in my very first cab ever and rode to my hotel. Check in was a breeze. So the whole plane/airport/transportation thing went great. The last I had heard was Cass and Howard were suppose to meet me at my hotel and we were suppose to head over to the convention center together, so I waited in the lobby for about 30 minutes, then went back to my room to log on and see if there were any messages for me and wait to see if they'd just call me (I didn't have their numbers, so there was little more I could do). So I was totally confused and wasn't sure what to do. Turns out they went to the airport hoping to surprise me by picking me up there. And we totally missed eachother since I wasn't expecting to see them there. Howard finally called me (so he was the first to hear my voice! ^_^), and it turned out easier if I just headed over to the convention center myself. So I did. I hopped the trolley that said "To Convention Center", and ended up riding it WAAAYYYY past where I should have gotten off because apparently there's a transfer station. ::) So I finally realized this, got off and hopped the other one coming in the opposite direction. That time I made it to the CC. Picked up my badge, which wasn't near as big a pain as I thought it might be giving there was virtually no line at all. And wandered through the exhibit hall aimlessly for an hour or so. Took a few pictures, but not much, as I was much too tired and dehydrated to concentrate much on that. I stopped by Lauren's booth (neither her nor Craig were there at the moment), and the guy behind it complimented me on my t-shirt because I was wearing my Venus shirt today. I did however pass by Craig as I was wandering through the crowd. Didn't say anything to him as he has no idea who I am, but I was stoked to see him. Anyway, I got tired of being lost, so I texted Ord, and finally found him, GM and Iceberg having pictures taken with the Bloo costume outside the exhibit hall (Ord was the first person to see me! ^_^). I got to see the costume in person, yay! :yeah: From there we went to Ord's hotel where we met Sparky to drop the costume off and then headed out to meet Cass and Howard to eat. We were getting confused as to how to get to the restaurant; weren't sure which trolley to take, or if we should try walking. Sparky talked a bike taxi driver to drive us. That would be GM, Sparky, Ord, Iceberg and I, all piled into the back of one bicycle taxi. Iceberg didn't want to cause anyone discomfort, so he walked, but that taxi driver was awesome and in great shape, because he pulled the other four of us all those blocks (how many were there? I didn't count) to the restaurant. That was an experience I won't forget. 8D We finally met up with Cass and Howard, who had been holding us a table for some time. Iceberg arrived not long after. We had a great meal, I had a chicken dish with green olives and a red wine sauce, it was delicious! Then we headed over to Ghiradelli's for ice cream. MAN, what a packed place that was! I had a waffle cone with a single scoop of chocolate ice cream. It was heavenly. Then Sparky, GM, Ord, Howard and Iceberg headed off to retrieve the Bloo costume and get back to their hotels because they needed to leave, and I hung out with Cass for the remainder of the evening. We went to his hotel, where he gave me a pic of Mac he had requested Craig draw for me since I missed the sketches and signings today (Thank you Cass!!), and we talked and laughed and giggled much like we do on the boards here. 8D Howard came by briefly to pick something up he had left in Cass' hotel earlier in the day, and he kindly drove me back to my hotel, since he had his own vehicle and knows his way around SD pretty well. I'm very thankful to him for that since I was already so tired, and getting lost at 11 at night in a large city would be a nightmare.
Now I'm in my pjs and comfy and exhausted and still slightly dehydrated I think, but it was all worth it! I can't say how cool it is meeting everyone in person! :)