Never Forgotten: a Foster's Home Community

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AcornBulb 01-09-2013 06:48 AM

Hi there! :D

Hopefuly my donation will be of any use to your budget in order to maintain the site. I have made a donation from the same e-mail adress I'm registered with here.

Good luck and thank you! :)

Sparky 01-09-2013 12:36 PM

Thank you so much, its been years since I've gotten a random donation. :D

AcornBulb 01-13-2013 05:13 AM

I'm always glad to help. :)

Sparky 05-02-2013 12:11 AM

Its already paid for, but I'm accepting donations to help offset the $54 dollars to renew the domain for another year. Just fyi.

Sparky 11-13-2014 04:26 PM

Signalboosting this topic...My 40th birthday is later this month. I don't usually ask for anything but this is a big one. :D Donations at this time would be really really helpful (link is in this thread's first post). Thank you so much. :terrsmile:

(I won't lie, the money will be used to buy things we very much need for the house before the holidays. But I've been paying for the site on my own for some time now so it can be considered retroactive. ;) )

KazooBloo 12-01-2016 02:17 PM

NF is still going strong. :D

Sparky 12-04-2016 07:59 PM

It costs just as much to run this site as it always did but I never get donations anymore because people don't care, lol.

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