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jekylljuice 01-07-2008 04:25 AM

Lately, the avatar-making bug seems to have taken a big wet bite out of me too. I'm feeling in a very Pocoyo frame of mind right now, hence my current Pato avatar. Here are a few more avatars I've made of the relevent characters. Nothing too spectacular.

Bloo2daMacs 01-07-2008 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by jekylljuice (Post 68714)
Lately, the avatar-making bug seems to have taken a big wet bite out of me too. I'm feeling in a very Pocoyo frame of mind right now, hence my current Pato avatar. Here are a few more avatars I've made of the relevent characters. Nothing too spectacular.

Pocoyo? Never heard of it. I like the art style, though. Is that claymation?

jekylljuice 01-07-2008 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Bloo2daMacs (Post 68730)
Pocoyo? Never heard of it. I like the art style, though. Is that claymation?

I believe it's computer-animated, though it's clearly done in a certain style to resemble claymation. The show is Spanish in origin, with Stephen Fry providing the narration in the English dub. I'm not sure how big it is outside of Europe, but if you have access to it then I definitely recommend checking it out. While technically it's for pre-schoolers, it has leagues more wit and sophistication than most so-called adult viewing out there. I'm deadly serious about that.

Incidentally, here are a couple more Pocoyo avatars I made which had to be excised from my original post due to the ten image rule:

Lynnie 01-07-2008 05:24 PM

Those are real cute, JJ! I've never heard of the show either, but they're cute just the same. I watch pre-school shows too. I especially like Curious George. ;)

jekylljuice 01-09-2008 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 68775)
Those are real cute, JJ! I've never heard of the show either, but they're cute just the same. I watch pre-school shows too. I especially like Curious George. ;)

Thanks, Lynnie. I haven't seen a great deal of Curious George myself, but from what I can make out, it seems to be quite a lovely little show. Indeed, pre-school programming makes for great viewing, as more often than not it constitutes good-natured, earnest entertainment. Plus, as an additional bonus, it can be fun to read darker subtexts into them. :bloogrin:

Cassini90125 02-01-2008 06:06 PM

Collection #6:

#10 and #14 are from my camera and are part of a much larger, totally idiotic photo collection I call "Mankind and his Lights". This is what happens when you don't have to buy film. :cheesegrin: 8D

#12 is also from my camera, #11 and #13 are from my Sims game, the rest were made from pics found around the web, as usual. :)

Partymember 02-01-2008 08:46 PM

mmmmm.... squirrel

Lynnie 02-01-2008 10:20 PM

Oh dear, that poor squirrel. Run Squirelly, run! 8D

More nice one's Cass. I like the dolphins, very pretty. And the 22nd looks cool on my computer screen when I scroll. It may just be my computer, but it kind of "flashes", and it's the only one that does that. I found that kind of cool. ;)

Cassini90125 03-14-2008 06:24 PM

The 7th set:

A few Sims pics and a bunch of other goodies I found scattered around the web, all hacked up, trimmed, resized, and generally abused with Paint, submitted for your inspection and critique. Who needs Photoshop? Paint does everything I need it to do, doesn't cost a couple hundred bucks, and doesn't require a Ph.D. to understand and use. I think the program is way underrated. :)

Lynnie 03-17-2008 08:55 PM

I was going to reply to this days ago and completely forgot about it. :wiltshock:

More nice ones here, Cass. I especially like the one of the kitten jumping through the grass, just way too cute. I know I've seen it before somewhere. But it's a great shot, I can understand if it's popular. All the space shots are awesome as always. And who doesn't like staring at the optical allusion ones? I stare at them and know that there's no way that shape can take place in real life. A few seconds later I say to myself "Wait, yes it can! It's just this over here needs to be this way and wait. No it can't." And I keep going back and forth. It's fun. 8D And is that a Viking ship? :slybendy:

As for me, I haven't come up with any new ones lately.

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