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cartman414 10-21-2007 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by kageri (Post 59465)
I wouldn't be surprised if she and Craig are secretly thinking "You know guys, we have those other characters too..."

I mean he's funny and all (and I love how his head flaps like that of a Canadian on South Park), but tangential, irrelevant non-sequiturs can really only take a character/series so far.

Like that time I made a snide reference to a cartoon that's lived on this formula for years.

* insert cutaway to a reference of another random reference within a cutaway * :bloocross:

Nyo 11-03-2007 01:41 PM

^Sorta like Family Guy, eh? :P

I would find it a bit sad if it turns out people only watch the show just for Cheese.

Cassini90125 11-03-2007 01:55 PM

Some apparently do; it's inexplicable. :terrconf:

Chaos Wielder 11-04-2007 02:56 PM

Well, since Wilt's my favorite character I think you can pretty much figure out whether or not I watch this show for Cheese. :P Sure, Wilt is the character that really drew me into Foster's to begin with, but you have to admit that the show just wouldn't be the same without the other characters. They make it funny and add depth at the same time. Really, could you imagine the show without Mac and Bloo because I certainly couldn't!

So yeah, I don't watch the show for Cheese, but I DO watch it for the character development and laugh out loud moments. :)

Sparky 11-22-2007 03:36 PM

I went to read the Little Peas ep discussion thread just now even though the ep hasn't aired yet here because I still couldn't believe that it was a real ep. Now again, I have not seen it yet and maybe I'll like it, but I'm really disappointed. I mean first there was the float in the parade this morning where Cheese was totally out of character and basically portrayed as the main character of the show, and now we have a rehashing of a Cheese episode. And he was all over the Season 2 set. I dunno, I'm just disappointed, it feels like such a major sell-out, and it turns me off the show just a bit, it honestly does. (No offense to people just doing what the network wants.)

I can honestly say I have now had MORE than enough of Cheese. -_- I know I'm not the first to say it, I just had to get it off my chest. He is kind of funny, in small doses. But he is NOT the main character! No matter what, he is NOT! I would rather see them do a spin-off (as mentioned at Comic-Con) if that means they can lay off of his appearances on Foster's.

Cassini90125 11-22-2007 03:39 PM

You'll get no argument from me. All that, plus all the merchandise at HT and elsewhere with his image on it... I'm sorry, but it's getting old real fast. >:(

BabyCharmander 11-22-2007 03:44 PM

I was hoping the Season 2 DVD thing was just because Cheese's first ep was in that season...

Argh, we're getting an overdose of Cheese. D: It's like the FOOD cheese... too much of it makes ya' SICK. I'm hoping he won't be featured in any eps for a while, and if he is in an ep, it's just a background appearance...

Sparky 11-22-2007 03:52 PM

Lol, I can't remember if I ever mentioned it, but for pretty much all of my twenties (from when I was 19 to when I was 28) I had an allergy to cow's milk. And I didn't even know what was wrong, I just got sick, like food-poisoning sick, whenever I had like, pizza and stuff. I finally figured out it was milk products (but only cow). It went away on its own like I said which is nice, but whenever I look at large quantities of cheese I still remember how sick I used to get. I never wanted to carry that sentiment over to the character Cheese but I dunno... :slybendy:

antgirl1 11-22-2007 06:40 PM

I'm starting to feel that it'll become "The Cheese Show". :(

pitbulllady 11-22-2007 07:01 PM

I'm really getting sick of Cheese myself, especially after tonight. I feel like I've had a forced overdose of Cheese. He's not even a REGULAR character, let alone the main one! I haven't even seen that many younger kids who really like Cheese, not at my schools where I teach, anyway. Most of them who watch Foster's(and it's a LOT more this year than last year) seem pretty much evenly divided between Bloo and Wilt, the same two who top the character popularity charts(at least among the Imaginary Friend characters) on most internet polls. Jackie is really garnering his share of fans among my students, too, especially after he dressed as a pimp for Halloween, and Wilt's popularity has risen tremendously among my students, especially with the boys, many of whom last year disliked him because he didn't seem "hard" enough in their eyes, until they saw GWH. Not many of them are fond of Cheese, though. I've gotten to the point myself where I'd actually consider not watching the show again if Cheese becomes a major, regular character, seriously. They'd have to have some really awesome Wilt moments to make me keep watching if that happened!


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