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Master Knight DH 02-27-2007 07:47 PM

Maybe a gathering of malicious enemies of the Foster's Home? Not necessarily all of them, just a good deal of them. It'd probably be interesting to see them get pwned simultaneously, especially when it's semi-unintentional.

And I agree, Red should return.

jekylljuice 03-11-2007 04:04 PM

I recently saw the episode ‘Berry Scary’ for the second time (I previously haven't been able to catch repeats for this one), and though that little pink demon still gives me the shivers, she’s definitely grown on me a lot more since, so I’ve really warmed up to the idea of her returning. So long as they find an original way to incorporate her into a storyline (obviously now that her true persona has been exposed to the residents of Foster’s, she couldn’t get away with half of what she did in her debut episode) I’d say there’s a lot of potential. :berry: :scaryberry:

Digifreak642 03-25-2007 11:07 AM

Red needs to come back. Other than that, I don't think anyone deserves anything more than a cameo--unless they do a really good episode with them.

moonpony 04-02-2007 01:35 PM

The scribble that sticks out its tongue and spits at people, Eduardo's puppy Chuey, and Red.

Fomalhaut 04-06-2007 02:59 AM

Eurotrish! I truly love her, even her singing! (see my sig and avatar) Would love to see her back!

Oh, and Red and Berry were quite nice too. Goofball was mean to Frankie, true, but I don't think she'd mind too much if he came back - remember, she almost began to accept him in the end. Anyway, I wouldn't like to see him back, but won't get mad even if he does.

Foxokles 04-06-2007 07:15 PM

I want to see Bloo's Revenge on Bendy and a happy-ending for Eurotrish.

♥ Berry ♥ 04-12-2007 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by emperor26 (Post 30629)
Which characters do you think deserves to make another appearance in the show?

Here's are some I felt should return:

Douglas and Adam
Foul Larry
Ivan and Stevie
Jordan Michaels
Nina Valarosa

She is sooo cute :berry:

Invader Bloo 04-15-2007 05:59 PM

All of them except Goofball & perhaps Bendy.

Goof should never appear again. The crew know they created something horrid with him now.

I want Michael & Nina to return most.

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