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Mew 07-11-2011 09:01 AM

Last Thursday, my mum and I were walking to the bus stop, and on the way, we saw a fox crossing the road! Keep in mind that it was about 3 pm, and while we do see foxes around here sometimes, they've never come out so early before :D Really made my day.

Yesterday, it was waking up and finding this in my dA inbox c: I love my friends.

And today, I found out that CN are showing Regular Show over here again next week. Small thing, but it's been a while since they've shown it, and it was nice to come home to :).

..heh, I've been having a nice week, apparently XD I didn't realize how cheery I sounded until I wrote it all down! x'D;

Howard 07-12-2011 07:58 PM

Nothing...not until July 20...the Con BABY!:frankiesmile:

Sparky 07-13-2011 04:00 PM

I finally got health insurance last month for the first time in 6 or 7 years. I am diabetic so I couldn't get regular insurance, I needed high-risk insurance and that's hard to get and expensive. Well I have it now, and was able to have extensive lab tests done. Results came back and I'm in good shape, I was expecting kidney failure, out of control cholesterol, what have you. But everything is perfect, other than my actual blood sugars, which are already doing better on my new medication.

Unfortunately the new meds did make me put on yet more weight, and nothing is helping get any of it off. Since I've been trying and failing to lose weight on my own for many many years I have finally been referred for a lap band, so we'll just have to see how that goes.

taranchula 07-13-2011 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 124172)
I finally got health insurance last month for the first time in 6 or 7 years. I am diabetic so I couldn't get regular insurance, I needed high-risk insurance and that's hard to get and expensive. Well I have it now, and was able to have extensive lab tests done. Results came back and I'm in good shape, I was expecting kidney failure, out of control cholesterol, what have you. But everything is perfect, other than my actual blood sugars, which are already doing better on my new medication.

Unfortunately the new meds did make me put on yet more weight, and nothing is helping get any of it off. Since I've been trying and failing to lose weight on my own for many many years I have finally been referred for a lap band, so we'll just have to see how that goes.

Still it's great to hear you're doing well for the most part.

One Radical Dude 07-18-2011 12:10 AM

I'm back in CA for two weeks, Tuesday through the 25th, I'll be in San Diego for Comic-Con. For the first few days and after CC, I'm seeing friends near LA. I'm also hanging with Rid, who used to live in CA and is visiting for one week. I'll be heading to AZ on July 30-Aug 4. :)

Howard 07-20-2011 08:48 PM

I just received my "Cookie Dream Babo" Ugly Doll (a SDCC exclusive).

Lucky 08-04-2011 01:07 PM

I was in the library, and this girl (around 10 years old) saw my Cheese purse (which says, "I like chocolate milk" :cheese:), came up to me, and started saying, "Cheese! I love Foster's! That was my favorite show! My favorite was Eduardo.", and then we got into a little conversation about the show.

Needless to say, it was sweet. :)

Howard 08-05-2011 07:46 PM

A friend and I are in Moab, Utah. We are enjoying the red rocks, and the peace and quiet.:bloogrin:

frankie_fan 11-27-2011 04:53 PM

Best. News. EVER!

frankie_fan 01-03-2012 06:46 PM

Don't want to double-post, but 'Star Spangled Man' from Captain America: the First Avenger is in the front runner for Best Original Song at the Academy Awards! If anyone has seen the film and/or heard the song, you'll know exactly how awesome this is. :frankiesmile: I'll be EXTREMELY happy if it wins the Oscar!

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