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Partymember 05-20-2007 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by pitbulllady (Post 44429)
One of the many things that tick me off is for someone to pull out in front of me while I'm driving(especially when I'm already in a bit of a rush to get somewhere by a certain time), from some side road, like they're on their way to a fire, and THEN drive 30 miles-per-hour BELOW the posted speed limit!

It also BEYOND ticks me off to see someone deliberately make an effort to run over an animal that either crossing the road, or on the side of road, ESPECIALLY if it's a snake or a turtle. I can almost understand why a snake, since so many ignorant/stupid people fear them because some ARE potentially dangerous, but a TURTLE?? What's a turtle gonna do to anyone? That's one situation where I often wish I had a gun turrett mounted on the hood of my car, to take out some idiots and make the whole world a better place for all!


how very Mad Max

jekylljuice 05-21-2007 02:57 AM

Headphones really tick me off, or at least the fact that they break so easily, leaving my mp3 player silenced to the world until I'm able to pick up a new pair. You know how annoying it is when you can only get them to work if you hold them in a particular position and keep your fingertips poised around them at all times? Hopefully I'll stumble across a hard-wearing pair some time soon.

Cassini90125 05-24-2007 02:48 PM

You have my sympathy. It's hard to find a really good pair that will let you move more than a few inches without one side or the other cutting out. Wireless might be the way to go.

I think I mentioned my upstairs neighbors and their horrid music once or twice in this thread or another. Today I finally got fed up enough to call the police. Twice. They're quiet now, but I doubt this is the end of the story. If they want to play their so-called music, fine, I don't care, but I don't want to be forced to listen to it, too. I'm sorry, but that is not okay under any circumstances and I'm not going to sit quietly and put up with it anymore. Management has been useless about this; they haven't done a dang thing about my air conditioner yet, either, and we're expecting possible record heat tomorrow. I hate this building. >:(

Mr. Marshmallow 05-24-2007 07:48 PM

What ticks me off is having to be around when your parents or family members fight :macwor:.

It's a miserable feeling when your sitting in your room or watching TV and you have to crank up the volume or play your stereo really loud just so you can drown out the yelling and arguing.

What's worse is the fact your still around when it's going on and avoiding it is impossible. Like I walk down to my kitchen where my parents both are. They say NOTHING, totally silent and you can just tell things feel crappy all around.

That's because they wait until the other person walks away or goes to the bathroom, starts it back up again, and repeats the process anytime anyone else walks by or comes in.

It's really a damn depressing mood to be in because even if no one is saying anything, you can still sense and it feel the misery in the air.

AerostarMonk 05-24-2007 09:52 PM

Here's a stupid one: Frequent lightning strikes in media. Yes it really gets on my nerves how in every show, movie, and cartoon lightning strikes a million times a minute. What did everyone decide to rub socks together in unison all around the world? That's one of the few reasons I'd actually accept for so much lightning.

Losing friends for stupid reasons is a real peeve too.

Hot weather really gets to me, much more than most it seems. The worst thing about it is two years ago I could stand it. I was the guy who wore a jacket in 100 degree weather.

Writer's block. This thing is the bane of my existence. Especially since so many people think I'm a good writer. Now I'm basically pulling a Salinger and I never had any intention in doing so.

scary_dream 05-25-2007 10:41 AM

I hate hot weather... I've NEVER liked it! I've always had long hair and that is HELL in hot weather.

And I agree... too much lightning is overkill and stupid. I also hate when the stereotypical "This couldn't get any worse..." *THUNDER* *instant rain storm!* happens. It's so expectable. I want to see someone say "This couldn't get any worse..." and then something off the wall happens... like they get mauled by a badger or something.

Cassini90125 05-25-2007 12:50 PM

The air conditioner saga continues...

This morning I called management yet again, and they said they'd send the chief of maintainance, whom I shall refer to here as "Kendell", to take a look at it. Much to my surprise, he showed up barely five minutes later, at 11:00 am. That was the high point of this little drama. He gave me some BS about the compressor needing time to warm up. No, Kendell, it takes no time, thank you. The he tries to tell me that it is in fact blowing cold air, at which point I explained to him the difference between actual cold air and a breeze. He then falls back on the bit about compressor warm-up time, and says let it run, he'll check back after lunch, which upon inquiry I learned was 1:00 pm. He did not show up. At 2:00 pm I went to check the mail and I ran into the lazy slug, and he said he'd be right over. That was the last time I saw the SOB. I called management shortly before 4:00 pm, only to get their answering service. The upshot of all this is that no action will be taken regarding my air conditioner until at least Monday, and the weekend is forecast to be hot.

I trust you will all understand that I have nothing but murder on my mind right now. :terrence:

taranchula 05-25-2007 03:27 PM

Here is something minor that bugs me in relation to movie theaters. (Ya Ya I know, so many annoying things to pick there, it's hard to talk about just one)

But anyways, last night when I went to see POT3, the lights dimmed and there was the usual string of advertisements, ad's before movies don't really bug as much as some, in fact some of those commercials look rather cool on the big screen, then there was the previews, again that didn't bug me as I know movie trailers are a necessary evil, then came the "Our Feature Presentation" graphic followed by.....more trailers! And "that" is what bothered me, hey I don't mind them trying to squeeze as many ad's as possible before the film, that's the nature of the beast.

It's just annoying telling people that the movie is going to start right now..... But only after you watch these two remaining trailers first.

I mean why don't they do ALL of the ad's first, then do the graphic...then the movie, it would still take the same amount of time and not fool the patrons.

Aw well, minor quibble in the grand scheme of things but still a quibble none the less.

One Radical Dude 05-25-2007 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by taranchula (Post 45098)
Here is something minor that bugs me in relation to movie theaters. (Ya Ya I know, so many annoying things to pick there, it's hard to talk about just one)

But anyways, last night when I went to see POT3, the lights dimmed and there was the usual string of advertisements, ad's before movies don't really bug as much as some, in fact some of those commercials look rather cool on the big screen, then there was the previews, again that didn't bug me as I know movie trailers are a necessary evil, then came the "Our Feature Presentation" graphic followed by.....more trailers! And "that" is what bothered me, hey I don't mind them trying to squeeze as many ad's as possible before the film, that's the nature of the beast.

It's just annoying telling people that the movie is going to start right now..... But only after you watch these two remaining trailers first.

I mean why don't they do ALL of the ad's first, then do the graphic...then the movie, it would still take the same amount of time and not fool the patrons.

Aw well, minor quibble in the grand scheme of things but still a quibble none the less.

I'd be disturbed, as well. It makes no sense to me.

AerostarMonk 05-25-2007 10:37 PM

Maybe the reel was spliced wrong. That often happens when it comes to 11th hour editing which POTC was subject to.

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