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L.G. 02-07-2010 10:15 PM

Batman Arkham Asylum

The Joker (voiced by Mark Hamill) takes over the Arkham Asylum, and Batman (Kevin Conroy) must navigate the asylum to determine the Joker's ultimate plan. Most of the time you're either taking down armed thugs stealthy or engaging hand to hand combat with unarmed goons. As you make progress, you'll earn gadgets and upgrades that will open doors and passages or help take down enemies.

In my opinion, the best parts of the game are the Joker's dialogue and the stealthy portions of the game. It's nice to hear Tom Kane play out his roles as the Warden and Commissioner Gordon. Every time I hear the Warden speak, I immediately think of Mr. Herriman, for they have similar voices.

Medikor 02-08-2010 06:52 AM

Sam and Max Season 1, I just finished episode 3. I always liked Sam and Max so I tried the demo for Season 1 on the 360. I enjoyed it so much that I went to Zellers and bought the game on PC for 14 bucks instead of paying full price to download it and take up space on my 360.:D

scary_dream 02-08-2010 05:46 PM

No More Heroes 2. It was not the same as the first one, but enjoyable nonetheless.

taranchula 02-08-2010 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by scary_dream (Post 119565)
No More Heroes 2. It was not the same as the first one, but enjoyable nonetheless.

What a coincidence that was the last game I played as well, I enjoy the new addition of the retro styled mini games a lot, save for the two gym mini games. That treadmill one is pure evil on the harder difficulties.

scary_dream 02-09-2010 01:16 AM

Oooh yeah, the treadmill one is not what kicked my butt, it was the punching/kicking one. I just couldn't seem to get the timing down right. Aside from that, I loved the 8-bit games as well. They were actually really fun.

And that last fight had me getting angry and yelling at the tv, saying "What the....?", and laughing so much the whole time. It was completely ridiculous.

Medikor 02-10-2010 07:22 AM

I've mostly been playing Street Fighter IV to gear up for Super Street Fighter IV. Not to mention I wanted to enjoy what I had left of my free month of Xbox Live Gold membership before it expired yesterday. I don't mind too much because it just lets me put my focus on trying to unlock the remaining colours and personal actions.

Medikor 02-22-2010 04:01 PM

Street Fighter IV again after getting fed up with the snorefest that is Lost Odyssey. Now my belief of Sakaguchi leaving Square being a bad thing is completely jaded.:'(

Cassini90125 04-02-2010 07:53 PM

The Sims 3

You know, for a game that's supposed to simulate real life...

The family I'm playing consists of eight Sims of various ages and occupations. One of them, a woman named Reese, is an investigative reporter. Among the things she can do in that career is root around in other Sims' garbage cans, so I sent her out to do that. Messy business but whatever. In one garbage can, she found a meteor. Big deal, so what? Well, the meteor in question happened to be worth over $5,000.00. Okay, I can see the owner of the garbage can tossing the meteor in the trash; after all, he might not know what it's worth. However, the fact that the meteor is roughly 10 times the size of the garbage can, I'm having some trouble reconciling that with what I know about the laws of physics. :bloocross:

The game itself is major-league fun, thanks in part to a couple of well-made hacks I downloaded, and aside from an occasional random crash at startup it plays very well. I can't wait to get it running on a better system. ;D

Medikor 04-05-2010 06:06 PM

Do you have any plans to create the Fosters house and crew like you did in the other SIMs game?

frankie_fan 04-05-2010 07:15 PM

Rhythm Heaven on the DS Lite

A fun rhythm game from the makers of WarioWare. It's really fun and addictive to tap to the rhythm of these games. I wanted this game after playing it on my sister's DS while I was in Perth. So, before I left, I purchased it, and I've been playing it ever since.

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