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some guy you dont know 06-01-2009 07:08 PM

I bought Sonic Gems Collection a day or two ago. Mostly just so I could play Sonic CD again. Also, just so I could beat up tails as sonic alot. But, the one game I didnt really think I'd find amaziingly fun, or to have good music/cool graphics, or actually play constantly, was...
Sonic R!

Man I love this game. Though I'm not very good at it. Need to find those coins. need to unlock the tails doll and metal sonic and those other guys...

taranchula 06-03-2009 06:13 PM

Punch Out (Wii)

I made it to title match mode, that's when the game starts to get REALLY even freaking Glass Joe is a bit of a challenge on the second go around. (Lousy French stereotype and his damage preventing headgear. :terrence: )

Mac-a-lacka 06-04-2009 09:24 AM

Mario Kart DS.

Bloo4Ever 06-10-2009 01:50 PM

Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories.

However, the copy I have freezes everytime right before Twilight Town :o

taranchula 06-23-2009 08:08 PM

Bustin makes me feel good....
Ghost Busters (Wii)

It's one of those video game rarities a licensed that does not suck. Which is a good thing given the franchise shoddy track record when it comes to video game adaptations, that GB NES game still sometimes give me nightmares.

Anyways while this game doesn't break new ground in terms of game play or graphics, GB still retains all of the humor and wit of the two movies.

The game also boasts the vocal talents of most of the original cast, even Bill Murray returns to one his greatest roles in film history which takes the experience to whole new level.

So all in all if anyone is/was a fan of the movies they would do well to check this get this game immediately, anyone else GB is still worth a rental if you have the time.

some guy you dont know 07-09-2009 11:17 PM

Cave Story

I've been playing this game extensively since I downloaded it 3 days ago, and just now beat it. It really is better than I was told, which is saying something.

Spoiler Below
I'm just not good enough to beat the final cave and get the ultra-good ending. This saddens me. I will beat it, even if it takes all summer.

taranchula 07-29-2009 08:06 PM

Wii Sports Resort

To paraphrase my one of my favorite all time bad movies Road House. This game has become my new Saturday night thing.

The Motion+ attachment does in fact live up to the hype and with any luck other developers will follow Nintendo's example and finally put out a plethora of fun to play AAA titles.

some guy you dont know 07-29-2009 11:58 PM

Chrono Trigger on the DS.

Apparently it took 27 hours of playing (over the course of 4/5 days) but I beat it. I thought it was pretty amazing and didn't dissapoint.

xxxClaire 07-30-2009 11:34 AM

Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Gamecube version)

It took a while for me to get into it, but now I'm hooked. :bloogrin: It's got a really good story line and it's really fun to play. It's kind of repetitive at the beginning, having to collect the Spirits' tears three times, but it's a fun kind of repetitive. :bloogrin:

L.G. 08-09-2009 07:54 PM

Mega Man 2 (Virtual Console Version)

One hit deaths on the Quickman stage?! Seriously?! After that, all the other stages before Dr. Wily weren't as aggravating as Quickman's.

de Blob (Wii)

Just bought the game yesterday, and everything that made it cool when I rented it is still cool today: coloring the landscape to earn a high score, squishing enemies, and listening to the upbeat music that doesn't get old.

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