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Cassini90125 04-29-2007 09:28 AM

As some of you know, my system crashed on launch Wednesday morning. That ticks me off big-time, for obvious reasons. Equally irritating is the fact that Best Buy is taking their sweet time working on it, and I doubt I'll have it back until May 3rd at the earliest. For the last few days I've been limited to one hour online per day, courtesy of the local library, which is scarcely enough time to get anything done, here or elsewhere. Earlier today I opted to drag my old computer out of storage and see if it could do anything. The good news is that it seems to be working fine; this post is proof of that. The bad news is that it's not DSL-compatable, so for at least the next week or so I'm stuck using dial-up. By the stars, it's so dang slow! :frankiemad:

The worst part is that without some serious upgrades, my old computer can't play The Sims 2. As you can imagine, I'm missing them quite a lot. :bloosad:

GrimTheLost 04-29-2007 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Tonya (Post 42054)
When people have a comment on something, anything, something like a detention for example, and say "OMG THAT IS SOOO GAY!". Can't people use words the right way anymore?

I have a gay friend who says "That is so homosexual!" It is quite funny.
One thing that annoys me is people who don't listen to instructions being told to their face. I have a few of them in my Intro to Windows class. They stare at the screen and cock their head to the sides like a dog.

Tonya 04-29-2007 12:35 PM

Wanna know what is really really ticking me off? Getting sick when two days before the State Tests.

Ub3rD4n 04-29-2007 11:49 PM

Let's see:

First off: when you get conflicting sets of instructions at work. Cause you know that whichever you choose to listen to, you're wrong.

Internal assessment. I just prefer exams.

People saying "a B isn't good enough". You obviously have no comprehension of the grading system. "A"s are meant to be hard to get. They're designed so not just anyone can get them. They're for people who work extra hard AND are especially talented. A B is FINE.

Getting just way too much work and then coming close to a mental breakdown and STILL getting low grades.

Feeling like you'll always be completely untalented.

Well, that's all for now. I get angry a fair amount, so I'll probably be on this thread again.

some guy you dont know 04-30-2007 03:48 AM

the state-wide test. its not really the multiple choice that bugs me, its just everything else. the reading, writing, and math *shiver* oh well, at least i only have one week of it left.

Cassini90125 04-30-2007 02:55 PM

This afternoon it took me 1 hour and 22 minutes to download a 26.7 megabyte game patch. I am soooooo not liking dial-up. :P

fosters home fan 05-01-2007 06:16 PM

commercials... every last one of them. On the computer, on the TV ALL OF THEM!!!!!!! Especially the computer ones with noise.

Mr. Marshmallow 05-01-2007 08:58 PM

Windows Vista program.

I know it's the latest computer around and it IS very nice to have for a computer, but it pisses me off a great deal.

Because not everyone on the web has made programs compatible with Vista software, I can't download ANY music, or TV episodes through torrents or Limewire. I gotta juggle around computers just to download one stupid mp3.

It's not the worst thing that could happen but like the thread says, it still ticks me off.

Cassini90125 05-08-2007 12:50 PM

You want to know what really ticks me off? The Epson Stylus Photo R1800 printer. This machine is the biggest piece of crap I've ever wasted a few hundred bucks on. For all it's alleged abilities, this machine has never worked properly. It prints lower quality photos than the cheap HP printer/scanner I used to have, when it prints at all. It jams constantly for no apparent reason, does not align properly, refuses to do a simple print head cleaning, and refuses to print anything at all if even one of it's eight color cartridges, which have to be special ordered, is out of ink. I can't print a simple black & white document if I'm out of yellow ink?? That's a thousand miles beyond stupid. I sincerely hope an Epson exec is reading this, because I want them to know that I will never buy another Epson product, that's how bad this machine is. :terrence:

kageri 05-08-2007 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 42160)
I don't think it's a matter of "right way" because these days, words take on whole new meanings and it's especially hard to judge these considering that slang is constantly changing. Gay has become a way of saying "this sucks".

Or "this is crap" etc. I use the word sometimes, it's just a matter of preference for slang words. No slang word really bothers me except for "back in the day". I don't know why but it sounds so stupid to say it.

I just never liked the sound of it.

I agree that it's not so much a matter of the "right way" so much as it is that using "gay" to mean "stupid" is offensive and people should stop doing it.

Since using "gay" to describe things that suck means that the person saying it is implying that gay people suck, it's... well, there's not really any way to make that sound acceptable. That's just what it is. I mean, just because that's what it's become doesn't make it right..... even though that was posted at least a week ago HURRR

I totally can't wrap my brain around Cass's "can't print a black-and-white document if I'm out of yellow ink" thing. I just.... what?

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