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some guy you dont know 08-31-2008 10:22 PM

beating the first disc of final fantasy 8. i felt happier when i remembered it only took about 11 hours. fun times, they are being had. :D

pitbulllady 09-01-2008 01:04 PM

This probably won't mean much to anyone but a die-hard "snake person", but my big female Midlands Water Snake(the one who had the 43 babies a little while ago), ate a MOUSE today! I was feeding the Rat, Corn and King Snakes, and one of the Rat Snakes was "in shed" and refused to eat(which is normal for snakes about to shed), and everyone else had already eaten their fill and even if one had eaten this left-over mouse, it probably would have thrown up afterwards(yeah, snakes will eat enough to make themselves sick sometimes-they're not the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree, sorta the reptilian version of Cheese). I hated to throw the mouse away, since once you thaw them out(they're dead and frozen), so just to see what would happen, I offered it to the Water Snake. To my absolute surprise, she grabbed it and swallowed it, without hesitating! This is VERY rare for a Water Snake to eat anything other than aquatic things, like fish or frogs, unless you trick them by rubbing the "odd" food item with a fish or frog, so it smells like their usual food. I hadn't done that; this was just a white mouse that smelled like a mouse, yet she ate it as if she'd been eating mice all her life! Just to see if that was a fluke, I thawed out a smaller mouse, and offered it to her-BAM, down the hatch! This sure beats going to the bait shop and buying a bucket of minnows!


Cassini90125 09-02-2008 02:24 PM

Got another package from the wondersite called eBay a few hours ago. Three new Sailor Moon artbooks, larger and in even better condition than described, plus a rare English version of a videogame based on the show. I suppose you have to be a fan of the show to really appreciate this stuff but happily, I am a fan. Overall the complete package was a major bargain. I'll be smiling the rest of the night. :)

jekylljuice 09-17-2008 01:57 PM

My housemate recently gave me a present - more specifically, a bottle of Mr. Matey bubble bath, which I haven't had since I was a little kid. Brilliant; I'm looking forward to many a bubble-laden soak within it. :frankiesmile:

Cassini90125 09-18-2008 01:35 PM

Something I found at Stop & Shop last night

It's low in calories. It's low in fat. It has zero saturated fat. It's not high in sodium. It has no trans-fats. What it does have is tomato broth, mixed vegetables, and crab. ;D

Excuse me while I wipe a tear from my eye and prep the microwave. ;D

Bloonan 09-18-2008 01:37 PM

I found the small flash drive that had all my music on it.

Didn't take long to find, just looked at a table and saw it there.

And also, new Metalica album, listening and ripping to my PC right now. :D

Sparky 09-19-2008 07:18 PM

I had a Smart Day today. :wizard: I'd been trying to figure out how to put an elevated water dish in my pinktoe tarantula's new tank since Saturday, and I figured it out today. And, I'd been trying to program a working ebay/paypal interface for Frankie's computer in my next interactive fiction game for weeks with no luck and no help from anyone else...and I just got it working. I am Awesome. :teef:

Partymember 09-20-2008 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 91621)
It's low in calories. It's low in fat. It has zero saturated fat. It's not high in sodium. It has no trans-fats. What it does have is tomato broth, mixed vegetables, and crab. ;D

Excuse me while I wipe a tear from my eye and prep the microwave. ;D

dude... you gonna eat all that? College food is terrible :'(

pitbulllady 09-20-2008 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 91621)

It's low in calories. It's low in fat. It has zero saturated fat. It's not high in sodium. It has no trans-fats. What it does have is tomato broth, mixed vegetables, and crab. ;D

Excuse me while I wipe a tear from my eye and prep the microwave. ;D

No fair! I haven't seen THIS in our supermarkets! I would SO love to stir up a pot of this soup, like NOW! I've had home-made Chesapeake crab soup once, and I've wanted it since then. Maybe Campbell's will come out with a Charleston She-Crab soup for us South Kakalackey residents!


Lynnie 09-25-2008 07:32 PM

My boss actually let me come home from work early today due to my illness. I greatly thank her for that. And after getting home, I took a short walk over to a Thai restaurant that I've been wanting to try for some time. I figured some nice spicy Thai food would knock the congestion out of my head. The staff was very friendly, and offered me a free cup of Jasmine tea while I waited for them to make my food, which was heavenly. :frankiesmile: I carried my food home when it was done and man oh man was it yummy! Not a bad price either. I'll definitely be going back again. :up: And their spicy soup with chili, vegetables and chicken in coconut milk sure cleared my head. And what makes it better, I have enough left over for another great meal tomorrow. :bloogrin:

Sparky 09-25-2008 07:39 PM

Oh yes I used to order from this one Thai place whenever I got sick in college. ;)

Cassini90125 09-27-2008 06:23 PM

Price Rite makes me happy. They don't have as many choices as Stop and Shop, they have no fresh seafood, and they charge you a dime if you want a bag. Very little in the way of low fat and low calorie stuff, too. However, when I discovered that I saved over 50% on this week's grocery bill, I decided that I can cheerily put up with all that. ;D

Lynnie 09-27-2008 09:43 PM

Being off work tomorrow, Sunday! Whoo hoo! I don't have Sunday off very often! I will sleep, make myself a nice breakfast (I'm thinking pancakes), watch some TV shows I rarely get to see anymore, take a nap, eat something else (don't know what yet) and surf the web on and off for the entire day. Yay! :bloogrin:

It will be a lazy day. Lazy days are always good. ;)

Bloonan 10-12-2008 04:51 AM

The day's barely begun, it's already been made.
Our favorite cat, Squeak (named for her inability to shut up.), has finally been found out of hiding, and now has made the move to the new house. That little bigmouth orange cutie. =3

Cassini90125 10-13-2008 10:44 PM

About an hour ago, after searching fruitlessly for longer than I care to remember, I finally discovered a site where I was able to download songs from Tori Amos's first album. The album, titled Y Kant Tori Read, was not a critical success; in fact, it was trashed so badly by the critics that to this day she doesn't like to talk about it. I loved it but apparently I was the only one who did. There are no plans to ever re-release the album on CD so prior to this morning I've never been able to listen to it on my computer. Well, I'm listening to it now, and I'm smiling while I do so. :frankiesmile:

Lynnie 10-24-2008 08:15 PM

Wow, Tori Amos brings me back to college years. It's been a while since I've heard anything from her.

Anyway, what makes my day is today during the hour long drive to visit my family, I'm usually bored out of my mind, but today the countryside was so splendidly spotted with bright yellows and oranges and even a few reds here and there. And to make it even better, it was grey and a little foggy, so the yellows and oranges especially appeared to be "glowing", it was so pretty! I just love this time of year. :frankiesmile:

And also getting a positive reply to a post I made on another forum today. :) It's well known for its sarcasm and people getting attacked for nothing more than ignorance. That's why I don't post there very often, I always seem to look "dumb" to most of the people there. Not to say I don't look dumb here at times, I know I can be ditzy at times, but at least I know I won't be humiliated for it in the posts following mine. But anyway, getting a positive and friendly response to my post at that other forum made me quite happy.

jekylljuice 10-27-2008 11:36 AM

Finally finishing and handing in my dissertation...that REALLY made my day. ;D

As to how good it actually is, well, that remains to be seen. But I've been working on the danged thing for over six months, and it's just so gratifying to finally see the back of it.

Now I probably should try to get a job, I guess...

L.G. 10-31-2008 11:45 AM

Today, I had an exam in my Soils Engineering class, and I was stressed about getting a good grade on it. But the questions were similar to the homework problems I've worked on in the last couple of weeks, so I felt more confident. The kicker was when I asked my professor if I needed to make an assumption for one of the problems, and he realized that he forgot to include a measurement needed to solve that problem.

Also for this week in that same class, I've learned that elephants are not suited for soil compaction in Africa: they'll just follow each others' footprints instead of squishing the ground evenly :weirded:

Lynnie 11-01-2008 05:36 PM

In preparation for my vacation last week, I bought myself some extra food to be sure I didn't have to spend any of my vacay to go grocery shopping. Along with the fruit and milk and eggs and bread, I got myself a jumbo pack of beef and chili burritos. I put it in my freezer to keep them fresh. And just today, over a week later, I open my freezer to see what I need to restock on next week and *gasp*, I had forgotten all about my burritos! So now I still have a bunch of yummy burritos to eat. That will make next week a little more tolerable for me. :)

Cassini90125 11-01-2008 07:38 PM

More download fun. Specifically, a bunch of Abba songs. I suppose you have to be a fan to understand why I'm smiling about this, but honestly, I've always considered them to be among the best. I'm listening to Dancing Queen as I type this. No one makes music like this anymore. :frankiesmile:

Sparky 11-01-2008 08:19 PM

I've been downloading too - full Nintendo DS games. GM got me an R4 card last year and I never really did use it as much as I'd intended to until yesterday when I realised I could torrent DS games. (Like everything else I torrent, if I like it I buy it.) That Case Files Millionheir game is addicting.

Lynnie 11-27-2008 06:59 PM

Getting text messages from two different friends wishing me a Happy Thanksgiving, one of whom has never texted me before and I'm just delighted to hear from him! Also, my brother actually kept his word and called me to wish me Happy Thanksgiving, and I always like talking to him. I miss him! The dork... 8D

*looks at clock* Oh, and it's 7:59! That's totally going to make my day for the next hour and a half! :clap: :bloogrin: :yeah:

Sparky 11-28-2008 09:04 PM


I wish I had had my camera...GM and I went to the local bird store to kill some time today, and they were chock-full of 4-6 month old parrots for the holiday season. BABY PARROTS EVERYWHERE. Thank goodness Kiwi hates other birds so much or I would have a flock by now.

I gravitate more to the smaller birds like the conures and Meyers, so I was over by those cages talking to some Hahn's macaws. The bluecrown conure next door kept purring at me to talk to him so I was leaning his way. Then I felt something - the two half-moon conures under the bluecrown had gotten hold of the zipper of my Foster's hoodie - I was a prisoner!! But then they decided to eat eachother's feet so I escaped. Then I wandered over to the bigger birds and a fluffy Severe macaw decided I belonged to him but the orangewing Amazon next door begged to differ in the cutest ways he could manage. The whole time the hawkheaded parrots were out-awesomeing everybody by their very awesomeness.


Ridureyu 11-28-2008 09:41 PM

This sounds like that time I went into a pet store, and some puppies began fighting each other for the honor of snuggling at me. One smooshed himself up against the glass, the other forcefully shoved him out of the way, and they started wrestling.

Ridureyu 12-01-2008 03:07 PM

After six months without, I may have my camera back!

jekylljuice 12-01-2008 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Ridureyu (Post 100562)
After six months without, I may have my camera back!

Excellent news! Take many beautiful pictures with it, Rid.

One Radical Dude 12-01-2008 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Ridureyu (Post 100562)
After six months without, I may have my camera back!

You found it? Where was it?

Ridureyu 12-01-2008 03:23 PM

It appears to have been in old linen.

Ridureyu 12-02-2008 05:06 PM

Putting together the new console/entertainment center/cabinet/platform thingie and rewiring the TV-DVR-DVD-VHS-Game systems with minimal trouble:bloogrin:

This ties in with This

taranchula 12-02-2008 07:40 PM

Pine tree scented air freshener, makes my room/office smells like Christmas. :bloogrin:

Lynnie 12-02-2008 07:44 PM

The grocery store next door to my work place got their first shipment of Christmas trees over the weekend. I can smell them in my own building. One of the best scents in the world, I love the smell of pine. One of the many reasons I love living in the Pacific Northwest.

My other job has some Apple Pie air freshener. It actually smells like freshly baked apple pie. It's been known to make my mouth water it smells soooooo good! :D

Chaos Wielder 12-02-2008 07:50 PM

My day is made when people compliment me for working hard. Oh, and listening to my Ipod...that makes my day, too. :P

Sparky 12-02-2008 10:03 PM

There's a documentary about tarantulas on Animal Planet right now. ;D

(Well, it made my day.)

Chaos Wielder 12-03-2008 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 100728)
There's a documentary about tarantulas on Animal Planet right now. ;D

(Well, it made my day.)

I know that WOULDN'T make my mom's day...she's afraid of spiders! XD

Of course, whenever a good 'toon I like comes on TV that makes my day, especially since I don't like most of the ones out now.

Sparky 12-03-2008 11:55 AM

On the Home Improvement episode I'm watching they were talking about milk. Milk milk milk milk milk. Then I open my email from Screen Archives (they sell movie soundtracks) and see an ad for:


Chaos Wielder 12-03-2008 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 100756)
On the Home Improvement episode I'm watching they were talking about milk. Milk milk milk milk milk. Then I open my email from Screen Archives (they sell movie soundtracks) and see an ad for:


LOL! Nice! 8D

Speaking of Danny Elfman in that poster I love his music. Edward Scissorhands and Beetlejuice...those made my day and still do now. *has fond memories* After all this time I finally bought the Edward Scissorhands DVD. I hate that I never see it on tv anymore because it really is a fantastic film.

Lynnie 12-03-2008 05:57 PM

"Home Improvement" with Tim Allen? I loved that show, and I think I recall which episode all the milk happened in. 8D

For anyone who remembers my coworker who is an expectant mommy, she was having a great day today. And you could see it too, it's like she was glowing. :smile: And just as I was leaving for the day, I overheard her tell a customer her exciting news and he was genuinely happy for her. They chatted for a bit and I heard her laugh. That made me very happy. She really deserves more days like this. :)

koosie 12-04-2008 01:41 PM

Baby Parrots and baby coworkers eh? Looking at baby animals sure takes the sting out of all this awfulness. Heres some of my favourites:

Lynnie 12-04-2008 07:17 PM

Ooh, I love those mergansers! So adorible.

And let's see, what made my day today? I got a Johnsonville meat and cheese tray today for our Christmas party on Sunday. I just had to have some when I got home. Sooooo good! One of the highlights of this time of year. I hope I have the discipline not to finish it before Sunday. ;)

L.G. 12-04-2008 10:03 PM

This week I learned something useful during our class's fluid mechanics presentations: don't let your hot water tank's pressure get too high, or it becomes a rocket and causes a bit of destruction.

Mythbusters water heater

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