![]() |
All nice avatars. I think my favorite one is either #23 or #21, which if i'm not mistaken is some kind of heart-shaped cloud. |
#21 is just a cloud as far as I know, although it does have a bit of a heart shape. It was originally a thumbnail pic on Photobucket's login page. #23 is one of the parking lot lights at my local Price Rite. Anything can be photographed when you don't have to buy film; I've been known to aim the camera down storm drains, inside mailboxes, at random piles of dirt... yeah, too much time on my hands. 8D
Yeah, I know exactly what you mean about wallpapers; some pics I made with that method would work great on the walls of a dance club. With a little work, the method produces some pretty nice userbars, too. ;) |
I saw these briefly last night, but it was late and I was too tired to reply. But another great set Cass. I especially like that blue supernova heart, the one with the sunset over a green meadow (beautiful colors!), Milky Way, the magnetized pixel, the rose, the cloud and the planet (is that Neptune?). The kitty and the Quaker are both cute too, of course. Also nice to see Captain Jack Sparrow. I will forever love his line "But.... why is the rum gone?" 8D
I liked number 6, the cyborg smilie face (or "Borg" star trek villain if I am not mistaken).
That might be cool to use if you didn't mind, nice assortment and variety Cass. Cool stuff as always, I'm always on the lookout for rare and more unusual things (and TV shows) for avatars. |
Help yourself, and yes, it's a Borg. I found that particular image while tracking down a somewhat appalling but nonetheless amusing story about the day when the Borg came to the 100-acre wood and assimilated Winnie the Pooh. Very strange story. :bloocross:
Got a few more random avvies, just for fun. :bloosmirk:
http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a...yn/Seattle.jpghttp://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a...e_Lyn/comp.jpghttp://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a..._Lyn/kitty.jpghttp://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a...nie_Lyn/up.jpghttp://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a...aterfall-1.gif And a few animated gifs that I found out could also be avvies. http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a...PTSNQGPUYG.gifhttp://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a...ey-faces66.gif I like the last of the still shots, it's just a cool shot. And of course the kitty, and I got to admit that's a nice picture of downtown Seattle, too. Of the animated ones, I like the spinning rainbow-smiley button. :smed: |
#5 looks familiar for some reason but I have no idea why. I'm rather liking #1, as I've always wanted to see the Space Needle. The spinning rainbow-smiley one is making me dizzy. :cheesegrin:
Great job! :) |
No. 5 was originally animated but, bah, I'm not the biggest fan of Photobucket's new editing feature. It slows down all computer function, and just doesn't work like it's suppose to! I tried resizing it to avvie size, since I've done the same with other avvies, and it didn't hurt the animation at all. But this one, for some blasted reason, not only stopped animating but ended up smaller than it should be. I should try uploading it again after resizing it in Paint. It won't be animated that way either, but at least it will be bigger and you can see the picture better.
I haven't tried their editing feature at all. If I need to fiddle with a pic, I open Paint and get to work. For animated pics I use Microsoft GIF Animator as well.
I always use Paint too. For animated gifs I've used Photobucket, but it always worked better before they got their new editing feature. I miss the old way. :bloosad: Anyway, I just uploaded it again, so here's a slightly larger shot.
http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a...aterfall-2.jpg |
Set #13, hot off the presses:
http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f1...125/avis13.jpg Most of these are more or less self-explanatory, I think. #2 is my brother's dog, Froot Loop. A larger version of #6 is my current profile pic. #13 is from the Heavenly Sword videogame; I thought she looked a little like Frankie so I also made a rather amusing macro of the pic and passed it around awhile back. Enjoy, and as usual feel free to comment. :frankiesmile: |
Of course I always love the space pics, Froot Loop is still adorible as ever, and the one with the ham and the Nyquil just cracked me up. 8D And it's nice to see Bullwinkle and Sailor Jupiter again. The Eiffel Tower is lovely, and so is the sunset. And my sister especially likes "Arthur, King of the Brits". I really need to see that movie again. Another nice set, Cass. :frankiesmile:
Lol, Hordak. :thumbup:
#6. 8D #8, #11, #18, #25. :bloosmirk:
Have a few more to share. A grand total of three.
http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a..._Lyn/ebony.jpghttp://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a.../butterfly.jpghttp://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a...e_Lyn/Luna.jpg I love luna moths. The commercial for Lunesta has always been one of my favorites. The other is just a pretty butterfly, black is always an awesome color on a butterfly. And another lady that might be able to pass as a cartoon me (although her hair is darker than mine). :P |
The lady looks sort of familiar; can't place her, though. The last time I saw a luna moth was years ago; it had emerged from it's cocoon only a little while before and it was in the process of pumping fluid into it's wings. It's body was enormous. Took quite awhile for it's wings to reach full size and for the body to shrink.
Good set, and thanks for the memory revival. ;) |
They're so pretty and graceful and their color is so soft and soothing to look at. I haven't seen one in years, but I remember seeing one in south Texas at a rest area along the interstate and being amazed at how big it was. Here's another I just now made of a luna moth. :)
http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a...n/lunaMoth.jpg |
Nice background on that one. Perfect camouflage. ;)
I haven't tested the animated avvies to be sure they work here, but here's another small collection I've come up with over the last few months.
http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a.../softserve.jpg http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a...GrandeJete.jpg http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a...e_Lyn/lick.gif http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a...Lyn/kisses.gif http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a...-animation.gif http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a..._Lyn/bunny.gif http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a...latformcom.gif http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a...yn/39553_S.gif |
Nicely done, Lynnie! :up:
Haha, thank you LG! Nice to see that one works! :D Even though an avvie is the right size, sometimes the animation is still too complex and it doesn't work, I'm glad that one works perfectly.
Poor bunny's going to have quite a headache. 8D Great job! :up:
Here's a few more fun ones I've made over the last few months.
http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a..._Lyn/moods.jpghttp://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a...Lyn/monkey.jpghttp://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a...yn/glasses.jpghttp://i198.photobucket.com/albums/a...Lyn/froggy.jpg I like the frog the best. :) |
That's an awfully guilty smile he's got. 8D
Who's the lady in #3? I've got another set of 25 about halfway done; stars alone know when I'll finish it, though. :P |
I think most of the avvies I've shared in this thread were random characters from web ads. |
I've done that too on more than one occasion, although most of my "adcaps" seldom end up as avatars, just as files in my "My Pictures" folder. Eventually they get trimmed and sorted into whichever subfolder/collection is most appropriate. Got a bunch of good Erin Esurance pics that way. :bloogrin:
Set #14: http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f1...125/avis14.jpg Just some pics from around the web, all trimmed and shrunk with Paint. #8 and #12 came from my camera. #24 is the startup/shutdown screen for Windows Vista. #18 is the avatar of some guy on MATY by the name of J. M. Pescado. Don't use it. Seriously, don't use it. Enjoy, comment, and critique, as usual. ;) |
Another nice set. I like the fairy sitting in the crescent moon. And the squirrely squirrel. And the bunny. And Mario. And oooooooh, the Aurora Borialis. And how did you get a screen shot of Vista starting up, if your computer isn't even operable yet? :blooconf:
And yes, you're right. That cat looks mighty creepy. I had a small collection started on my old computer but alas, they are now lost forever. But as of last night, I started saving pictures onto my new one. So I might have a few to share too in time. |
What I meant was, your computer is just starting up, thus the start-up screen. It's not operable yet to take a screen shot if it's just starting up. And when it's ready to take a screen shot, the start up screen is gone. I was wondering how you did it. But now I understand you found the image while doing an image search on Google. Ok then.
And you're right, I counted wrong. But that cat still looks creepy. ;) |
To clear things up a little, my avatar right now is The Soldier from Team Fortress 2. Great game if you're into FPSes.
...Yeah. That's about it. |
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