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Shelltoon 09-09-2007 09:40 PM

Hopefully October will have some new goodies.

Zeitgheist 09-10-2007 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by Nem (Post 55816)
They have it here D:

Just scroll down until you see the one title "Irwin's dream date with Mandy."

Sorry to go off topic D:

that was hilarious XD I love Billy & Mandy... I loved it when Foster's brought Mandy in for the picture episode. "Too Happy."

That Wilt must've been before Bloo got there, lol :P

Lynnie 09-19-2007 09:05 PM

Through Sept. 30...

Thursday, Sept. 20
4 PM - Hiccy-Burp
4:30 - Camp Keep A Good Mac Down
7:30 - Affair Weather Friends

Friday, Sept. 21
4 PM - Duchess Of Wails
4:30 - Imposter's Home For, Um...Make 'Em Up Pals

Sunday, Sept. 23
2 PM - Squeeze The Day
2:30 - Neighbor Pains

Monday, Sept. 24
4 PM - The Bloo Superdude and the Magic Potato of Power
7:30 - The Big LaBlooski

Tuesday, Sept. 25
4 PM - Schlock Star
7:30 - Where there's a Wilt there's a Way/Everyone Knows it's Bendy

Wednesday, Sept. 26
4 PM - The Bride to Beat
7:30 - Partying is Such Sweet Soiree

Thursday, Sept. 27
4 PM - Affair Weather Friends
7:30 - Sight for Sore Eyes/Bloo's Brothers

Sunday, Sept. 30
2 PM - Infernal Slumber
2:30 - I Only have Surprise for You

*And now we're officially looking into October for new eppies*

Lynnie 09-20-2007 09:17 PM

Sorry for the double post, I thought about starting a new thread for this, but I don't know the details or even how "official" it is yet, so I figured it might be best to post the news here first.

According to, on Friday Oct. 12 there will be a 3D airing of "Out of Jimmy's Head", followed by a 3D airing of Foster's. I don't know if this will be an all new episode though, or just a 3D version of an existing one. But it's Foster's news anyhow. :bloosmirk: You can enter some "Giveaway" to receive free 3D glasses for the showing. Here's CN's ad for the event.

And guests at can enter to win a 3D party pack, including party favors and a special pair of glasses so you can host a 3D party that night.

Interesting.... ;D

Cassini90125 09-20-2007 09:26 PM

Frankie in 3D? This I've got to see! :frankiesmile:

Sparky 09-20-2007 10:10 PM

Fortunately I've already got 4 pairs of 3-D glasses that came with my Shrek 3-D DVD...

I would totally host a Foster's 3-D party if any of ya'll lived near me.

Imaginary Light 09-21-2007 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 57122)
Sorry for the double post, I thought about starting a new thread for this, but I don't know the details or even how "official" it is yet, so I figured it might be best to post the news here first.

According to, on Friday Oct. 12 there will be a 3D airing of "Out of Jimmy's Head", followed by a 3D airing of Foster's. I don't know if this will be an all new episode though, or just a 3D version of an existing one. But it's Foster's news anyhow. :bloosmirk: You can enter some "Giveaway" to receive free 3D glasses for the showing. Here's CN's ad for the event.

And guests at can enter to win a 3D party pack, including party favors and a special pair of glasses so you can host a 3D party that night.

Interesting.... ;D


OMG AWESOME!!!!!!:bloogrin:

Thanks for telling us. Seriously, if no one had said anything, I would have never known due to my lack of watching any television ever since college started.

Lynnie 09-21-2007 07:19 PM

You're entirely welcome! :D

antgirl1 09-21-2007 08:24 PM

I almost thought 3-D as in CGI things...but THIS is much better. XDDD

Unless they were accurate and stuff and things didn't get creepy and-


Ccook50 09-24-2007 01:29 AM

Through October 7:

Sunday, Sept. 23
2 PM - Squeeze The Day
2:30 - Neighbor Pains

Monday, Sept. 24
4 PM - The Bloo Superdude And The Magic Potato Of Power
7:30 PM - The Big Lablooski

Tuesday, Sept. 25
4 PM - Schlock Star
7:30 PM - Where There's A Wilt, There's A Way / Everyone Knows It's Bendy

Wednesday, Sept. 26
4 PM - Bride To Beat
7:30 PM - Partying Is Such Sweet Soiree

Thursday, Sept. 27
4 PM - Affair Weather Friends
7:30 PM - Sight For Sore Eyes / Bloo's Brothers

Sunday, Sept. 30
2 PM - Infernal Slumber
2:30 - I Only Have A Surprise For You
7 PM - Schlock Star

Monday, Oct. 1
4 PM - One False Movie

Tuesday, Oct. 2
4 PM - Setting A President

Wednesday, Oct. 3
4 PM - The Big Picture

Thursday, Oct. 4
4 PM - I Only Have A Surprise For You

Friday, Oct. 5
7:30 PM NEW! - Ticket To Rod
10:30 PM - Ticket To Rod

Sunday, Oct. 7
9 AM - Foster's Movie: House Of Bloo's
7 PM - Setting A President

Cassini90125 09-24-2007 05:47 AM

Thanks for the update, as always. :)

Now if I can just find a pair of 3D glasses for October 12th, I'll be all set.

Shelltoon 09-24-2007 06:16 AM

Foster's going 3D? If it's not a new episode, I'm guessing it might be The Trouble With Scribbles that goes 3D. That episode would be awesome, just seeing scribbles coming out of my TV set. XD

Starsky 09-26-2007 06:37 AM

ToonZone just posted the plot for the 3D episode:

It's Halloween, and Bloo is bent on doing the ultimate trick, but when it goes wrong it sets off a chain of events that end up turning all of the Imaginary Friends into Zombies.

Sounds... weird. It could always be fake, but I'll post it just in case.

taranchula 09-26-2007 08:08 AM

From my understanding Toonzoon has always been one of the more factual places on the Internet when it comes to information such as episode synopsis'.

So I think it might be legit.

But until it's confirmed by "official sources" we won't know for sure.

Cassini90125 09-26-2007 09:22 AM

Turns the IF's into zombies? Doesn't sound like the Foster's I know and love. :(

pitbulllady 09-26-2007 10:07 AM

It could also be BLOO'S version of something rather mundane and ordinary, just like his version of being sent to his room for instigating trouble at Foster's by leaving Mac's Game Guy outside on the ground in a certain recent episode. OR, maybe it's a plot to trick BLOO by the others, to perhaps teach him a lesson(like THAT'LL work) for something. Anyway, it does seem odd, but again, plot synopses for this show tend to be misleading, probably because they can just be difficult to summarize neatly.


Lynnie 09-26-2007 06:50 PM

I found that synopsis kind of odd myself. They turn into zombies? I dunno... It was taken directly from the CN page at, which is sponsoring the whole 3D thing. I'm glad to learn it will be a whole new episode though. I checked a Barns and Noble near my work today for a new issue of TIME for Kids, hoping there'll be a pair of 3D glasses in there, but no such luck yet. I am confused now though as the date mentioned at the sight above states it'll be Saturday the 6th, but CN's ad clearly states the next Friday the 12th. Unless it takes place on both days I guess.

I'll let you guys know what I find in the new issue of TIME for Kids when I find one.

And to clarify for those who don't know, actually has nothing to do with Foster's BFAHP. I thought it did at first myself, but they're not related at all. :o

Sparky 09-26-2007 07:26 PM

Thanks for that link.

I wish this was more of a "virtual" house party, then I could host one. As it is I live in a small apartment, plus I don't know anyone here who'd want to come. :P I wish I could do it.

antgirl1 09-28-2007 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by Starsky (Post 57505)
ToonZone just posted the plot for the 3D episode:

It's Halloween, and Bloo is bent on doing the ultimate trick, but when it goes wrong it sets off a chain of events that end up turning all of the Imaginary Friends into Zombies.

I'm sorry to say this guys and gals of the forum, but...

I LAUGHED at that plot. The thought is just hilarious, I say, though I'm not sure how they'll ever pull this off...


Sparky 10-05-2007 09:31 PM

Does anyone know when Ticket To Rod will be on again? They started the ep early and I wasn't able to start taping it in time.

One Radical Dude 10-05-2007 09:54 PM

D'oh. Right now, I'm not seeing anymore airings of "Ticket to Rod".

bloonuggets 10-06-2007 04:09 AM

I checked, and no such luck.

Sparky 10-06-2007 05:16 PM

Fortunately, GM's Tivo unexpectedly recorded it, so I do have it after all. :terrsmile: I'll transfer it to my computer and take screengrabs/upload it soon.

antgirl1 10-06-2007 05:24 PM

"It's a Christmas Miracle!" -Bloo

Sorry about that. I thought that quote would fit. :D

Sparky 10-06-2007 05:32 PM

LOL, yeah it does. 8D

Of course, this showing is absolutely polluted by all those corn dog splash ads... :P Those ruin many a good screencap opportunity.

Cassini90125 10-06-2007 05:40 PM

Bleh, that's for sure. CN really needs to tone those down. >:(

Subzeroace 10-06-2007 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 58372)
Fortunately, GM's Tivo unexpectedly recorded it, so I do have it after all. :terrsmile: I'll transfer it to my computer and take screengrabs/upload it soon.

And SubZ is a happy happy Panda =D

bloonuggets 10-19-2007 06:49 PM

And it looks like there's no new episode on November 2nd. That new series Chowder debuts that night.

One Radical Dude 10-19-2007 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by bloonuggets (Post 60050)
And it looks like there's no new episode on November 2nd. That new series Chowder debuts that night.

I'm assuming that we're done with Season 5 now. I can find out for sure. If so, don't expect new episodes anytime soon.

bloonuggets 10-20-2007 09:50 AM

I think there might be a couple new episodes down the road in November, before Thanksgiving to be exact.

Lynnie 03-20-2008 09:22 PM

Now that S6 has officially started, thread is bumped. :wizard:

No known info on it yet, but it looks like the next new eppie is set for May 8th. And there's another one mentioned for May 29th in which viewers can vote on an ending online.

Foster?s: Race for Your Life!
Premieres Thursday, May 29th at 8:30pm e/p
It's the season six finale of Foster's and it's a race to the finish line! When Mac and Bloo decide to race home from the arcade, it turns out to be the race of their lives! But who will win? Is it Mac or is it Bloo?? We couldn't decide so we're leaving it up to YOU! Starting on May 19th viewers will be able to go online where they can help choose just who will be the big winner. But you'll have to tune in to find out who that is! And just in case you wanted to see the other ending, you'll be able to go online and see it right after the show!
S6 finale?? That doesn't seem right. It's too soon for the season finale to be airing. There must be some mix up there somewhere. I guess we'll just have to wait to be sure what exactly is up with that though. :wiltyeahright:

Source: Cable TV Talk forum

Cassini90125 03-20-2008 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 73999)
S6 finale?? That doesn't seem right. It's too soon for the season finale to be airing. There must be some mix up there somewhere. I guess we'll just have to wait to be sure what exactly is up with that though. :wiltyeahright:

Can't be right. Unless my memory is falling apart, Lauren said at the 2007 Con that Season Six was ending with either a three-part episode or a movie.

Lynnie 03-20-2008 10:14 PM

Yeah, I remember that. It may just be the statement about it being the S6 finale that's off, or it may be the date. Maybe instead of the finale, this is the movie. I'm kind of leaning toward the latter. Well, it shouldn't be too long before we find out for sure. ;)

girl_named_goo 03-20-2008 10:57 PM

It's not the season finale, nor is it the 3-parter. :P

One Radical Dude 03-20-2008 10:58 PM

I'm a little skeptical about what that forum has airing in May, but I don't doubt we'll be seeing something new from the FHFIF gang during that month. I was told that Season Six would continue into the second half of the year. It's way too early to assume that this is exactly what we'll be getting in May. Things do change (whether it's the episode title or the actual airing dates).

Edit: I didn't believe that was the Season Finale, either. Thanks, Lauren. :)

girl_named_goo 03-20-2008 11:04 PM

Also, the title is "Race For Your Life, Mac and Bloo." I wonder who wrote this little blurb. :jk:

cartman414 03-20-2008 11:33 PM

A 3 parter you say? I didn't remember hearing about that! Then again, my memory sucks sometimes. :(

"Race for Your Life, Mac and Bloo" has a nice ring to it though.

And all I came in here for was to see whether or not I'd missed anything tonight since I was out!

Cassini90125 03-20-2008 11:40 PM

Been on my mind since the Con.

The title reminds me of one of the old Charlie Brown specials for some reason. :)

Lynnie 03-20-2008 11:59 PM

Thank you for the confirmation that there's something amiss there, Lauren! :)

I kind of wondered of the credibility of that forum, too, or at least the guy that posted that info. But info posted in past posts turned out pretty accurate as far as I could tell. So thought it was at least worth mentioning. Although yeah, the dates could always change.

taranchula 03-21-2008 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 74012)
Been on my mind since the Con.

The title reminds me of one of the old Charlie Brown specials for some reason. :)

That's because there was in fact a Charlie Brown special by the name of
Race For Your Life, Charlie Brown back in the great year of 1977. If I recall That was the one where Charlie Brown's sister Sally smacks some bloke at the beginning and Snoopy punches out a cat at the end. Fun times, fun times.

And nooooooooooooow back to the thread....

A gimmick episode, well don't that beat all...Sorry I don't really have much else to say other then I am rather intreguied by the premise and it goes with out saying that I'll try to catch this episode around the time it debuts.

PS, My money ("One Dollar...Canadian") is on Bloo. 8D

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