pitbulllady |
11-19-2006 02:43 PM |
Originally Posted by kaytea
(Post 16578)
does washington state get Recluse spiders?
Nope, but you DO have the Western Black Widow( Latrodactus mactans hesperus)and an imported European species, called a "Hobo Spider"( Tegenaria agriestis), both of which can be quite nasty. The Hobo Spider's bite can cause a similar necrotic lesion as that of the Brown Recluse, just not quite as bad, and it does heal faster, but still doesn't sound like much fun at all. Hobo Spider males tend to be a bit aggressive, too, and are more likely to bite in the first place than either a Black Widow or a Brown Recluse, both of which will avoid biting if they possibly can. Fortunately, Washington state also has yet-another imported Tegenaria species, T. gigantea, which can get quite large, and is a ruthless killer of its smaller, more venomous(to humans)relative.