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Sims Katie 08-20-2006 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 1356)
The writers really don't cover all their bases. ;)

Or maybe Mac is 8 years old? My niece still thinks she can get out of eating her veggies by hiding them under her napkin, and she's almost 8. Little kids don't always think as far ahead :P

Wait, I just realized something - in "Bus" Bloo picks Mac up in the morning from what looked like either school or a playground, and he was on the bus until night. Didn't anyone notice he was missing?! :o

taranchula 08-20-2006 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 1421)
As I recall at the beginning of the ep someone (Wilt I believe) said "What did Mac tell his mom he was going to be doing all weekend?" and Coco said a bunch of coco's and the first person was like "Oh yeah, what a good story!". Something like that. So they *did* say that Mac had lied/witheld the truth to his mom about where he was going.

Um, actually that scene was from the beginning of "Foster's Goes to Europe". When Wilt was asking about how come Mac is going on a European vacation with all of his friends insted of his family.

Allthough there could be a similar scene in "Camp Keep a Good Mac Down"... I'll go watch it again and check.

EDIT: Nope, there is no such scene in "Camp Keep a Good Mac Down" at all, but at least on the bright side I got an excuse to watch it again.... it was "teh funny".

Sparky 08-20-2006 06:46 PM

Okay. Well, I remembered it from *something*.

And Sims Katie, there was also the incedent where Mac went to the junkyard in the middle of the night, PJs and all, in Eddie Monster (and Terrence was out there too until who knows how late - however late *that* was it can be assumed Mac got home even later). I guess Infernal Slumber proved that Mom can sleep through *anything*, so I guess that's how she didn't notice that. But in Bus the Two of Us, yeah, she should have noticed when Mac didn't even come *home* until all hours.

BlooCheese 08-20-2006 07:05 PM

Oh. I forgot. :bloocross:

Kzinistzerg 08-21-2006 06:57 AM

Yeah... There's definitely some loopholes in this... But maybe she assumes he was off with some 'real' friends?

billytheskink 08-21-2006 07:30 AM

considering how Terrance spends his time, I'd say Mac's Mom doesn't care too much where Mac spends his time after school. It gives the writers less to worry about, which is good, they can concentrate on making things funny.

Taking everything in the show into account, I would be surprised if she didn't know that Mac spent time at Fosters. She'd have to be pretty out of the loop to not know.

Sparky 08-21-2006 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by billytheskink (Post 1512)
considering how Terrance spends his time, I'd say Mac's Mom doesn't care too much where Mac spends his time after school. It gives the writers less to worry about, which is good, they can concentrate on making things funny.

Taking everything in the show into account, I would be surprised if she didn't know that Mac spent time at Fosters. She'd have to be pretty out of the loop to not know.

Which is a good point too. She might actually know, and pretends that she doesn't for one reason or another.

BlooCheese 08-21-2006 10:54 AM

Which makes me wonder if she really got rid of Bloo because Mac was "too old for an imaginary friend."

Kzinistzerg 08-21-2006 12:47 PM

I don't think that was the real reason. I think that she was just fed up with all the wacky stuff Bloo does and just wanted him out and that was the most convienient reason.

kageri 08-21-2006 03:56 PM

I think Bloo likes living at Foster's more than at Mac's apartment since Mac's apartment is hecka tiny and Foster's.... isn't, but he probably misses Mac when he's not there. I was wondering lately about what Bloo did when Mac, Terrence, and their mom were all out and he was left at home. I need to get around to drawing that sometime.

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