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Pawbah 05-03-2007 04:21 PM

I Love Teen Titans. I nearly cried when it was cancelled and I rejoiced when the movie came out. Everything seemed so upsetting after Teen Titans was cancelled. I made a TT music video to cheer myself up:

Anyway, I heard rumor of another TT movie possibly being thought about. But I don't really know. I would love another Teen Titans movie. I'll keep my fingers crossed. :D

AerostarMonk 05-03-2007 04:26 PM

There is a Teen Titans movie in the making. Though I'm sorry to disappoint you it won't be set in the same continuity

The Judas Contract is the story of how Tara Markov infiltrates the Titans at the behest of Deathstroke the Terminator aka Slade Wilson. Sound familiar? Yep, it has been done before. But they want to do it by the book this time. Shame really, the current animated version is excellent.

frankie_fan 05-03-2007 04:28 PM

So much for explaining it for you. Thanks, AerostarMonk.

Pawbah 05-03-2007 04:38 PM

Thanks for clearing that up AerostarMonk. :D

Mr. Marshmallow 05-03-2007 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by AerostarMonk (Post 42625)
Yeah, I was surprised anyone would touch Ding Dong Daddy of all villains. I mean really? Ding Dong Daddy? Even in his day he was unspeakably lame. But they put him to good use and made a fun Wacky Races episode.

I actually was sorrowfully disappointed with that episode for 2 reasons. 1- The fact they didn't bother showing us what was in Robin's suitcase was a MAJOR let down. I'm sorry but it seemed a waste to derive an episode around that suitcase's innards.

And 2- The villain wacky racers were apparently mute since they didn't bother to get ANY of the voice actors back to play them. I can kind of understand why they did it here but not to bring ANY of them back for the big villain team up in "Calling all Titans" and "Titans Together"? it looked really bad.

Like all the bad guys lost their voices or something. That's one thing that bothered me with Teen Titans. The show went cheap ass on voice actors and ended up Hayden Welch and Tara Strong for characters they didn't even play sometimes and I don't see how hard it could be to get a few of the actors.

Especially considering this was the "last hurrah" for the Titans, I expected them to put some kind of effort into making a good finale by getting some voice actors other then being cheap and reusing the old ones. I mean come on, Jinx and Gizmo's ORIGINAL VA Lauren Tom gets bumped off for Strong?

I like Tara Strong and all but Lauren Tom started voicing those two and to be so cheap as to not even get Tom back (who is no stranger to voice acting considering her Futurama role of Amy Wong), it just made me mad. Sorry if I got into a rant there.


Almost forgot, I too loved the Titans toon incarnation of the Judas storyline except for one problem. Terra had a certain line that for me, almost killed the whole "mood" of this serious storyline. She told Beast Boy to "destroy me" instead of "kill me". Sorry but politically correct or not....that just sounds stupid.

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