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scary_dream 07-10-2009 01:11 AM

I had a nightmare the other night after watching the movie Synechdoche. I dreamed that my life was speeding by before I even got a chance to live it, much like his seemed to do in the movie, and in what felt like a day's time I had to watch my mom, dad, boyfriend, and all of my friends get old and die while I stayed the same. I woke up almost crying, picked up the phone and called my mom immediately even though it was 6 AM :'( It was awful!

Traveler 07-21-2009 09:16 AM

For some reason most of my dreams are weird or creepy in one way or another. Like when (in a dream) me and my friends found a passageway into my basement, which closed behind us. We landed on mattresses, and discovered we were in this mattress warehouse. And there was nothing in this giant room but a mattresses and a cardboard box. We opened the box and it was full of pieces of a 3-D puzzle. We put it together and it became a house, VERY similar to Foster's. One of my friends went inside. I knocked on the door and asked if I could come in. She didn't answer. Then I realized that the door was solid, like real, solid wood, and we couldn't get it open, and she was still inside and the whole warehouse went dark...
Then I got this inside view of where my friend was and she was adjacent to a loooong, narrow tunnel, and something was coming down it...

*shivers* it was creepy.

Another Castle 03-28-2010 05:37 AM

I had a pretty horrid one where somebody cut of their bottem lip with a pair of sissors :o:wiltshock::nerves::eek:

I know, it's a pretty spooky image, I spent the rest of the day tucking my lower lip inwards!

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