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montitech 05-18-2007 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 44244)
Now there's some welcome news. There hasn't been anything really worth watching on morning TV in ages. :)

now thats only your opinion,
There is:
Big Comfy couch
Scooby Doo Movies
Tom and Jerry
Big Big World

and then natureally there is all the other stuff
like Buffy, Food channel and Weather Channel

MOnty :-/

Cassini90125 05-18-2007 04:25 PM

I've already recorded all the Scooby-Doo movies and episodes ever made :-[ . The rest of what you listed isn't really my cup of tea. I'll take a Foster's rerun over any of them, anytime. :)

I hope the CN execs are thinking that since most of their target audience is in school and won't see them, they can cut back on the splash ads.

bloonuggets 05-18-2007 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by montitech (Post 44251)
"Now that's only your opinion, there is Elmo, Big Comfy Couch, Scooby Doo Movies, Tom and Jerry, Krypto, It's A Big Big World, Zaboomafoo, and then naturally there is all the other stuff like Buffy, Food Network and Weather Channel.

"Monty." :-/

Personally, I think they jumped the shark over at Big Comfy Couch when they recast Loonette from Aylson Court to someone I never heard of.

Now, getting back on topic...June 8th, "Say It Isn't Sew" (formerly known as "A Loom of One's Own") will air at 7 PM ET/PT. :scaryberry:

Ccook50 05-20-2007 03:15 AM

Episodes for week of May 20 - June 1:

Sunday, May 20
10:30 AM - The Buck Swaps Here

Monday, May 21
3:30 PM - Sight For Sore Eyes / Bloo's Brothers
7 PM - Squeakerboxxx
7:30 - Beat With A Schtick

Tuesday, May 22
3:30 PM - Cookie Dough
7 PM - Sweet Stench Of Success
7:30 - Bye Bye Nerdy

Wednesday, May 23
3:30 PM - Frankie My Dear
7 PM - Bloo Done It
7:30 - My So-Called Wife

Thursday, May 24
3:30 PM - Mac Daddy
7 PM - The Buck Swaps Here
7:30 - Hiccy-Burp

Friday, May 25
3:30 PM - Squeakerboxxx
1 AM - Cookie Dough
3:30 AM - Frankie My Dear

Saturday, May 26
12 Noon - Beat With A Schtick
12:30 - Sweet Stench Of Success
1 PM - Bye Bye Nerdy
1:30 - Bloo Done It
2 PM - Busted
2:30 - My So-Called Wife
3 PM - Eddie Monster
3:30 - Hiccy-Burp
4 PM - Camp Keep A Good Mac Down
4:30 - Duchess Of Wails

Sunday, May 27
10:30 AM - Dinner Is Swerved

Monday, May 28
8:30 AM - Foster's Movie: House Of Bloo's
6 PM - Good Wilt Hunting
7 PM - Cheese-A-Go-Go

Tuesday, May 29
7 PM - The Buck Swaps Here
7:30 - Foster's Goes To Europe

Wednesday, May 30
7 PM - Bye Bye Nerdy
7:30 - Crime After Crime

Thursday, May 31
1 PM - Sight For Sore Eyes / Bloo's Brothers
1:30 - Squeakerboxxx
2 PM - Bloo Done It
2:30 - Camp Keep A Good Mac Down
3 PM - Go Goo Go
3:30 - Setting A President
7 PM - Adoptcalypse Now
7:30 - One False Movie

Friday, June 1
7 PM - Cheese-A-Go-Go
9:30 - Cheese-A-Go-Go
1 AM - Mac Daddy
3:30 AM - Squeakerboxxx

(No episodes on June 2 or 3; Cartoon Network is running two straight days of Pokemon, interrupted by the Adult Swim block at night.)

One Radical Dude 05-24-2007 12:08 PM

As I suspected, POTI is a bogus episode. I just got a response back from Lauren. :)

Cassini90125 05-24-2007 12:26 PM

Figures. As far as new Foster's episodes go, Wikipedia is about as accurate as a carnival fortune teller. >:(

Bloo2daMacs 05-24-2007 04:59 PM

When I first read about the "new episode" I thought it just MIGHT be the real deal! I didn't think Emancipation Complication was gonna be areal episode, because it was COMPLETELY out of the Foster's style, but I was proven wrong. Although, I think Emancipation Complication was on the CN website, so I guess I had extra back up there. :P

Ccook50 05-26-2007 12:25 AM

Episodes for May 27 - June 9:

Sunday, May 27
10:30 AM - Dinner Is Swerved

Monday, May 28
8:30 AM - Foster's Movie: House Of Bloo's
6 PM - Good Wilt Hunting
7 PM - Cheese-A-Go-Go

Tuesday, May 29
7 PM - The Buck Swaps Here
7:30 - Foster's Goes To Europe

Wednesday, May 30
7 PM - Bye Bye Nerdy
7:30 - Crime After Crime

Thursday, May 31
1 PM - Sight For Sore Eyes / Bloo's Brothers
1:30 - Squeakerboxxx
2 PM - Bloo Done It
2:30 - Camp Keep A Good Mac Down
3 PM - Go Goo Go
3:30 - Setting A President
7 PM - Adoptcalypse Now
7:30 - One False Movie

Friday, June 1
7 PM - Cheese-A-Go-Go
9:30 - Cheese-A-Go-Go
1 AM - Mac Daddy
3:30 AM - Squeakerboxxx

Monday, June 4
9 AM - Hiccy-Burp
4 PM - Mac Daddy
4:30 - Bye Bye Nerdy
5 PM - The Buck Swaps Here
5:30 - Make-Believe It Or Not
6 PM - Emancipation Complication
6:30 - Bloo's The Boss
9 PM - World Wide Wabbit

Tuesday, June 5
9 AM - Duchess Of Wails
9: PM - Squeakerboxxx

Wednesday, June 6
9 AM - Foster's Goes To Europe
9 PM - Imposter's Home For, Um...Make 'Em Up Pals

Thursday, June 7
9 AM - Crime After Crime
9 PM - The Big Picture

Friday, June 8
9 AM - One False Movie
7 PM NEW! - Say It Isn't Sew
10 PM - Say It Isn't Sew
1 AM - Beat With A Schtick
3:30 AM - Sweet Stench Of Success

Saturday, June 9
12 Noon - Say It Isn't Sew
12:30 - Foster's Goes To Europe
1 PM - Go Goo Go
1:30 - Crime After Crime
2 PM - Land Of The Flea
2:30 - One False Movie
3 PM - Setting A President
3:30 - Room With A Feud
4 PM - Cuckoo For Coco Cards
4:30 - Challenge Of The Superfriends

Ditchy McAbandonpants 05-26-2007 02:19 AM

What's with the big gaps between episodes? ??? I seem to recall Lauren herself stating that the reason Season Five was delayed for so long was that the network likes to wait until they've got a few new episodes "stored up" so that they can then air several premieres in a row, because airing a new episode followed by several repeats causes viewers to tune out...and yet it seems to me that they're doing just that. I mean, we had to wait two weeks between "Cheese A Go-Go" and "The Buck Swaps Here", and now a three-week gap between "TBSH" and "Say It Isn't Sew"...I mean, they've already shown the episode online, so it can't be that they're not ready. What gives? I'm not complaining per se; it just strikes me as a little odd....

bloonuggets 05-26-2007 07:29 AM

I agree. There may be more to this than we thought. Besides, debuts will happen almost every week or every other week through the summer IIRC.

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