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LaBloo 02-13-2007 12:25 PM

Chris? I thought his mane was Quinn

pitbulllady 02-13-2007 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by LaBloo (Post 33438)
Chris? I thought his mane was Quinn

He keeps telling Mac and Bloo in "Frankie My Dear" that his name is CHRIS, when they keep calling him "Whathisface" or "Whathisname".


LaBloo 02-14-2007 11:50 AM

I think Ivan Should Come back.


InsaneFan 02-14-2007 05:55 PM

I wouldn't mind seeing Berry return in an episode...^^

But I'd definately like to see Old Man Rivers, Chris, Red, and JORDAN again. Yesh.

OH, OH, OH, and Ivan needs to come back just so that I can hear Kevin's voice on Foster's again. x3

HappyFoppy 02-14-2007 09:46 PM

Richie, completely. And Goofball - in a good way, as in apologizing to Frankie.
I don't really want Douglas and Adam returning - They were fun, but I know they won't be when overused. Something like Goo or Cheese.


kaytea 02-18-2007 05:18 PM

Chris =D he was cute in a dorky way

Richie I want to see him being all "im so awesome and so is my imaginary
friend" again and him and mac have a one on one battle to see who is the best

Kip I'd love to see what they'd do with him after he gets out of jail caus c'mon false advertising doesn't get you put in jail for the rest of your life

Dylan-lol he says he's a changed man (but really isn't he's just saying that so frankie will go out with him again =p)

Bendy: he goes up the the others a tells them he wants to change but ends up being a trick later

InsaneFan 02-18-2007 05:40 PM

Not really sure about the "claiming to have changed, but haven't really" ideas. I mean, wouldn't it just kind of be a repeat of the episode they were in originally?

kaytea 02-18-2007 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by InsaneFan (Post 34089)
Not really sure about the "claiming to have changed, but haven't really" ideas. I mean, wouldn't it just kind of be a repeat of the episode they were in originally?


meh pick which one you'd like to see more
IMO dylan XP

jekylljuice 02-21-2007 06:42 AM

Other than the more obvious players (Red, Chris, etc) I would love to see Kip Snip return. I assume that the whole "in prison for the rest of your life" thing was intended to be poetic justice for what he did to Bloo, but it left a slightly sour taste in my mouth, along with the feeling that his character deserved a tad more closure. It would be interesting to see him again, given the strong grudge he now most likely bears against Bloo, Foster's, and possibly all imaginary friends in general.

Old Man Rivers should definitly make a couple of cameo appearences in future episodes, if only to confirm that the writers haven't forgotten that he lives in close proximity to the house.

As for Berry, I'm pretty neutral. She wasn't without her entertainment value, but whenever she reverted to her psychotic mode she was so damn chilling it felt like having a bucketful of ice cubes poured down my spine. Not sure how keen I am to repeat the experience.:macwor:

Carlaz 02-21-2007 02:29 PM

Time Travelling Tina - I thought she was an adorable & I realize she was adopted but it'd be fun to see her again. :smile:

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