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Sama-chan 03-15-2009 12:15 AM

Resident Evil 5! :D

some guy you dont know 03-31-2009 06:57 PM

Do you know what's odd? I've owned this game since I bought my game boy color way back in 1999 (or maybe 2000) and have never really tried to play this game. I've played it a few times, but never even went into a dungeon. So, I started playing it yesterday on my way home from the trip I was on.

Wow. This game, in my opinion, is amazing. I've never played any of the other zelda games either (although that's mostly because the only nintendo systems I've ever owned were gameboys and a DS) but I'm pretty sure that I'll be hunting them down soon enough.

Did I mention that the music is also great? I also like the graphics. They have that certain charm to them. Is this how everyone feels when they play their first zelda game?

I wish I was one of those people that knew how to describe things. I think this is one of those games that can make any long ride worth it. Or just a fun way to spend your time while sitting around the house, too.

jekylljuice 04-01-2009 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by some guy you dont know (Post 107970)

Do you know what's odd? I've owned this game since I bought my game boy color way back in 1999 (or maybe 2000) and have never really tried to play this game. I've played it a few times, but never even went into a dungeon. So, I started playing it yesterday on my way home from the trip I was on.

Wow. This game, in my opinion, is amazing. I've never played any of the other zelda games either (although that's mostly because the only nintendo systems I've ever owned were gameboys and a DS) but I'm pretty sure that I'll be hunting them down soon enough.

Did I mention that the music is also great? I also like the graphics. They have that certain charm to them. Is this how everyone feels when they play their first zelda game?

I wish I was one of those people that knew how to describe things. I think this is one of those games that can make any long ride worth it. Or just a fun way to spend your time while sitting around the house, too.

I grew up with Link's Awakening, so it's always been something very near and dear to my heart. Say hi to the Bucket Mouse for me.

Nathander 04-01-2009 10:00 AM

POKeMON Diamond

A bunch of friends more or less suckered me into getting back into it. I had forgotten how completely addicting it was.

Subzeroace 04-01-2009 09:08 PM

Host Master and the Conquest of Humor Greatest graphic adventure of the the year so far. Tim Schafer, you complete me =3~

jekylljuice 04-20-2009 12:39 PM

On the off chance that anyone's actually wondered why I haven't been posting so much here over the past couple of weeks, it's probably because my new DSi has been gobbling up such a huge portion of my free time. Up until now, I missed out on the whole Nintendo DS revolution, so I'm aware that none of these games are really anything new - but hell, they're new and exciting to me, so please bear with me here.

Nintendogs - Chihuahua and Friends

Addictive, adorable, wonderful. In concept, this isn't terribly dissimilar to the Dogz and Catz PC games which were popular in the 90s, but it's leaps and bounds ahead of them in terms of graphics, technology and all the things that you can do with your digital chum. Your puppy will recognise her name and respond to all the vocal commands that you teach her throughout, you pet her, train her and care for her with use of your stylus, enter her in various canine-related contests and get her to bond with the neighbourhood pooches. I must say, they did a really impressive job of replicating all those little canine movements and mannerisms, and as far as I can tell the cries are authentic to each breed - you'd have to be pretty darn hard-hearted to play this game and not feel some degree of emotional attachment to that little lolloping mass of pixels. It's too bad that the DSi camera doesn't allow you to take in-game pictures, or I'd post a few snapshots of my little Latin American friend Flurry - I'm getting to be so freakin' proud of her. :oops:

Incidentally, while there are a few different versions of this game available, the only real difference between them is the order in which the various breeds become available to you - as you progress through the game, you earn trainer points, which enable you to unlock around twenty or so different wolf mutations to take home with you. I still have a loooong way to go before I get my (already well-chewed) stylus on the beagle and shih tzu companions which I'm craving to purchase for Flurry.

Pokemon Pearl

Great to be back in the Pokemon loop again (oh, and incidentally, am I the only person here who plays Pearl, as opposed to Diamond?) If I recall correctly, there was a thread here in the Other Entertainment section in which we were able to compare our pokemon teams and exchange wi-fi friend codes for battles. I wouldn't mind digging that up at some point, though obviously I still need time to build up a team that I'm happy with. So far, this is definitely proving to be the best Pokemon Generation yet - nice to see that all of the positive innovations of Ruby and Sapphire have been retained while all the shortcomings of those particular games (loss of the day/night feature, absence of older pokemon species) have been graciously ammended. The introduction of the Wi-Fi trading system has definitely made my life a heck of a lot easier (I remember the old days when, in certain circles, playing Pokemon came with some kind of stigma attached, so I often shyed away from finding people I could trade with. Hence, my Pokedex was never complete, and I never got to battle with a Zangoose or a Gligar). The earliest gym leaders have been pretty challenging this time around (remember how big a pushover Falkner was in Gold/Silver?), or at least they have been according to my own methodology (it's a particular quirk of mine, but I always prefer to battle with only the exact same number of pokemon that the gym leader does, a la the TV show). And best of all, I finally have a Bidoof of my very own (except that he's long since evolved into a Bibarel - I call him Socrates).

Spore Creatures

Actually, I haven't gotten round to playing this one yet. My head has just been stuck so much in the aforementioned two. Well, soon enough I'm sure.

some guy you dont know 04-20-2009 01:20 PM

Super Smash Bros. Melee

I got this game yesterday even though I was sure It'd take a lot longer than just two days for me to actually have a game for the Gamecube that I bought a week ago. Anyway, I played for a few hours (don't even know how many) last night and unlocked five characters already. So far I seem to do best with Zelda, or maybe I just like using her. I also don't do that bad with the Ice Climbers.

Nathander 04-20-2009 04:08 PM

Persona 3 FES

I've gotten to about the last third of the game, so I'm hoping to wrap up my first run soon so I can turn my attention to Persona 4.

Ricky Fieldmouse 04-23-2009 03:13 AM

Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood - As much as I like Sonic 3D Blast's music, it doesn't work when you borrow almost every song from both versions of it and devamp them into something that sounds like you got them from =U

Subzeroace 04-25-2009 04:39 PM

I've been playing with Pokemon Platinum and beta testing Neopets new spinoff game Petpet Park.

The Neopets game is looking like it'll be a lot like a mmo version of Animal Crossing. And I just love the DDR ripoff mini game "Petpet Boogie" XD~

The beta is open for more sign ups right now so if ya move on over to the site you might be able to grab a spot before they fill up again =)

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