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Lynnie 08-24-2009 10:01 PM

My dad has Skype, and even a built in camera on his laptop, and tonight while talking to my brother on the phone, my dad talked him into installing Skype on his own computer. So I got to have a video call with my brother, whom I haven't seen in years. It was very cool, and I enjoyed talking to him and my sis-in-law. :)

Mr. Marshmallow 08-27-2009 01:43 PM

I found out that my all time favorite online website "character", The Nostalgic Critic, is going to be one of the guests at an anime convention I am attending on Halloween weekend in Dearborn, Michigan. The con is called "Youmacon" and I was already planning on going but now this is a HUGE bonus for me!

This guy is hilarious, he has one of the funniest minds I've seen online and he doesn't hold back a bit at ranting and ripping on movies and cartoons. Here's his work at his website just click under "The Nostalgic critic", though be warned, he drops the F bomb quite a bit.

taranchula 08-27-2009 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 115927)
I found out that my all time favorite online website "character", The Nostalgic Critic, is going to be one of the guests at an anime convention I am attending on Halloween weekend in Dearborn, Michigan. The con is called "Youmacon" and I was already planning on going but now this is a HUGE bonus for me!

This guy is hilarious, he has one of the funniest minds I've seen online and he doesn't hold back a bit at ranting and ripping on movies and cartoons. Here's his work at his website just click under "The Nostalgic critic", though be warned, he drops the F bomb quite a bit.

I dare you to ask him if he could get you the autograph of another That Guy With personality. :bloogrin:

Seriously though that is one of the better (and quotable) original humor websites on the web, in fact last night something caught me off guard, that I caused me to yell to myself "What? What? Pumpkin? What? Pumpkin? What?!"

jekylljuice 09-07-2009 11:04 AM

I saw today that my local Disney Store had had its first shipment of Up merchandise, so I went in and bought a plush toy and fridge magnet of Alpha the doberman (the film doesn't come out in the UK for another month, since they're clearly holding it over to be the big family movie for the October half-term, but from the trailers and clips I've seen thus far I think that Alpha's all set to be my favourite character). Anyway, the lady at the check-out informed me that I was the first person to buy Up merchandise at that particular store. So that made me feel special. :oops:

Sparky 09-13-2009 05:53 PM

The cockatiel who lives across the courtyard has learned to wolf-whistle. Anyone who knows a tiel who can wolf-whistle will tell you, they will do it incessantly. This one holds a "concert" for about 40 minutes twice a day. I wouldn't want to be its owners, but from over here its awfully cute. :terrsmile:

Lynnie 09-25-2009 04:36 PM

CN actually stuck to their schedule today! Well, they did this morning anyway. And I got up in time to see none other than Foster's! I was so happy to see it on my TV screen, and knowing it wasn't a DVD, VHS or DVR recording that I was watching. It was actually on CN! I'm amazed and thrilled! :D

The eppie today was Affair Weather Friends. I enjoyed seeing Mac going into a sugar high again. 8D

BluebottleFlyer 09-26-2009 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 116776)
CN actually stuck to their schedule today! Well, they did this morning anyway. And I got up in time to see none other than Foster's! I was so happy to see it on my TV screen, and knowing it wasn't a DVD, VHS or DVR recording that I was watching. It was actually on CN! I'm amazed and thrilled! :D

The eppie today was Affair Weather Friends. I enjoyed seeing Mac going into a sugar high again. 8D

It's nice to know that CN haven't completely abandoned the good stuff.:)

Just got a new bank card, a Visa, and got myself signed up to PayPal with it, so I may be able to buy online for the first time.:)

Mac-a-lacka 09-27-2009 01:19 PM

My dad's in Minnesota for a week. It's much more quiet here. ;D

Lynnie 09-29-2009 04:58 PM

My heater came on for the first time last night since last spring. :) And it never got out of the 50s today. And on my way home from work it started raining cats and dogs. And after I got home, I heard thunder! :D It all builds up to be a pretty good day! Weather wise, at least.

Although, I suppose I had a good day at work today too.

happy80schild 09-30-2009 12:11 AM

Went grocery shopping yesterday and wound up at the ice cream section to umm... buy umm... broccoli yeah that's it and found my favorite ice cream edy's peppermint is in stock early as it is only availble during christmas
so happy and some how some fell in my cart.

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