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Jabberwocky 04-15-2007 07:35 PM

STUPID NEXT GENERATION SEQUALS. Not that I'm bitter over GS4 or anything. Nope.


And on the subject of bands, my friends last year were all into starting one and wanted me to be the keyboardist and I'm like, alright. And what do they decide to call this band? Misery's Destiny. Uh. Yeah? No amount of my pleading would get them to realize that's, like, mildly retarded, and we're talking about eight other people. IIIII wanted to call it The Towering Pompadours (I still think that's an awesome name) but noooo let's call it Misery's Destiny crimson roses wolves moons silver dragon bleeding heart whatever. Urgh. I'm glad they forgot about it, I was kind of embarassed to know these children.

some guy you dont know 04-16-2007 03:42 PM

the fact i cant afford the expensive stuff i want. like a wii. or the band trip to chicago. that ticks me off to no end how i have to miss out on this stuff from.. well.. not having an extra 200 bucks.

xxxClaire 04-16-2007 05:42 PM

I really dislike sexist people. And people who bash Foster's. :wiltshock:

Jabberwocky 04-16-2007 06:13 PM

People who scribble all over their converse. As if they didn't already look like clown shoes, you have to rip them and color on them and otherwise make it looked like you had to wrestle a hobo just to own them?? I seriously think some people go out of their way to look tacky.

lol jabber have so much haet.

CG 04-18-2007 04:37 PM

When a popular artist offices spaces for commissions, and you miss out on an opportunity by one measly comment.

Happened today. Bri-Chan of DA fame offered 5 spots for commissions, even as sketches, I wanted. Badly. Oh so badly. I comment, I even sent her a note detailing what I'd like.

Minute later it's like "Gah. Sorry all slots are full."

And the comment above me, she's like "Oh wait there's one spot left. Want it?"


antgirl1 04-20-2007 08:43 AM

Yesterday, in 3rd hour class, we were brainstorming on careers that allow you to drive fast. I said "An Ambulance Driver, since everyone else has to stop for you." but the classmates at the table looked at me like I was an idiot. Then, a few minutes later, the teacher listed all that she could think of. And guess what? AMBULANCE DRIVER was on the freaking list. I said, "See? I TOLD YOU. Why doesn't anyone listen to me anymore?" while the classmates at the table looked unchanged. Right after the teacher stated that, the boy at our table coughed LOUDLY and then said "What?"

What these kids realize is I WAS RIGHT, and they THOUGHT IT WAS THE STUPIDEST THING EVER.

Ha. They're just JEALOUS. :D

Mr. Marshmallow 04-20-2007 10:32 AM

Hooking up ANY kind of cable, TV, computer, or stereo kind of equipment. Hooking up that kind of stuff only frustrates me, makes me sweaty, and I end up using a colorful display of language from all the aggravation.

It can just give you a headache like you can't imagine. That's why I'm glad my dad does this kind of stuff 8D.

Voxxyn 04-20-2007 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 41197)
Hooking up ANY kind of cable, TV, computer, or stereo kind of equipment. Hooking up that kind of stuff only frustrates me, makes me sweaty, and I end up using a colorful display of language from all the aggravation.

It can just give you a headache like you can't imagine. That's why I'm glad my dad does this kind of stuff 8D.

The cables of my computer/monitor set-up are currently more tangled-up than subplots in a 1000-page mystery novel. I hate cables. :frankiemad:

Tonya 04-21-2007 07:10 PM

*When the skinny girls at school complain about being fat.

*When people comment on my pimples

*This one girl I know, Donna, whom I cannot stand is in my homeroom and math class. Anytime I would be her partner in math, the whole time I would be trying to do my paper she'd be talking, and I can't concentrate when someone is talking to me while I'm doing my work. And she'd never do her work, she'd always copy off my paper because she's too lazy. As a matter of fact she NEVER does her work in any class and then gets mad cause she gets F's on her report cards. And when she talks she always talks about how her little brother stabbed her in the arm or how her sister smacked her this morning or that her sister in-law got married and she hates her, and Donna never talks about any good stuff. She always complains. And for some reason she thinks I'm her friend when I never made any notion of being her friend what... so... ever...

*When people make fun of the homos, the poor, the alternatives, the chunky kids (especially girls), ect...

*When people steriotype the homos, the poor, the alternatives, and the chunky kids. It's like, if you got pimples you're "not" pretty enough. If you're poor then it's just hilllaaarrrooouusss. If you're alternative, you "worship the devil and want to kill yourself". And if you're chunky you get poked in the back, like by a guy I know named Shinky, and he looks at the other guy and says "Jello!".

AerostarMonk 04-21-2007 10:27 PM

Misuse of the word "grindhouse"
Loud stereos with excessive bass in cars
Cars with spinning rims

Who thought up spinning rims anyway? What a stupid concept. I mean what were they thinking? "If I can keep the rims spinning maybe people will think the car is moving even when it's not! GENIUS!!!"

As for the loud stereos that kinda goes without saying. The grindhouse thing really toast my grits. I can't even talk about it just really ticks me off. Ugh!

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