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fosters home fan 12-26-2008 05:23 PM

Kirby: Super Star Ultra.

L.G. 12-31-2008 02:21 PM

Earthworm Jim

Last level, last life, and no more continues. I get to the final boss, and just when I thought I was gonna die first and have to start all over again, I beat the game! And a funny ending to boot!

frankie_fan 01-08-2009 05:55 PM

Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games

Finally got myself a Wii for Christmas, and I gotta say, it's QUITE a workout on the arms! 8D

I gotta get more games!

taranchula 01-11-2009 06:23 PM

Super paper Mario (Wii)

Followed by

Sam and Max: Season 1 (Wii)

Two of the funniest games to ever come down the turnpike, the Paper Mario series is always good for laugh for the way they are able to successfully poke fun of the conventions found in the entire Mario series, and Sam and well Sam and Max which never fails to disappoint on the task of mirth generation.

Sama-chan 01-13-2009 05:48 PM

Rock Band 2

some guy you dont know 01-17-2009 09:07 PM

Zone of the Enders

This game is fun. I really don't know how to describe it. Maybe you should just Google it if you are interested.

Edit: The voice acting is weird. Most of the characters have great voicing (that I noticed, at least.) but the main character is an odd case. Half the time its nice, and the other half it just sounds kinda funny how bad it can be.

The game is pretty short. I'm almost at the end and I've only spent a few hours playing it. That said, it is pretty fun and worth the five bucks I payed for it. (and would gladly pay more.)

emperor26 01-31-2009 04:15 PM

Afro Samurai

Based on the manga/anime by Takashi Okazaki, the Afro Samurai video game improves the hack-and-slash genre mixing with timing and strategy. Along with some good voice actings, this game is actually good once you get use to the gameplay.

I know the reviews are mixed, but I could less about them, and prefer to judge video games by actually playing them.

Mac-a-lacka 01-31-2009 06:20 PM

Super Paper Mario

Pretty fun game so far even though I only got to play the first level before having to stop and eat dinner. :P

taranchula 02-05-2009 04:05 PM

Call of Duty: World At War (Wii)

I've always wondered what the big deal was with of all of these historical themed first person shooters, so I decided to pick up the latest from one of the most popular series in the genre.

For the most part I enjoyed it (Well the times when I wasn't being blown up by phantom grenades or sliced to ribbons by bayonets.) the story moved along at brisk pace, the levels were fun (All though more levels where you get to drive a tank would have been nice.) and best of all you get to have Kiefer Sutherland and Gary Oldman as your commanding officers. :up:

frankie_fan 02-05-2009 05:16 PM

Lego Batman (Wii)

I got it last night. It's a fun game, I really need to play it more.

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