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Partymember 03-19-2007 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by scary_dream (Post 37422)
And the Sonic "surface or die" music makes me so nervous that I don't even enjoy the water levels. I remember the chemical plant level in Sonic 2 that had the rising purple liquid that you had to escape. Pretty much if you fell too far while you were jumping, you were screwed. Ugh.

i just had flashbacks...(shudders)

scary_dream 03-19-2007 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by Fabulous_Frankie (Post 37409)
  • People who leave time on the microwave.

We kind of have to at our house because the microwave is... for lack of a better word, "weird", and if you don't leave time on it, it'll go CRAZY in the middle of the night and wake everyone up with "BEEEEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBE-BE-BE-BEE-BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!"


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 37505)
All the other Spam threads, too. I'll be needing therapy eventually. :bloocross: :cheesegrin:

I'm surprised you've lasted this long! I'd go insane if I had to read evvvv-errrry-thinnnng, especially the "OMGWTFBBQ I'M BORED!!! LOLOL!!!!!1111oneoneone" threads...


Originally Posted by Partymember (Post 37509)
i just had flashbacks...(shudders)

It's terrible, no? :wiltshock: So I'm not the only one scarred by it!

Howard 03-19-2007 10:55 AM

Tell ya what I hate:

People wh do NOT know how to tell jokes! They get befuddled, or do not remember the punchline...just plain mess the joke up completely!:frankiemad:

Cassini90125 04-14-2007 08:17 AM

Some of this is really upsetting to me, some of it just ticks me off. I leave it to you to figure out which is which.

Telemarketers. Whether for business or charity, it's an unwelcome intrusion.
Being told that my feelings are wrong or don't matter.
Cruelty to animals.
Deceptive nutrition labels.
Neighbor who think it's okay to play loud music after midnight.
Certain types of fanart and fanfics.
Arranged or forced marriages that either one or both parties don't want.
Uninstalling and reinstalling my Sims game, which takes nearly three hours.
Adobe Photoshop Elements.
Episode ideas that are just someone else's movie with the Foster's characters.
Being judged by my appearance.
Long checkout lines with unmanned cash registers nearby.
Reality TV in general, American Idol in particular.
The price of produce.
Hot and humid weather.
Feeling unwanted.

That's all for now.

Contemporary 04-14-2007 09:47 AM

-Aluminum Foil
-Free Samples
-Meat (vegeterain)
-Slow Computers
-Windows (the computer)
-Car Alarms
-Nails on a chalkboard
-Names not capitalized because they're
trying to be cool

Partymember 04-15-2007 11:43 AM


Bloonan 04-15-2007 12:35 PM

People talking gangster. Seriously, when somdone says to me, "Yo yo! What up, yo?", I want to grab them by the neck and drop them off the Empire State building.

kageri 04-15-2007 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Bloonan (Post 40720)
People talking gangster. Seriously, when somdone says to me, "Yo yo! What up, yo?", I want to grab them by the neck and drop them off the Empire State building.

I like to call people "home skillet".

lucyrocks73 04-15-2007 03:40 PM

Inside jokes. And this is insanely hypocritical, but I like being a part of them; I just don't like when people have them and I'm not a part of it. It bugs me.

For example, last week, all of my friends went to Disney World for the band trip (I'm broke, so I did not go this year... next year...). My friend Kristen came and talked about these random inside jokes in front of me, just because she knows it bugs me.

Well, I can't expect people not to talk about what a great time they had!!!

-Marty :goo:

vannielou 04-15-2007 06:50 PM

i know that feeling lucy
my friends are all in band and I'm in a different school's band and so they all have these inside jokes about the macy's parade and I'm like, yeah...okay...

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