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Lynnie 06-17-2009 05:31 PM

You nearly gave me a heart attack earlier when I saw you first bring it up. :macwor: I know you live for the Con! And what would I do without you if you didn't go? :'( Sorry your day was a bummer since it was full of worry. I empathize, trust me. Glad to hear everything's ok now. :)

I got new spark plugs and spark plug wires for my car today. Not sure it needing new ones was connected to my timing belt breaking back in April, but my car works again and this makes me happy. ;)

xxxClaire 06-17-2009 06:16 PM

My favourite internet celebrity replied to something I posted on his wall on Facebook. I'm happy! :bloosmirk:

some guy you dont know 06-17-2009 06:30 PM

Picked up Scott Pilgrim #1 today. Greater than I heard it was. Pretty much the high point of the week, actually. Definitely worth the 12 dollars.

Imaginary Light 06-20-2009 11:58 AM

You know what totally made my day yesterday? Riding rollercoasters all day and then enjoying Paramore and No Doubt in concert at night. Like, I can't even explain just how much it made my day LIFE!:P

I have videos up on my youtube account and pictures on my facebook account (both linked in my siggy) if anyone is interested.:) It was just...awesome!:scribble:

Lynnie 06-20-2009 01:58 PM

I commented on some of your pics over at FB, that looked amazing! Gwen still looks great for having.. how many kids does she have now? I haven't heard anything new from No Doubt in years, I'm glad to see they're still performing. :clap:

koosie 06-20-2009 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 112531)
I commented on some of your pics over at FB, that looked amazing! Gwen still looks great for having.. how many kids does she have now? I haven't heard anything new from No Doubt in years, I'm glad to see they're still performing. :clap:

Like old fine wine, just gets better with time. True of lots of things. Hey today I saw a pair of Ospreys and a Red Squirrel. It was ace.

Imaginary Light 06-21-2009 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 112531)
I commented on some of your pics over at FB, that looked amazing! Gwen still looks great for having.. how many kids does she have now? I haven't heard anything new from No Doubt in years, I'm glad to see they're still performing. :clap:

Two kids.:P Her oldest, Kingston, was off to the side of the stage being held by somebody. He had these big earphones and kept waving to the audience. So cute!

And yeah, when she had the tube top on, I was like, damn, I hope after having a couple of kids I can still get my abs looking like that.:P

Lynnie 06-21-2009 05:42 PM

Ah, she has two kids, I was thinking either two or three. And she just had one not even a year ago too, didn't she? Yeah, Gwen looks great.

I had to work today, but it was a good day. :D A thunderstorm roared through, bringing with it very heavy rain that turned the parking lot into a lake for about 15 minutes, and even some hail! :w00t:

Then it cleared up and the sun came back out. And thus were the next few hours. But then a SECOND one came roaring through, this time a lightning bolt struck only meters away, we heard a fizzlling sound, the lights flickered, and then BOOM! And all was black!

Taken by my phone as I was leaving. Sadly for me, the blackout happened only 20 minutes before I was due to leave for the day. We have a generator, but as it's not the stormy season up here (that would be fall/winter), we didn't have it ready. So no electricity at all. It was awesome! :clap:

Cassini90125 06-21-2009 05:47 PM

Sounds like what happened here a couple of weeks ago. Stars, I love a good loud thunderstorm, and the more lightning, the better. ;D

Howard 06-21-2009 06:21 PM

As I have said in another thread, I am rehearsing again with my music - that is a good day indeed!:)

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