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kageri 03-04-2007 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 35698)
I can tell you, being any sexual orientation other than straight is pretty horrible. I know homosexuality is sometimes glamorised on screen, and I suppose nowadays there's a reasonable amount of public support for being homosexual - but actually BEING non-straight is a very alienating, soul-injuring experience. It isn't something "cool" to show off. There's a difference between being proud of and comfortable with what you are and being show-offy. If that makes sense.

It does indeed, and very well-said. In my experience people who flaunt being bi often aren't, but it's truly horrible to be alienated or even beaten and attacked for being something other than straight. That's one thing that annoys me about anime. I've pretty much never seen one that dealt with that realistically.

And yeah, I mostly meant psychosis, which people feebly try to emulate to be cool and interesting (ebil squirels are gonna take over teh world LOL!!!!). Being aware that your compulsions don't make any sense is part of why OCD sucks, and they don't get any enjoyment out of doing them, they just feel they have to, and people don't understand that.

Oh, another thing that ticks me off is when you get comments on Devart that say like "cool lol" or "cute!". Just... blah.

Imaginary Light 03-04-2007 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by AerostarMonk (Post 35702)
I hate it when people let their dogs go to the bathroom just anywhere and don't clean up. Especially when they do it in other people's yards. They try to act covertly and get away from the scene as quick as possible. It's just plain rude on so many levels.
I'm on kageri's train of people hate.

Ah, that reminds me! Someone just let their dog take a dump in the pet store that I work at, and never notified any of the employees. All of a sudden, I saw like, "Ew, what's the horrible poo-poo smell?" and lo and behold! I don't think I need to go any further.

antgirl1 03-04-2007 11:34 AM

"I'm flyin' on a saucer! Wooo!"

Sorry, just had to do that. XD

I hate it when on DA people don't comment after they fave something. I have a friend on DA that NEVER comments on my work, yet he faves everything. :wiltshock:

I also am annoyed when I really like something, (like the band Crazy Frog) when many other people seem to complain and bash about it. Give those very special things some love!

The new CN bumpers...RETARDED. CN doesn't even seem to know that they suck. The realistic (realistic Foster's bus for example) bumpers were a lot better and more worth watching. But these new ones...they're just TORTURING those poor kids! :(

Tonya 03-04-2007 01:17 PM

Wanna know what ticks me off? Guys who flirt with you and in the next breath says they never did. Those jerks.

Howard 03-05-2007 07:34 AM

I hate people who cut in front of me on the road.:terrence:

Jabberwocky 03-05-2007 11:53 AM

I hate when I only own two pairs of pants, and the one pair I like has been dragged across and back every circle of hell. I've had to repair them, like SIX times! Just this year! They keep getting snagged on a random springs sticking out of the couch or my dog's nails rip them or my little brothers do Lewis Carroll knows what to them but the end result is more destruction and I think pretty soon they're going to be nothing but six inches of corduroy and a bunch of patches. That's what babysitting out of the kindness of your heart gets you, children! It gets you messed up pants!

Wahhh I really like these pants but they're so accident prone ahhhhh I feel like if I wear them outside I'll get run down by a snow plow. Poor pantalones.

And also, Nirvana's cover of The Man Who Sold the World bites.

scary_dream 03-05-2007 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by kageri (Post 35719)
And yeah, I mostly meant psychosis, which people feebly try to emulate to be cool and interesting (ebil squirels are gonna take over teh world LOL!!!!).

UGH. I seriously knew a guy who would say stuff literally THAT stupid because he was a MAJOR faker of psychosis. He told me in a serious manner "I'm like, sooooo afraid of penguins because they always try to take my stash!" and I just looked at him like he was an idiot and said "Umm... you got that off of a t-shirt..." He did that stuff ALL THE TIME and I got so sick of it.


Originally Posted by vannielou (Post 35732)
I hate people who are rude to waiter/esses that never did anything to them. Like when they get extremely impatients or yell what they're ordering or say it with one of those tones. They're just trying to earn a frickin living to survive just like the rest of us.

THANK YOU. As a waitress I can say that there are EXTREMELY rude people out there, and they're not afraid of making jerks of themselves in public. I HATE whenever they're not happy with the food, but then say no when I offer to fix it or take it back, and then not tip me because somehow it was all my fault that they weren't happy. :terrence: I think they do that because they either a) planned it all along and were actually happy with their food but didn't want to tip or b) are masochists that feel like they're somehow better than others because they think they're doing everyone a favor by sacrificing their happiness. Just let me fix the freaking food.

I also hate whenever people walk out without paying. That's SO dishonest and rude.

One time a woman ordered food to-go, and then angrily called back saying she didn't get any of her side orders. We apologised and said if she came back we'd have them ready for her. After she hung up, we couldn't find her ticket, so we called back and asked what they were. The woman's daughter answered the phone and was REALLY nice and said "Uh, no, I think we got all of our side orders here..."

When the woman came to pick up her side orders that we "forgot", we told her what happened. She turned BRIGHT red and said "Oh I'm so embarrassed!!!!" and quickly left. She was trying to get free food! 8D AAAAHAHAHAHAHA JUSTICE IS SERVED!!!!!!!!

P.S. Jabberwocky I have a pair of pants like that. They're so full of holes it's not even funny. The tiniest rip turns into something I can stick my hand through, and in some places they're so worn out it's just little white strings going across! They're the best though.

Howard 03-05-2007 02:37 PM

I'll tell ya what I get tiffed at:

Food servers at restaraunts that make my eating experience miserable (but I still tip).;)

Partymember 03-05-2007 03:01 PM

there's good waitresses and bad ones at every restaurant. For instance, we have Kym (excellent) and Mel (shocking).

Takes orders quickly
Gets orders right
doesn't DROP things

Filches fried shrimp from plates
drops things...a lot

we call having a bad night a "Mel-down" LOL

Jabberwocky 03-05-2007 04:42 PM

Goofus and Gallant!

I hate my mom trying to let my three year old brother use my laptop like it's a toy.

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