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Dmitri Karamazov 05-24-2009 08:28 PM

I finished War and Peace!!! *happy danceness*

Now I can die in peace.....

One Radical Dude 05-25-2009 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by Ridureyu (Post 111183)
I had my Thesis Prospectus committee meeting yesterday, and THEY APPROVED MY TOPIC YAY!!!!! Well, now on to the next step.

Also, the plumbing is fixed now.

Way to go, dude! :yeah: Keep it up!


Originally Posted by xxxClaire (Post 111336)
My boyfriend loves me... :-*
And I was informed today that my sweet 16 is all set. Finally! :bloogrin:

Sounds great!


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 111379)
Last summer my sister submitted a story she wrote to a magazine, and a few months later they sent her a check and told her they were going to publish it. It takes a while for these things to take place, but today, finally, she got three copies of the magazine in the mail with her story in it to keep and share. :yeah:

What's the story about? Me and Joey!! :D A true story that happened a number of years ago, while moving from Texas to New Mexico to be exact. I was 22 at the time, but the magazine is for tween-age kids, so they depicted me to be about 13 in it. I can hardly wait to see the picture some artist illustrated of us! :clap: I won't get my copy until next weekend, but I'll try to share the picture at least when I do. :)

I think I remember remember hearing something about the magazine. Cool beans, I must say! :)

jekylljuice 05-25-2009 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 111379)
Last summer my sister submitted a story she wrote to a magazine, and a few months later they sent her a check and told her they were going to publish it. It takes a while for these things to take place, but today, finally, she got three copies of the magazine in the mail with her story in it to keep and share. :yeah:

What's the story about? Me and Joey!! :D A true story that happened a number of years ago, while moving from Texas to New Mexico to be exact. I was 22 at the time, but the magazine is for tween-age kids, so they depicted me to be about 13 in it. I can hardly wait to see the picture some artist illustrated of us! :clap: I won't get my copy until next weekend, but I'll try to share the picture at least when I do. :)

Congratulations, Lynnie! And props to your sister too. It's always exhilarating seeing your own work in a place where thousands of other sets of eyes are going to see it too. :D

L.G. 05-26-2009 05:17 PM

-On Sunday, I went to my dad's house to wash off the tree pollen off my truck with the garden hose, and afterwards, he, my step-mom, and I saw our neighbors got a new dalmatian pup. They invited us to play with it. Everytime my step-mom encouraged the pup to come to me, it would run back to her instead8D.

-To my pleasent surprise, I'm noticing that the gas stations in my area that sell diesel have regular grade gas set at only a few cents cheaper than diesel per gallon, and at one least station has regular and diesel priced exactly the same. I have never seen that before.


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 111379)
Last summer my sister submitted a story she wrote to a magazine, and a few months later they sent her a check and told her they were going to publish it. It takes a while for these things to take place, but today, finally, she got three copies of the magazine in the mail with her story in it to keep and share. :yeah:

What's the story about? Me and Joey!! :D A true story that happened a number of years ago, while moving from Texas to New Mexico to be exact. I was 22 at the time, but the magazine is for tween-age kids, so they depicted me to be about 13 in it. I can hardly wait to see the picture some artist illustrated of us! :clap: I won't get my copy until next weekend, but I'll try to share the picture at least when I do. :)

Congrats to you and your sister! That must be pretty nifty stuff.

Lynnie 05-27-2009 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 100792)
For anyone who remembers my coworker who is an expectant mommy, she was having a great day today. And you could see it too, it's like she was glowing. :smile: And just as I was leaving for the day, I overheard her tell a customer her exciting news and he was genuinely happy for her. They chatted for a bit and I heard her laugh. That made me very happy. She really deserves more days like this. :)

Anyone remember the Mommy-to-be that I worked with a few months ago? ;) Well, I learned today that she had her baby on Friday! :clap: She ended up needing a c-section which kind of sucks because that's not what she was wanting, but it was for the best for both her and the baby so it ended up ok. Both mommy and baby are healthy and doing just fine. She named him Joshua. :) Another co-worker told me she'll bring pictures tomorrow. I'm soooo happy for her! :yeah:

Lynnie 05-31-2009 03:29 PM

Forgive the double post, but here's the picture that came with the story my sister wrote about my cat Joey and I. :)

I'm 14 in the story since the magazine is for 10-14 year olds, although I was 22 when it took place in real life. I'm frantically looking for Joey after he disappeared at a hotel while I was moving from Texas to New Mexico. That's my dad in the background, helping me look for him. One of the scariest moments in my life, but with a happy outcome. The story is titled "Cat on the Loose". It's not appropriate to be posted to the forums due to religious (Christian) content, but if anyone wants to read it, PM me and I'll send you the link. ;)

Sparky 06-04-2009 09:06 PM

I ordered a t-shirt from Angus Oblong's site to wear to Comic-Con and he emailed me personally right after to let me know he'll ship it right away.

Eeeeeeeeee. :D

xxxClaire 06-05-2009 09:29 PM

Spent the night before my birthday with my loving boyfriend... :-*
And now it actually is my birthday! Partyyy!!! :bloogrin:

Howard 06-09-2009 09:19 PM

I rode in my friend's BMW Z-8 Alpina Roadster (#111 out of 555 built) to a meeting out in the sticks. Man, that car has some pick up in speed! I think I felt the G-forces. My friend owns a very lucrative business.:frankiesmile:

One Radical Dude 06-11-2009 05:00 PM

Okay, get this. While working earlier today, I was speaking with a woman with the surname "Bloos". I am not making this up. I'm not going to reveal the first name, but she had the last name of "Bloos". It was spelled B-L-O-O-S. :bloogrin: I thought that was kinda cool!

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