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I got my eyes opened, so to speak, back when I was in college, and I had ferrets. Ferrets were my real passion, in spite of the fact that there was a lot of controversy around them. Many places still classified, and banned, ferrets are "wild animals", which they aren't. There were many lurid newspaper headlines of ferrets attacking and mauling infants and this was used as fuel for the "ban wagon". Most people weren't familiar with ferrets, since they weren't that popular or well-known back then, and all people knew was what they read in the newspapers and what the politicians told them. This was about the time that Rottweilers were getting a really bad rep, and every thug and biker and redneck HAD to have one. At a pet show, I encountered an older woman, who had a Rottweiler(an AKC show champion, it turned out, and the lady herself was a dog show judge). I had two of my ferrets to enter in a costume competition. As we were watching another entry, the dog got close to me, and I backed away and asked the woman to please control her dog. She asked me if I was afraid of dogs, and I told her "no, I'm not afraid of dogs...just THOSE dogs. I've heard too many bad things about them!" She responded by looking at my ferrets, held tightly to my chest lest they be eaten by that black-and-tan monster, and said, "You have ferrets. Don't they attack babies and suck their blood? That's what I've heard about THEM!" Her point was well-taken, and I realized that all of us animal owners, especially those who CHOOSE to have animals that might be scary, or gross, or strange to people who only know of what they've "heard," usually through questionable sources, about those animals, were in the same boat. I had no more right to judge HER dog or choice of dog than she had to judge MY ferrets, and both of us were basing our opinions on heresay-stuff that was largely the concoction of the "if it bleeds, it leads" media. At least that little girl in the pet shop got that education early, and was mature enough to deal with it. Bravo for you, and bravo for her, and bravo for her MOM for letting her kid take her lumps instead of trying to coddle her and take up for her, as most parents would have done. pitbulllady |
Right now as I type, I'm listening to the theme from the movie The Princess Bride on the radio! I have never in my life, over the last 20 years since this movie has been out, heard this song on the RADIO! That totally made my day, er.., night! :bloogrin:
Such a pretty song. |
I want to post this now since I didn't get back to this site until just yesterday night, and this happened on Monday. What made my day was when I first went to Rapid City (yes, I'm a South Dakotan). It was fun being there for the first time because, consider me as a siren enthusiast [fascinated by air raid sirens--and some people might consider that kinda weird, and I'm weird], I got to see my favorite all-time siren... by McDonald's, nonetheless. That was pretty much what made my day great, mostly. My digital camera didn't work so I never got a picture of it. :( But yet, it was fun. :D
Lately, my days have been boring, so not much has been happening lately. Something interesting should happen soon. |
I bought a pack of El Monterey burritos last weekend because they're cheap but yummy. There's 10 per a pack. I was expecting to eat the last two tonight, but at emptying the bag, three came out. I thought back to how many I had over the last few days and yup, there should have only been two left. An 11th slipped past the factory scale somehow. That totally made my day because they were sooooo goooooood! :D
I went out this afternoon and got a tuna grinder for lunch. Elmwood grinder usually wraps them up and stuffs them in a bag but the lady who makes them packed this one so full that it wouldn't fit in a regular grinder bag and had to be put in a styrofoam case, and even that was almost too small:
http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f1...25/Grinder.jpg Wow. I don't think I'll be needing dinner until tommorrow. This definitely made my day. ;D |
Despite my not being fond of any type of seafood, that looks delicious. :bloogrin: I love grinders/sub sandwiches. And the more toppings, the better, imho. Yum!
Wanna know what I ate a little while ago? I finished the vanilla ice cream I had gotten specifically for root beer floats last weekend. I topped it off with hot fudge. And after the ice cream was gone but I realized I had some hot fudge left, I took to the jar with a spoon! :slybendy: More yum! Hot fudge ALWAYS makes my day. |
I woke up this morning to find my dog asleep on my arm. He had been snuggled up like that the whole night:D
I personally wouldn't be able to own a pet tarantula, but kudos for people who could. By the way, the P. Metallica breed is especially beautiful. I honestly thought it was a Photoshop job at first. http://images.google.com/images?hl=e...-8&sa=N&tab=wi |
I got to see a particularly daring deer cross the street to get to some persons berry bush on their lawn during traffic.:D
The price of gas dropped today in my hometown to $3.97. :D Yeah, still high, but I'm counting my blessings. It's sure better than $4.57, which it was not all that long ago. Filling my tank now costs more like $40 when it was more like $55 a month or two ago.
My mother treated me to Baltimore's Aquarium in Inner Harbor for my birthday. We couldn't get in the aquarium right away, so we sat down in a restaurant where a pigeon later walked in and started eating the table scraps on the floor...except the shrimp (the restaurant had outdoor tables). Then we went to a nearby office building with an observation floor...great views of the city.
In the aquarium they had a 4-D show with various special effects like air jets that blew on the back of the legs and--get this--bubbles. A couple of kids couldn't handle it, and one even said, "Not again!" One of the exhibits had an alligator :herrsleep: sleeping on a log, and another had a white fishing popping its head out of his hole 8D. One of my favorite exhibits was the one containing poison dart frogs...the ones with enough poison to kill 10 humans:wiltshock:. On the way to and from the aquarium, there is a convention center, and there was some sort of event going on. People were dressed up as various anime, comic and video game characters. Among the characters portrayed were the following: -Speeder Racer -Sailor Moon -a couple of Naruto characters -Iron Man -Batman -Link -Captain Falcon (wished I asked him to do a Falcon Punch) -Spider Man -Dr. Weird from Aqua Teen Hunger Force -The Ancient Minister from Super Smash Brothers Brawl's Adventure Mode |
Sounds like a fun evening. :)
Finally saw The Dark Knight today with my friend (who has seen it 4 times prior), and it was incredible! Words cannot describe that film's Joker.
On a different note, I finally had my birthday cake today. |
My neighbor saving me from a wasp that was attacking my front door.
I GOT A NEW JOB TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:bloogrin::smed::D:):frankiesmile::goo:;D:berry::b endy: |
Congratulations! :up:
Whoooooooooooo!!! :w00t:
Good for you, dude!!! ;D
teacher Created Materials sent me their editing test last week, and I completed it in the midst of a computer virus, actually being sick, several "We nee dyou to help us move!" requests, and other insane issues.
Yay! Congratulations, Rid! ;D
Rid! That's terrific! I'm soooo happy for you! :yeah: Many congrats at the new job, and hope things continue to go well from there. :up:
seeing 999-999-9999 on my caller I.D. It was an unknown number, and it left an automated message claiming to be Version.
:wiltyeahright: 8D People these days... |
The last seller I dealt with on eBay left me some positive feedback earlier today, calling me a credit to the site and a AAA buyer. Left me feeling rather good. As soon as my purchase arrives I'll return the favor. :)
What made my day-- I got a package from my friend in Fairbanks, Alaska. Contained therein: Two books, a letter and a USB drive. I really should write her back this weekend. :frankiesmile: |
Watching a Foster's episode for the 1st time in a month or even 2. Never thought I'd be happy to hear Herry's voice.
:herriman: Do not address me by that name! (L.G. runs off) |
Had some fun over on eBay during the past half-hour. A guy in Texas is moving and put a bunch of old Sailor Moon stuff up for auction. Three art books and a PC videogame to be specific, and he offered them cheap; most such items have a fairly high starting price, sometimes very high. I love the show so this was impossible for me to pass up. I got 'em all without a fight. Big smile on my face right now, and another coming in the mail next week. :)
Well, for real things, I got a BK lunch today which tasted pretty good. The tempurate was nice, so, I went on a quick walk, which was cool to me.
Not much, I know, but, still. :P |
I lost another pound. I've been losing weight kind of randomly lately; I hate that I don't lose weight when I try but sometimes lose it when I don't. 8D
I looked in the cupboard, and spotted something out of place. Turns out I had one last little bag of Chips Ahoy! I'm eating it right now, that sure gave me a smile! :D
This is kinda random, but today during my lunch break, I walked around the block to the gocery store. I've taken to doing a lap around the store and checking out the toy section to see if they have any good Transformers: Animated stuff, since I've become a loyal fan. (No dice.)
Today, however, I got it stuck in my mind that I was gonna check to see if the had the Transformers: Animated gummy snacks a friend of mine has mentioned. Normally they don't have them, but I decided to check anyway. Today, lo and behold, I see the box of gummy snacks I seek. I noticed because the logo jumped out and I was acutely aware of Optimus Prime on the box. I stood there for five solid seconds wondering, Do I really want to buy these...? Apparently so, because a few minutes later I was walking out the door, purchase in hand and the biggest smile ever on my face. Like I said, it was random, but I never thought I would see these in my part of the world! :D |
It's not much, but finding a video that combines two of my favorite things, Lucy Star and the Japanese Ronald McDonald meme, really brightened my day by making me laugh like a bloody idiot!8D
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AC5o9...eature=related |
"Things that have made my day" - When is that going to happen? I wish I could have one of those; the kind where everyone cared about me, or even said "good job." :sadbendy:
Cheer up, Duckers. You know we all care about you here. :D
We're here if you need us, dude. :frankiesmile:
My friend showed me this commercial. Truly the most amazing and wonderful thing I've seen in a while. It certainly made my day. :)
Someone in my steel structure class pointed out a math error in our syllabus: the total percentage points added up to 115% instead of 100%. Oh my...:weirded:
Gamers Bill of Rights
Found this on the site that my sig leads to:
I recently picked up this, in a charity shop for only 50p. I seriously think it's one of the coolest things ever:
http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/7885/snaps102qj2.jpg It's a rat made entirely out of metal. Plus it's wearing a little custom (I presume) scarf, which is random, but darling. I got it last week when I was visiting my parents. At first glance they didn't want me to buy it, since they mistook its metalic body for some kind of cheap brush, but I liked it, so I went ahead and bought it any way, and once they'd had a better chance to look at it and absorb its true resplendence, they finally had to admit that they liked it after all. Huzzah! |
Cool! Is it die-cast? I've got a die-cast cat with a spring neck that'd like your rat! Actually it reminds me a little of Fingermouse, which used to pass for entertainment on TV in a more innocent age:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9QOXK0oxW4 |
It wasn't until many years later that I discovered that Fingermouse, as I used to watch it, had actually been a spin-off of an earlier show called Fingerbobs. There are some pretty nasty rumours regarding the final episode of that show, which claim that presenter Rick Jones went slightly mad and started destroying the beloved puppets while the camera was still rolling...if so, then I highly doubt that any of that footage was ever aired, despite what popular legend might dictate. That Fingermouse got a spin-off obviously proves that he survived Jones's alleged attempts to murder him by drowning him in a cup of coffee. :P |
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