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Sparky 01-30-2008 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by rossfellow (Post 70566)
Okay. Now that I've played BFAHP, I need a printable version of the game maps.

No, not the one made in MS Paint. The actual screenies of BFAHP.

RedboXen was the one who had made those. Here's some, and be sure to click the links on the left too. (He never got past the third floor though.)

rossfellow 02-02-2008 09:49 AM

Wait, how'd he do it? o.o

I'll need references for pretty much everything... Park, School, Apartment, Junkyard, Mall, Airport, and Foster's Home.

It'll really help me loads. LOADS. Any volunteers? D:

Sparky 02-02-2008 04:36 PM

By the way, you're welcome for everything I've done for you so far. :jk:

rossfellow 02-04-2008 04:51 AM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 70766)
By the way, you're welcome for everything I've done for you so far. :jk:

Sorry and thank you, then :P

I just want to know how the heck he shot those pictures without the IF on the way.

By the way... Got anymore of Richie's parents?

Sparky 02-04-2008 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by rossfellow (Post 70849)
I just want to know how the heck he shot those pictures without the IF on the way.

He knows his way around Flash. He extracted the images directly from the game's source code.


Originally Posted by rossfellow (Post 70853)
By the way... Got anymore of Richie's parents?

When I get some time I'll try to do it.

By the way I'm in the process of downloaded the liveaction RR movie (having been reminded that I'd been wanting to get ahold of it), maybe there's a shot of a gate in there you can use.

ptps 02-05-2008 06:28 AM

holy snap what have I been missing. +__________+ Thumbs-up. Also serious Mac on the cover page looks amazing haha :D


rossfellow 02-05-2008 03:49 PM

I thought people were exaggerating when they told Craig about obscene Frankie pics all over the net. But after browsing for Frankie art in DevART, my god is it true. More than half of the time there are pics of her being pregnant, pantyshots, both, or other sick fetishes people come up with.

I'd never do that to you, Frankie, or any one of the Foster's cast.

Never. :edmad:

ptps 02-05-2008 06:08 PM

*wonders how Bloo could even feature in a panty shot, I mean... he has no LEGS. XD *

rossfellow 02-06-2008 08:54 AM

Here’s the preliminary scan for version 2.

This time, I decided to drop the sharpies and stick to ballpens. They give a smoother edge and are much easier to control, but the lines aren’t solid.

Also experimenting with big-eyed mac design and not changing the imaginary friend designs at all.

Most importantly, I wanted to preserve a bit of McCraken style storyboarding.

antgirl1 02-06-2008 07:52 PM

Wow, this looks awesome so far. :D

rossfellow 02-11-2008 05:57 AM

Nope. This one isnt Foster's, but someone who might make a cameo.

?This, gentlemen, is a very pressing matter.?

Considering how popular Ouran is to the girls (it IS a shojo series), I wouldn?t be surprised if Susie picked a quote. xD

P.S... I decided to change the project title into "Unimaginable Tales from Foster's Home".

How does that sound? :P

rossfellow 02-11-2008 08:37 AM


Medikor 02-11-2008 11:36 AM

Looking very very dynamic and exciting! I'm looking forward to more.:D

Lynnie 02-11-2008 06:04 PM

As am I. :)

The first scan was great as it was, but now, wow. Nice work!

rossfellow 02-15-2008 07:46 AM

Frankie, 13, and that girly dress.

It?s an experiment in inking, actually.

Cassini90125 02-15-2008 08:00 AM

She doesn't look too thrilled. Pity, I've always liked that dress. Nice job! :frankiesmile:

Medikor 02-15-2008 10:11 AM

Love it, Rossfellow! I've always thought Frankie looked cute in that dress, and her "thrilled" look of wearing it is priceless. I'm looking forward to seeing it coloured.:D

rossfellow 02-15-2008 12:01 PM

The sole reason for why I asked for Richie Rich reference? Uh...

I needed a villain.

Senator Richie, Old Cadbury, Persocom Irona.

I'm loving the use of colored pencils in place of inks.

rossfellow 02-15-2008 02:31 PM

rossfellow 04-14-2008 11:12 AM

I've been gone a terribly, terribly long time, but hopefully never forgotten. :P

Medikor 04-14-2008 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by rossfellow (Post 76318)
I've been gone a terribly, terribly long time, but hopefully never forgotten. :P

And giving us a great Frankie pic is always a great way to come back!:D

Cassini90125 04-14-2008 12:24 PM

It is indeed. Nicely done! :frankiesmile:

Subzeroace 04-14-2008 01:49 PM

Oooh! A great Frankie pic indeed =D

emperor26 04-14-2008 06:27 PM

I like the way you draw Frankie. :D

Also, you've done a good job with the villains as well.

Nyo 04-15-2008 05:13 PM

*wants your drawing skillz*

It's beautiful!

Lynnie 04-15-2008 06:42 PM

WB Ross! And no, you've never been forgotten. :)

Oh, and awesome illustration of Frankie. She appears to be casually fixing her pony tail. :frankiesmile:

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