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Sparky 01-05-2007 07:23 PM

I thought of another one, because of an email I just got - and I hope this doesn't offend anyone because a lot of people do this but...I hate it when you're either chatting with someone online, or they write you an email, or like, a review on or whatever, and they stage this little bantering thing between themselves and some fictional character. Just out of nowhere, there's this little skit going on. I don't think I worded that well but you surely know what I'm talking about.

I can't quite decide if that's as bad as or worse than when you're talking to someone on the phone and they suddenly decide it would be cute to give the phone to a toddler. You were trying to talk to the person, now you're trying to convince some kid to give the phone back. *That* ticks me off.

DoubleLatte 01-05-2007 11:54 PM


I hate it when you're either chatting with someone online, or they write you an email, or like, a review on or whatever, and they stage this little bantering thing between themselves and some fictional character.
I know what you're referring to, and yeah, it IS very annoying. I'm not a fic writer by any means, but it gets irritating when I have to scroll down about a page and a half of self-bickering to get to the author's note in fanfics. Usually by the time I get to the bottom I'm too ticked off to leave a review. I say they should leave that for their LJ's.

kaytea 01-06-2007 12:31 AM

Gawd those things are annoying thank God this place isn't plagued by them like some forum sites

heartless95 01-06-2007 07:30 AM

I get ticked off abot a LOT of stuff.To much crap to list.To much to even remeber it all.

-Meanie Beanie People
-Spoiled Brats
-PeOpLe ThAt TaLk LiKe DiS
-People that hate me and everything i do
-People with out a sense of humor
-People that bring stuff up like a million times.
and the rest that I cant think of

Sparky 01-06-2007 05:38 PM

1. People who point out that something very obvious is about to happen; and then when it does act as if they have Magic Powers because they knew.

2. People who can't keep their trap shut in the movie theatre.

3. People who do number 2 and number 3 at the same ***** time. :terrence:

I would have enjoyed Night At the Museum a lot more this afternoon if it weren't for **** Captain Obvious next to me. (No I don't mean my brother. ;) ) Oh you bet the monkey took his keys, do you? WELL SO DO THE REST OF US. Sthu. -_-

some guy you dont know 01-06-2007 05:45 PM

now for the things that annoy me, MUSIC EDITION!

*rap. it really, just drives me nuts.

*anything thats "easy listening" or that jungle stuff. easy listening is as annoying to me as very loud heavy metal is to those guys at the fancy smanchy balls. rock is what i consider easy listening. and that noise out in the jungle makes me want to endanger a few species.

*country. i dont really like accoustic guitars, or fake, maybe real, southren accents. espically in the same 4 minuites.

*any band thats overrated. like KISS. they were ok, but not gods. seriously.

*pop. not all of it, mostly the kind youll hear from Britney spears or those other bimbos. its stupid and annoying.

kageri 01-06-2007 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 26985)
I thought of another one, because of an email I just got - and I hope this doesn't offend anyone because a lot of people do this but...I hate it when you're either chatting with someone online, or they write you an email, or like, a review on or whatever, and they stage this little bantering thing between themselves and some fictional character. Just out of nowhere, there's this little skit going on. I don't think I worded that well but you surely know what I'm talking about.

OH GOD YES. It's even worse when it's between a fangirl and some fictional "bishie" who they claim to own.

Jabberwocky 01-06-2007 09:43 PM

When people say, "you can't spell crap without rap!" Not that I like rap, but for the love of billy shears, that is just NOT CLEVER.

Mr. Marshmallow 01-06-2007 11:35 PM

Anyone who says or DOES the following:

"Back in the day"

Makes quote marks with their fingers in the air

says they "pwned" someone instead of "owned"

"RIGHT ON girlfriend!"

"I heard that"

Says they have anything on "the down lo"

And finally...

Anyone who automatically assumes people in their 20's or teens who watch cartoons are and/or perverts, losers, devoid of life, and constantly think of cartoons in the "wrong way" just because they talk about them in depth in conversation.

Voxxyn 01-06-2007 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 27275)
Anyone who automatically assumes people in their 20's or teens who watch cartoons are and/or perverts, losers, devoid of life, and constantly think of cartoons in the "wrong way" just because they talk about them in depth in conversation.

I'm with you 110%. I hate these kind of people. :(

Cassini90125 01-06-2007 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 27275)
says they "pwned" someone instead of "owned"

Yeah, I don't get that at all. It's stupid. >:(


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 27275)
Anyone who automatically assumes people in their 20's or teens who watch cartoons are and/or perverts, losers, devoid of life, and constantly think of cartoons in the "wrong way" just because they talk about them in depth in conversation.

To put it bluntly, anyone who thinks that is a jackass and probably takes himself a little too seriously. They need to loosen up and stop trying to impress everyone, themselves included, with how "mature" they are. >:( >:(

One Radical Dude 01-07-2007 09:38 AM

And what's with "roxxorz my boxxorz"? :P Some of these phrases are dumb.

kageri 01-07-2007 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 27275)
Anyone who automatically assumes people in their 20's or teens who watch cartoons are and/or perverts, losers, devoid of life, and constantly think of cartoons in the "wrong way" just because they talk about them in depth in conversation.

What puzzles me about this is the thought that doing the same thing for live action is somehow "better". Why? The characters of, say, Grey's Anatomy are every bit as fictional as the characters of Foster's, and how anyone can justify religiously watching Desperate Housewives yet scoffing at cartoons because they're "not real people" baffles me. It really does.

Tonya 01-07-2007 12:10 PM

What the heck does "roxxers my boxxers" mean?-nevermind, I don't wanna know. Anyway, I thought of more stuff that annoys me.

28: When people say "OMG, THAT IS SO GAY!"....all I have to say is that that sounds so retarted.

29: Nasty litterbox....

30: When someone does something and everyone thinks it's cool or funny, but when you do it, it's not cool nor funny.

31: E hecks and road checks.

32: Folks that have no sence of humor.

33: When you're trying to be funny and people look at you like "wth?" (happens to me akll the time)

34: Girls who just throw themselves at guys.

35: Girls who think like their butt and boobs are just "all that".

36: Guys who think the following above.

37: When them freakin brats throw paper wads, pencils, erasers, ect at you but if you say anything about it you get in trouble with the teacher.

38: When people disses something you think is cool.

39: When you eat something for lunch and your friends say how gross it is the WHOLE time you're trying to eat when THEY'RE not even eating it! They don't know what it tastes like.

40: People who constantly rag on how good you would look in this certain kind of clothing when you don't have the money to afford THAT particular brand or kind.

There's more but I can't think of anymore right now.

Mr. Marshmallow 01-07-2007 12:16 PM

I honestly get that "pervert cartoon freak" look and idea thrown around alot. Particuarly when you talk to someone who is a teen and doesn't watch cartoons, they either think you're gay or that you're a pervert. It really bothers me because people make it seem like I'm a depraved pervert.

People get aroused and actually have fantasies about celebrities and people on shows like Sarah Michelle Gellar from Buffy, or Jaimie pressley from My Name is Earl and it's apparantly okay to have sexual or adult thoughts about them. But when it happens to a cartoon character, you're labeled a sicko freak show.

It bothers me because cartoons have had a LONG history of advertising sexual attraction. Look at Jessica Rabbit, Minerva Mink, Lola Bunny, and even half the Disney princess girls. Toons have been promoted as seuxal icons for years, why the hell do you think toons do all that weird stuff when they see a pretty girl?

Eyes bulging, hearts shooting out, turning into rockets and screaming like their on fire? I don't think it's wrong at all, I think it's NATURAL. People grow as they get older and your mind realizes certain things and hints you didn't realize as a kid. I don't feel like a nutcase when I say I think Frankie's hot.

Or that I found Fifi Lefume from Tiny Toons to be attractive. I honestly find it hard to believe in a world where people have fantasies about every warped, twisted thing you can imagine, thinking about being sexually drawn to a toon is the worst thing you can feel.

BlooCheese 01-07-2007 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by kageri (Post 27324)
What puzzles me about this is the thought that doing the same thing for live action is somehow "better". Why? The characters of, say, Grey's Anatomy are every bit as fictional as the characters of Foster's, and how anyone can justify religiously watching Desperate Housewives yet scoffing at cartoons because they're "not real people" baffles me. It really does.

From the commercials I have seen, Grey's Anatomy appears to be some sort of dramatic soap opera that takes place in a hospital in which things that shouldn't and (as far as I know) don't happen, do happen. And to the extent of my knowledge, doctors have higher moral and are more responsible than to hide in closets and neglect their duties. (I do hope.)

And this reminds me of another thing that I really dislike. Sappy stories and the whole idea that love and sex HAVE TO come together. Sure, maybe lust and sex come together, but love and sex don't. You can love someone, yet never have sex with him or her.

Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 27326)
I honestly get that "pervert cartoon freak" look and idea thrown around alot. Particuarly when you talk to someone who is a teen and doesn't watch cartoons, they either think you're gay or that you're a pervert. It really bothers me because people make it seem like I'm a depraved pervert.

People get aroused and actually have fantasies about celebrities and people on shows like Sarah Michelle Gellar from Buffy, or Jaimie pressley from My Name is Earl and it's apparantly okay to have sexual or adult thoughts about them. But when it happens to a cartoon character, you're labeled a sicko freak show.

It bothers me because cartoons have had a LONG history of advertising sexual attraction. Look at Jessica Rabbit, Minerva Mink, Lola Bunny, and even half the Disney princess girls. Toons have been promoted as seuxal icons for years, why the hell do you think toons do all that weird stuff when they see a pretty girl?

Eyes bulging, hearts shooting out, turning into rockets and screaming like their on fire? I don't think it's wrong at all, I think it's NATURAL. People grow as they get older and your mind realizes certain things and hints you didn't realize as a kid. I don't feel like a nutcase when I say I think Frankie's hot.

Or that I found Fifi Lefume from Tiny Toons to be attractive. I honestly find it hard to believe in a world where people have fantasies about every warped, twisted thing you can imagine, thinking about being sexually drawn to a toon is the worst thing you can feel.

I believe people say things like that about cartoon fans because they feel that cartoons are only for children, and once you reach a certain age, you should move on to "more adult shows." They believe that watching cartoons at an adult age is bad enough; being attracted to a cartoon character is horrendous. I don't see why that should be so. In my opinion, being attracted to a cartoon character is not twisted at all. It is a much better idea than having feelings for some Hollywood star who constantly marries, divorces, re-marries, and involves himself or herself in affairs.

kageri 01-07-2007 02:12 PM

Wanting to make sexytime with a cartoon character is certainly not one of the more harmful fantasies I can think of. People are lame.

Tonya 01-07-2007 02:36 PM

You know, this is an interesting topic, but why not start yourself seperate thread on this? Just so we can stay on topic on this thread. I'd be interested in the topic of likes and dislikes of cartoons if anyone wanted to start a thread.

Cassini90125 01-07-2007 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Tonya (Post 27355)
You know, this is an interesting topic, but why not start yourself seperate thread on this? Just so we can stay on topic on this thread. I'd be interested in the topic of likes and dislikes of cartoons if anyone wanted to start a thread.

We had a similar thread on the old Forum:

If anyone wants to restart it, be my guest. :)

Mr. Marshmallow 01-07-2007 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 27356)
We had a similar thread on the old Forum:

If anyone wants to restart it, be my guest. :)

Done and Done ;D, check the board.

One Radical Dude 01-07-2007 06:32 PM

At work, when people ask me how much something costs on the menu. I point out the prices to them. Geez, can't people read? :P

SkittleMonkey 01-07-2007 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by One Radical Dude (Post 27388)
At work, when people ask me how much something costs on the menu. I point out the prices to them. Geez, can't people read? :P

Maybe they can't. Wouldn't suprise me...:P

Some more things that tick me off:

12. Little kids(like, 6-10 year olds) who bash something or say it's stupid, no matter what they actually think of it, because they think it makes them sound "more mature for their age"

13. Trashy Country music. I'm not talking all country; I'm talking "My dog died, and it made me sad, so I'm gonna go down to the bar and drink until I'm drunk" country music.

14. Orlando Bloom..... Gah, do I even need a reason?!

15. Gackt. He always sounds high when he talks, he always acts high when he talks. He drinks, he smokes, he walks around his house nekkid, and he's attractive, which he uses to his advantage, if you know what I mean.:jk:

16. Cliches. 'Nuff said.

17. Bimbos.

18. Those girls that get crushes on guys that they've never actually come into social contact with, so they have no idea what they're like. (My older brother just happens to be one of those guys. It annoys the CRAP out of me!!!:scaryberry: )

Jabberwocky 01-07-2007 08:32 PM

"I sued Ben Affleck... aw, do I even need a reason?!" XD

I hate my grandma, she is the most repulsive creature alive. I am not even kidding.

SkittleMonkey 01-08-2007 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by Jabberwocky (Post 27426)
"I sued Ben Affleck... aw, do I even need a reason?!" XD

I wasn't even thinking of that when I typed it out!!!8D

Howard 01-08-2007 08:12 AM

I hate not knowing what that pink thing that hangs in the back of our throats is...

Jabberwocky 01-08-2007 11:46 AM

Uvula! It's for capturing children in case you become a posessed house.

scary_dream 01-08-2007 02:45 PM

I hate whenever people name-drop.

I hate whenever people fake being depressed, then expect attention for it. (E.G. OMG look at me I'm so depressed! Isn't it cute?)

I hate how even the crappiest of movies take statements from reviews out-of-context and say that it is "Riveting", even though the whole sentence was "Riveting, if you're a garden slug."

I love my platinum hair, but I hate getting my hair done because the bleach smell makes my eyes water and my nose run.

I hate the "Male Enhancement" commercials. Those stupid things rank with the diet pills commercials in my most-hated list. I don't mind the Enzyte commercials, those are actually kind of funny, but the other cheesy ones with the sexy women saying "What have you got to lose?" just bug me.

I hate Girls Gone Wild.

I hate Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu fanfics. Seriously.

some guy you dont know 01-08-2007 02:57 PM

ok i got one. i REALLY, REALLY REALLY hate the headon commericals (doesnt everyone?) but it really gets under my skin. and i hate the newer ones even more. if thats possible.

emperor26 01-10-2007 08:15 PM

Bullies-They don't act their age, their egotistic and most of all, they're a bunch of ignorants.

Stereotypes-I hate it when that term shows up, giving out false informations and lies to everyone.

Racists-They don't respect culture and have little clue about the entire world in general.

Nyo 01-11-2007 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by kaytea (Post 26375)

I also hate how girls brag about how big her breasts or butt is
and guys who only like a girl for the two things listed above

couples who kiss in the middle of the hall in school and get in your way

I hate that stuff too. School's for learning, not french-kissing or showing off your breasts/butts.

Howard 01-11-2007 11:08 AM

I do not know if this is a growing epidemic or what, but people with NO COMMON SENSE tick me off! It looks like having common sense seems to be a lost trait in this country. Any moron can be book smart (as you can see, I am at work right now).:frankiesmile:

Medikor 01-11-2007 11:28 AM

The things that tick me off are too politicol for this board, I think. One thing that bugs me though are commercials. People have become either A: stupid or B: money grubbing.
99% of the commercials on tv have little disclamers for the most outragouse things that are not even possable. Take the new Energizer commercial with the two alians for example. They recharge their ship by plugging into the Energizer Bunny and what do we see in the corner of the screne? That's right: Dramatization only.8D
I guess that's more funny than annoying now that I think about it...

Partymember 01-11-2007 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by duck2k (Post 28051)
I do not know if this is a growing epidemic or what, but people with NO COMMON SENSE tick me off! It looks like having common sense seems to be a lost trait in this country. Any moron can be book smart (as you can see, I am at work right now).:frankiesmile:


The busgirl asked me if the lemons came to the restaurant already skewered on shrimp forks...and she's got a 90+ average in everything.

Jabberwocky 01-11-2007 02:05 PM

When my mom plays that sirius channels that plays annoying slow/super fast/horribly mixed remixes of all the songs I love. Message in a Bottle is on right now. Or rather, meeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssaaaaaaaaaaaageeeeeeee

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


you get the idea. D:<

BTW, my brother took the iPod. Meaning I was iPodless in the car this morning. I carpool with my neighbors from Puerto Rico and usually drown out whatever they're listening to with my own music, but today I think I experienced what Vox was talking about earlier. I don't know, I can't understand a word of it and it might have just been really horrible Spanish hiphop, but dear lord, whatever it was I hate it.

rukift 01-11-2007 03:47 PM

I hate it when people say "Nothing." As in, you ask them what's wrong, and what do they say? Nothing. By now I've figured out that nothing means everything, or at least, "figure it out yourself." Since I can't figure it out myself, I ask them, and they won't give me an answer. 8D

Partymember 01-11-2007 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by rukift (Post 28134)
I hate it when people say "Nothing." As in, you ask them what's wrong, and what do they say? Nothing. By now I've figured out that nothing means everything, or at least, "figure it out yourself." Since I can't figure it out myself, I ask them, and they won't give me an answer. 8D

we usually don't want to talk about it.

rukift 01-11-2007 04:24 PM

You could just say you don't feel like talking at the moment.

edit: well no crap..

Nyo 01-11-2007 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by rukift (Post 28143)
You could just say you don't feel like talking at the moment.

Yeah, totally. I tell people that when I'm sad, but they end up bugging the crap outta me. D:<

rukift 01-11-2007 04:33 PM

Go get the Winnie the Pooh in your avatar to set them straight. Or at least, put up with them until you find a more reasonable plan.

Partymember 01-11-2007 05:47 PM

yeah, okay, ever been "down" bud? Its hard to breathe without crying, much less say "i don't wanna talk about it" because then they inevitably ask again, "what's wrong", which begs the response, "nothing"

you don't need to "put up" with a sad person, just leave us alone and we will not say or do anything. Don't bug us, it makes us mad.

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