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Sims Katie 08-20-2006 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by Bloofanatic (Post 1205)
I've been wondering this for awhile now. What will happen if Mac's mum found out that Mac visits Bloo at foster's everyday?

For something that's such a big secret, he's not hiding it very well. I mean, he makes a video for class saying "I go to Foster's" that his mum could have seen, and in "The Big Cheese" he's at the house when the TV crew shows up! Hello, mother's watch television, you know?

Kzinistzerg 08-20-2006 06:59 AM

Yeah, you're right... He was really late in "Dinner is Swerved" and he was at the house... AT NIGHT in "Partying is Such Sweet Soiree." And speaking of which, wouldn't all that with the sugar have been really obvious to anyone who'd seen it before? Wouldn't it raise questions?

InsaneFan 08-20-2006 10:23 AM

It's called "The writers don't have all that in mind when they're writing episodes" ;D

BlooCheese 08-20-2006 10:25 AM

LOL. Hopefully Mac's mum won't find out.

Kzinistzerg 08-20-2006 10:37 AM

Yeah that would definitely mess up everyone's plans...

kageri 08-20-2006 10:39 AM

I'd hope that she would be relieved that he found some way to hang out with Bloo without him living with them, since I suspect him being too old for an IF was just an excuse she used to get Bloo out of the house.

And maybe she was at work when the news thing aired. Who knows.

Sparky 08-20-2006 03:16 PM

He's also taken Bloo to school (Bloo's Brothers), so what's to keep his teacher from casually mentioning that to Mom at a parent/teacher night? Or any of the kids coming up to Mac while he and his mom are out somewhere and asking him about Bloo? The writers really don't cover all their bases. ;)

BlooCheese 08-20-2006 04:38 PM

What about in Camp Keep a Good Mac Down when they all went camping for two days and Mac never went home?

LaBlooGirl 08-20-2006 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Kzinistzerg (Post 180)
I find it interesting that he seems to mature a lot from the first episode on. He and Bloo really do sound like teeny kids in the pilot, by the second season they've become more mature. Or at leat, Mac has. Can't say much for Bloo. I guess being separated forced a change...?

We actually had a discussion about that in the old forums, something along the lines of Bloo acting up and completely changing to more chaotic after having been seperated from Mac, and now forced to live apart. Bloo seems to enjoy Foster's, but I think he'd still rather be with Mac in his apartment. (I mean, he even invented a sleepover that no one knew about, just like that, and invited other Imaginaries. You could tell Bloo missed being with Mac at what he would recognize as his true home. Or, he just doesn't like being away from Mac and so he conjurs up crazy schemes to go see him, even WITH the fact that Mac visits daily.)

Bloo seems to have regressed, being even more child-like. Poor Bloo. It just proves the way he's psychologically been affected. I love how subtle Craig can be like that...don't know if that was his intention, but it sure makes for an interesting character development.

Sparky 08-20-2006 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by BlooCheese (Post 1376)
What about in Camp Keep a Good Mac Down when they all went camping for two days and Mac never went home?

As I recall at the beginning of the ep someone (Wilt I believe) said "What did Mac tell his mom he was going to be doing all weekend?" and Coco said a bunch of coco's and the first person was like "Oh yeah, what a good story!". Something like that. So they *did* say that Mac had lied/witheld the truth to his mom about where he was going.

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