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Tonya 10-12-2006 04:16 PM

Oh man, THAT be PERFECT for Cheese! Ha!

Kzinistzerg 10-12-2006 04:20 PM

Cheese could go as himself.

EDIT: OMG! Bloo could go as a secret door!

Thornwhistle 10-12-2006 05:44 PM

Mac - Ness from Earthbound
Jackie Knohnes - Plankton from SpongeBob Squarepants
Dutchess - Medusea
Red - Thwomp from Super Mario Brothers

Mr. Marshmallow 10-12-2006 06:58 PM

I got some more

Mac and Bloo - Elliot and E.T.
Frankie - Sailor Mars
Duchess - Medusa
Madame Foster - The Gap troll (Mad TV reference)
Eduardo - Chewbacca
Jackie Khones - Telescope
Terrance - Bart Simpson
Mr. Herriman - Mr. Belvadere
Goofball - Jar Jar Binks (heh)
Cheese - Jackoughasaur (South Park)

HappyFoppy 10-13-2006 09:19 AM

Coco: Flight 815 from Lost.
Duchess: herself (she'd get tons of candy).
Herriman: The Phantom of the Opera (wearing a stupid white blanket with two holes in it for looking through ;))
Cheese: Gir? :)
Mac: Terrence
Bloo: Robo from Chrono Trigger (play that game now :D)
Wilt: Jack Skellington, just like CG. It's the only thing I can think him of.
Goo: The "scary" imaginary friend from Go Goo Go. (with the Eduardo scene)
Ed: a bee. ;)

lucyrocks73 10-13-2006 11:51 AM

Darn. Everyone already took my ideas.

I could totally see Goo as Dee Dee. Bloo as R2-D2 would rock as well...

Ugh. I'm tapped for ideas.

Therefore, I'll just shut up now and congratulate everyone on their ideas.


-Marty 8-)

Emma 10-15-2006 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 10458)
Cheese - Jackoughasaur (South Park)


kageri 10-16-2006 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 10458)
Cheese - Jackoughasaur (South Park)

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who noticed that resemblance.

Invader Bloo 10-16-2006 01:49 PM

Terrance- Pizza
Red- Cheese cube :D
Goofball- Jar Jar Binks (I agree because most of the fans of the series hate the character, I like Jar Jar though)
Jhackie Khones- Plankton (All he'd have to do is put fake unibrow on)
New Guy- Sulley(Monster,s Inc, he'd have to carry a lil' Boo or Mike around)
Berry- Picture Frame w/ Bloo picture next to her
Duchess- Empress
Big Green Guy who works w/ Bloo alot- Shrek
George Mucas- George Lucas :grin:

InsaneFan 10-20-2006 04:48 PM

Dude, Wilt could go as Cyborg from Teen Titans. Like, totally. And I would die of joy.

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