Never Forgotten: a Foster's Home Community

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Digifreak642 04-29-2011 09:50 PM

I posted much more often when Fosters was popular on The days of Ruki, Krazykraz, Star_blaster, etc. I've been thinking about Fosters lately since I feel like I viewed television differently when it aired. Not I watch shows like Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Community, etc. Shows that are considered to be "for adults."

I think, if possible, it would be cool if all the FHFIF friends planned a re-watch of the series this summer. I'm not sure if all the DVDs are out or if we'll have to find them online or what. Other than A Lost Clause, I haven't watched any Fosters since it ended. My perspective has probably changed and I'm sure a lot of other's has too. Like someone else mentioned, I started watching the show in middle school and now I'm in college.


One Radical Dude 04-30-2011 12:39 AM

The last time I really watched the show was back in December, when I visited Howard at his place, and I did watch "A Lost Claus" during that month later. I haven't watched as much for two reasons: the main one is work, and the other is simply the show is not airing anymore on TV (for now, anyway).

Unfortunately, the only way to get the entire series is to get them off iTunes (only Seasons 1-2 were available on DVD in North America), except for "A Lost Claus". Would love to see the entire series get a full series DVD release, or how about Bloo-ray (uh...I mean, Blu-ray :bloogrin:) least get them on DVD and add features to them. I began watching when I was 23, and I'll be 30 in June.

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