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Cassini90125 07-22-2009 07:56 PM

Well, let's see...

I got together with Sparky and Government Man for lunch around 2:00 PM at the Edgewater Grill, a very nice restaurant that we had our farewell dinner at back in 2007. Also present was Iceberg210, whom I hadn't met before and didn't know he'd be at the Con; very nice to meet you, dude. ORD arrived soon thereafter. Sparky and I got the seafood crepes; I don't recall what everyone else got but we all ate well. After lunch we poked around a couple of the Seaport Village shops, bought nothing, and then it was off to the Convention Center for registration. That part never seems to take very long for some reason. After we got our badges, ORD took off to do ORD stuff, and the rest of us unceremoniously left Sparky on a bench at the Center and went to hang around the pool at the Marriott, where none of us are guests. In short, we were hotel crashers. 8D Eventually we went back to the Convention Center and, after a long tour around the building, we caught up with Sparky and ORD and waited patiently in a long line in a not-air-conditioned area for the Con itself to open. Eventually it did, and we went down to the Exhibition Hall and headed straight for Lauren's booth. The place was already packed; as I understand it, it's going to get a lot worse as the week wears on. That, plus the high heat, makes me want to stay in my hotel room and visit nothing but nice quiet restaurants, but you know I won't. I'll be there everyday until the Con is over or I pass out, whichever comes first, gathering pics all along the way. Anyway, we stayed at Lauren's booth for some time, and we did learn what her upcoming announcement will be; I'm not posting it because I'm honestly not sure if I should. But it will be officially announced sometime tommorrow; I think y'all will be excited about it. Sparky's Terrence plushie was a big hit; expect a pic of him at the booth very soon. After awhile we left and wandered off to do our own things, mostly shopping-related; there's a lot of goodies to be had at the Con, although I never seem to buy much. I looked around briefly and was about to head for the nearest exit when I spotted a booth with Doctor Who toys. Good ones, too, imported from England (made in China :bloocross:), and, well, I've been wanting a remote-controlled Dalek for longer than I care to remember. Now I have one. Oh, but there's more to this part of the story. You see, Doctor Who has always been one of my favorite shows; in fact, I enjoyed it so much that it became one of only two shows that I ever wrote fanfics about (the other is Foster's). I watched every episode that the local PBS stations aired, forgoing such things as family outings and sometimes putting off meals until the show was over. Stars, I loved that show. So you can imagine what an honor it was for me to meet and shake the hand of Colin Baker, the sixth actor to play the role of the Doctor. Much older now than when his episodes first aired but still recognizable, still with his original wit and slightly wry sense of humor, still the 6th Doctor that I remember. And I'll be remembering this meeting for a very long time. :)

Looks like Comic-Con 2009 is off to a great start. ;D

Sparky 07-22-2009 08:22 PM

Here you go:

I also videotaped Lauren giving her great news about the Galaxy Girls but will hold off in posting it so she can break the news herself on her blog.

And now for my adventure...

I planned to buy a film replica from Full Moon Features' booth, so I went there. I asked if they had it, yes they did, I stupidly blurted out I WANT ONE so I started preparing to buy it, they were boxing it up, and then I got cold feet because it's kind of expensive and I remembered that I wanted to wait until I guy I know from a Full Moon forum came by and I could ask him his expert opinion on if it was worth that much money, so I asked them to wait and I'd come back the next day. I felt like a heel doing that to them. :P So I slunk off and came to the decision to buy it anyways, but they had said they'd prefer cash so I thought it would make it up to them to bring cash this time. I went to the convention center atms and took out one amount because it was the max they allowed, and then just tried to do a separate transaction for the rest. But no, it wouldn't go through. Checking my account showed I had enough but three separate tries yielded nothing. So I went back to the booth and - there was that guy I know, like magic. He agreed we should each buy one. The booth took the cash I had and did the rest on my credit card. Then I get back here and check my email and there's a message from my bank about unauthorised access on my card and I have to call them which I did and cleared everything up and now my card is unlocked again. :P

And that was my adventure. :jk:

Lynnie 07-22-2009 08:28 PM

Congrats on getting the film replica. Sounds like it was sure a pain up until that point though. I bet that's a relief. :P

Terrence looks very happy to be in the presence of his creator! :terrsmile:

One Radical Dude 07-22-2009 10:24 PM

It was definitely an excellent start to the 2009 Comic-Con International. I got up at 8:45am from my bed (though I kinda woke up many times, as early as a bit after 6am). I went to Starbucks. I had the cafe vanilla frappuccino. I then went to Westfield Horton Plaza, went to Ritz Camera, picked up a second camcorder battery. Paid less than $80 for it. I needed it, because I'm going to be using my one battery quickly. I picked up a belt from Macy's. Then I took the trolley all the way to San Diego State University at the Aztec Center and bowled three games. I didn't do as well at my max this year. I only got 85 or something like that, compared to around 140 this year. Then, I went to Mission Valley to find a charger for my digital camera battery. I did get it. I hurried all the way back to Downtown to Seaport Village, and I met up with the NF gang, and got to meet Iceberg210. We went to some hat place to look at hats, and that was all for SV. I had to take a short break and get my confirmation for Comic-Con before going to the Convention Center. Before going up, someone said something stupid about the escalator, and then all of a sudden, it stopped (did we get jinxed? :P). We had to walk up with the escalator not moving. Picked up badge fairly quickly, waited in line for over an hour, got in the Exhibit Hall. I met up with Lauren and Craig, and I also got to see Khaki Jones and met her husband. We talked for a bit, and then we separated for the rest of the evening. I got to meet one friend (who's in the Artist Gallery/Table area)...which I haven't seen in over three years, got to meet one artist that I watch on deviantART, and finally got to meet a friend from Las Vegas (befriended her on MySpace 3 years ago). After that, I went to eat pizza somewhere in the Gaslamp Quarter area. Then, I came back to my place. Fantastic start to this con. :smed:

Natty 07-23-2009 09:59 AM

SO, how's the con today, guys and gals?!

Cassini90125 07-23-2009 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Natty (Post 114229)
SO, how's the con today, guys and gals?!

I'll let you know when I get back. For some unfathomable reason, my brother wants me to get a pic of myself with Butch Patrick ("Eddie Munster"), so I'm heading out to get one momentarily.

Dinner last night was at Croce's Restaurant, owned and operated by Ingrid Croce, wife of the late singer Jim Croce. French onion soup, New York sirloin with gouda mashed potatoes and asparagus, topped with a mushroom ragout, and creme brulee for dessert. I left very full and quite happy. Excellent staff there as well, a nice mix of joviality and professionalism. I'd definitely go back but I've got too many other places to try. ;D

taranchula 07-23-2009 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 114231)
Dinner last night was at Croce's Restaurant, owned and operated by Ingrid Croce, wife of the late singer Jim Croce. French onion soup, New York sirloin with gouda mashed potatoes and asparagus, topped with a mushroom ragout, and creme brulee for dessert. I left very full and quite happy. Excellent staff there as well, a nice mix of joviality and professionalism. I'd definitely go back but I've got too many other places to try. ;D

Nice, I should give that place a try the next time I'm in town.

Sparky 07-23-2009 11:55 AM

GM wanted to hit a panel held in the biggest hall so we left early because we have to take a bus and a trolley to get there, and then the line was too long. We separated but I eventually headed back to the hotel. I *might* got to the CN panel (Flapjack, Chowder, and Adventure Time) later this afternoon but I don't know yet, I may skip it. I have no further plans today. Which is good because my feet are in a lot of pain. :P Maybe I'll play Fusionfall, the summer expansion pack has launched.

Natty 07-23-2009 12:21 PM

Hai, I received a text-message from Tess that she was in the line, and that she was quite bored since Tom K. wouldn't be at the con today :(

taranchula 07-23-2009 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Natty (Post 114236)
Hai, I received a text-message from Tess that she was in the line, and that she was quite bored since Tom K. wouldn't be at the con today :(

With the planned 10'th anniversary of Spongebob panel this weekend, Tom should be there before it's all said and done.

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