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Nyo 09-19-2006 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by HappyFoppy (Post 6471)

That was...hilarious.

Tonya 09-19-2006 12:48 PM

I like that one identity theft commercial that has the guy sitting in the chair with a beer, with a girls voice, and he's all...."So, I was at the mall and I saw this leather boostiay, and I was like oh my gosh, I just have to have it!", or something like that.
And I feel like running over one of those Girls whose Gone Wild with their GGW van.
Has anyone seen that commercial on CN? It's all animated, where the little girl gets Eggo waffles or something, and the dad somehow gets dragged out the window. Anyway, the music on there reminds me a lot of Foster's.

Cassini90125 09-19-2006 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by Matchsticks (Post 6512)
I hate the American Fanta commercials with those girls singing. I want to drown them in their own soda.

But I do like the Japanese commercials

The American version gets shown in theaters in Surround Sound now and then. It's incredibly annoying. Drown the girls and feed the writers to the wolverines. :P

koosie 09-19-2006 02:47 PM

Do you have Coco-Pops breakfast cereal in the US? They've been running a series of adverts based on this crummy cartoon monkey character (sadly called Coco) for about 20 years but ran out of rhyming couplets for jingles about Coco, his jungle friends and his crocodile enemies about 19 years ago and these days they'll just throw anything in regardless of whether it rhymes or makes any sense at all.

Sometimes desparation is cute. I like Coco-Pops.

Cassini90125 09-19-2006 02:57 PM

We've got Cocoa-Puffs and that stupid loud bird, whom I'd love to see our Coco beat the crap out of. Fanart, anyone? ;)

kageri 09-19-2006 03:07 PM

I like that Skittles commercial where there are these teenagers sitting on a rainbow and when the one kid questions its existence, he falls through it.

On Adult Swim there's this commercial for Robot Chicken (narrated in the traditional deep gravelly voice, of course), and it's like:

"In the light of a dim pale blue dawn, you've waited...

But now that thing you've been waiting for the happening of is here... bring the waitingness.... an endingness."

It's amusing.

Tonya 09-19-2006 05:32 PM

One on CN I like is that one that comes on at about 6:30 am. It's the one with the rapping fork, plate, and spoon. I have to stop and watch it everytime, it's rather amusing.
"Now, now eat it! Now, now eat it!"
"Chew it up! Chew, chew, chew it up!".

Matchsticks 09-19-2006 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 6546)
The American version gets shown in theaters in Surround Sound now and then. It's incredibly annoying. Drown the girls and feed the writers to the wolverines. :P

I know and I hate it. It is like I just finished watching a cute/funny Fandango commercial and then it is all like

"FANTA, FANTA, I KNOW YOU WANTA, LOLLLERZ!!!1!" and then I want to scream 'Kill it with tire!' Blargh.

SkittleMonkey 09-19-2006 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Tonya (Post 6614)
One on CN I like is that one that comes on at about 6:30 am. It's the one with the rapping fork, plate, and spoon. I have to stop and watch it everytime, it's rather amusing.
"Now, now eat it! Now, now eat it!"
"Chew it up! Chew, chew, chew it up!".

What's the time?! It's breakfast time! What's the time?! It's breakfast time!
What's the time?! It's breakfast time!
Come and get yo breakfast on!!!
Now, eat it! Uh-uh-eat it!
Now, chew it up! Ch-ch-chew it up!

You know it's weird that you say you saw it on CN, because whenever I see it, it's on Nickelodeon. It came on all the time, almost to the point where I could list all the breakfast foods they named off, but the one I remember the most is, "Cereal and milk! Cereal and milk!".

HappyFoppy 09-19-2006 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by SkittleMonkey (Post 6642)
"Cereal and milk! Cereal and milk!"


Yeah, I had to say that ;)

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