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scary_dream 12-10-2008 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Ridureyu (Post 101262)
My church is currently renting space from another one. Recently, the actual owners of the building decorated for Christmas. It's mostly the usual - random lights, mistletoe hanging from all the light fixtures, a nativity set crowded against gigantic candy canes, etc. However, in one corner of the stage, there is the most grisly, morbid Christmas tree that I have ever seen. It is covered in angels. To put this in perspective, remember that scene from 300 with the dead townspeople nailed to a tree? It looks like that, and more than one person has made the comparison. Here are some pictures:

And yes, the tree topper does look like an odd kind of fungus.

Oh wow... that is probably one of the ugliest trees I've seen in a while. The topper looks like the tree is exploding.

I've never been much of a Christmas fanatic, I just like seeing my family. However, what is Christmas without a tree? I bought a black Christmas tree and decorated it with tinsel that has purple bats on it. Props to mommy for making me spider ornaments, too, so I have a bunch of jewel-colored spiders on it. It sounds ridiculous, but it's actually quite pretty, just... unusual lol.

It looks short and dinky in the photo but it's 5 feet tall.

And a closeup of the ornaments:

Still not sure what I want as a topper though!

Lynnie 12-10-2008 05:47 PM

Hehe, yeah that is unusual. It'd make a great Halloween tree. There are Easter trees, why not Halloween trees? That would be pretty cool, actually. Maybe it will catch on. ;)

That's one fine Christmas tree though. The spider ornaments are really pretty. :)

Sparky 12-10-2008 06:11 PM

I have a Halloween tree, but I only put it out in October, lol.

Lynnie 12-10-2008 07:40 PM

Oh yeah, I do vaguely remember you mentioning that. It is a pretty cool idea. :)

I usually have my decorations up by now, but I've been stressed and taking advantage of any "off" time by just relaxing. Tomorrow though, as it's my day off, I hope to put my tree and some other decorations up. If I feel up to it, that is.

scary_dream 12-10-2008 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 101633)
That's one fine Christmas tree though. The spider ornaments are really pretty. :)

Thanks! My mom is the best :D

I guess the reason I put it up is because I dunno... most of the time people cover their tree with things they like and whatnot (I've even seen Harley Davidson Christmas trees!), and none of the usual Christmas decor items really appeal to me. It's not a religion thing, either, I just think most of them are kind of ugly lol, not to mention they look very out of place in my house. So I cover it in what my boyfriend and I enjoy and it looks Christmas-y to us. I just tried to not make it too gaudy because ANY seasons decorations can get tacky (Ridureyu proved that point for all of us 8D).

taranchula 12-11-2008 08:15 PM

Classic Christmas specials, Christmas themed episodes of old TV shows, vintage commercials...

Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to holiday Nerdvana! :bloogrin:

Bloo2daMacs 12-12-2008 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by taranchula (Post 101712)

Classic Christmas specials, Christmas themed episodes of old TV shows, vintage commercials...

Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to holiday Nerdvana! :bloogrin:

That's awesome! I wish it has a pause button though.

Ridureyu 12-15-2008 01:33 AM

"We come bearing gifts of Frankincense, Myrrh, and Peppermint Humbugs."

taranchula 12-16-2008 06:53 AM

Yesterday I picked up one of the coolest tree ornaments in the history of tree ornaments.

Why is it so cool? Well, this video shall explain.

Sparky 12-16-2008 10:49 AM

Ahaha, sweet. :D

My favorite ornament is still the one that looks surprisingly like Kiwi:

But I also have a cool Popeye, a Reese's package, a couple Starbucks cups, a Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee...we have a few cool ornaments. :) Plus an old one that's Marvin the Martian sitting at a computer and it has a hole in the back so you stick one of the tree's lights inside to light up the screen.

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