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WiltsAKGirl17 10-22-2007 07:56 PM

Wilt: Honestly, the best thing I can think of is a day where he is the absolute king, where everyone's doing something nice for him for a change. He deserves it, man!

Bloo: Some serious paddleball lessons. Or a Wii-- he'd appreaciate a Wii.

Mac: I got nothing... I'll think of something eventually. A Wii for his place?

Ed: Another puppy! Chewy needs a friend. :3

Coco: A car? Heck, I dunno here, either!

Frankie: A loooooooong vacation.

Cheese: Tickets to some remote part of the world where he can make friends with the wild animals there and be revred by the local tribe as a leader.

Goo: And again, I draw a blank...

Mayor Adam West 10-22-2007 08:05 PM

I'd give Berry a Bloo plushie, so she can always have Bloo regardless, a talking well as a Mac plushie, so that she can beat it up :scaryberry:

taranchula 10-22-2007 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Mayor Adam West (Post 60612)
I'd give Berry a Bloo plushie, so she can always have Bloo regardless, a talking well as a Mac plushie, so that she can beat it up :scaryberry:

Berry beating up on a Mac dummy, now there is a piece of fan art just waiting to be drawn....if it hasn't been done already.

Mayor Adam West 10-22-2007 08:36 PM

Hehe, yup, if she can't seem to beat up the real thing, then a Mac doll is the next best thing for her :berry:

taranchula 10-22-2007 08:43 PM

Hell knowing how crazy Berry is, she probably has an entire dojo filled with several effigies of Mac that she beats up ninjitsu style every day. 8D

Mayor Adam West 10-22-2007 08:45 PM

Lol, I can imagine that.

But what about something more for her? A Voodoo doll of Mac? Taking it another step futher, she'd definitly enjoy that :berry:

taranchula 10-22-2007 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Mayor Adam West (Post 60633)

But what about something more for her? A Voodoo doll of Mac? Taking it another step futher, she'd definitly enjoy that :berry:

Yeah, she got the sewing pattern for that one from Madam Foster herself. ;)

Mayor Adam West 10-22-2007 09:02 PM

Hehe, yup....wait, what would she be doing back at Fosters? Didn't she despise the house?

Oh yeah, before I forget, I'd give Eduardo a night-light :smed:

taranchula 10-23-2007 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by Mayor Adam West (Post 60640)
Hehe, yup....wait, what would she be doing back at Fosters? Didn't she despise the house?

They unknowingly converse over the internet on many a sewing forums.

bloonuggets 11-26-2007 05:46 AM

Christmas Gifts for the Foster's Family
It's that most wonderful time of year (and no, we ain't speaking about back-to-school shopping, either in spite of the ads Staples put out a couple years ago). So, I've decided to give out some gifts to everyone at Foster's. So, let's see what we have here for them:
  • Bloo - Paddleballs.
  • Mac - A new green backpack.
  • Coco - A vacation home she doesn't have to pay for while working as a Mall Santa.
  • Wilt - An old school ABA Basketball.
  • Eduardo - Candy canes for his horns. And some courage.
  • Mr. Herriman - The Blockheads Guide To Technology.
  • Madame Foster - Whatever she wants.
  • Frankie - A Zambini Cleaning Machine.
  • Cheese - Drinks that look like chocolate milk.
  • Terrence - A date with Sparky (I keed, Spark.)
  • Goo - I can't think of anything.
  • Berry - A hour with a shrink.
  • Bendy - Some time in the corner.
  • Jackie Khones and Fluffer Nutter - Dinner Date.
  • Duchess - See Madame Foster.
  • Red - A new friend named Green. After, Red and Green go together during the holidays.

There's my list. Now, what would you give them for Christmukkazah? (Boy, do I miss The O.C. for that reference.) Post away.

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