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Crash-N-Cortex 11-10-2007 07:26 AM

Wow! A Fosters' marathon. I may have a chance to watch it. I also can't wait the new episode on that day, "The Little Peas". Judging by the episode summary, I hope Cheese isn't in this one, I hope see Goo in this episode seen we seen her once in Season Five.

BabyCharmander 11-12-2007 04:35 PM

Did anyone see the commercial for this marathon?

I think they showed like... 3 seconds of the new ep, but I could be wrong.

bloonuggets 11-12-2007 08:06 PM

We have some changes, noted in Italics.

The revised line-up:

7 AM - Cuckoo For Coco Cards
7:30 - Emancipation Complication
8 AM - Land of the Flea
8:30 - Infernal Slumber
9 AM - Squeeze The Day
9:30 - Bride To Beat
10 AM - Good Wilt Hunting (Repeats at 8:30 PM)
11 AM - Mac Daddy
11:30 - Challenge Of The Superfriends
12 Noon - Bus The Two Of Us
12:30 - Go Goo Go
1 PM - Bloo's The Boss
1:30 - Schlock Star
2 PM - Make-Believe It Or Not
2:30 - The Bloo Superdude And The Magic Potato Of Power
3 PM - The Buck Swaps Here
3:30 - Something Old, Something Bloo
4 PM - Better Off Ed
4:30 - Affair Weather Friends
5 PM - Nightmare On Wilson Way
5:30 - Ticket To Rod
6 PM - The Big Cheese
6:30 - The Little Peas (New episode! Repeats at 8 PM)

Season Five episodes are in Boldface.

Remember, check with like I did.

WiltsAKGirl17 11-14-2007 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by pitbulllady (Post 63089)
I sure hope that WiltsAKgirl17 can finally catch Good Wilt Hunting! Hear that? Set the VCR, WAKG17!


Aww... Thanks for thinking of me, pbl! That, on top of wathcing The Ant Bully right now, really made me happy!

Alas, we have no VCR. (I think some higher power is plotting against me so that I can never see the ONE episode I'm DYING to see!) I'll try to catch it at 10 or 8:30-- that'd be about 9 or 7:30 AK time. Maybe if I bribe my parents, they'll let me watch it.

Ccook50 11-15-2007 01:45 AM

CN's schedule on their site confirms the changes. Thanks for the heads up.

pitbulllady 11-15-2007 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by WiltsAKGirl17 (Post 63756)
Aww... Thanks for thinking of me, pbl! That, on top of wathcing The Ant Bully right now, really made me happy!

Alas, we have no VCR. (I think some higher power is plotting against me so that I can never see the ONE episode I'm DYING to see!) I'll try to catch it at 10 or 8:30-- that'd be about 9 or 7:30 AK time. Maybe if I bribe my parents, they'll let me watch it.

Can you go buy a VCR? I mean, they're dirt cheap now, since most people have gotten DVD players. Wal-Mart has Sanyo VCR's now for $28.00, and if I wanted to see something that badly, I'd sure find a way. I know where you are it might be harder to find things, but not impossible. Try to convince your parents that they really need to get a VCR, since you will want to watch this movie more than once, trust me.


WiltsAKGirl17 11-15-2007 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by pitbulllady (Post 63773)
Can you go buy a VCR? I mean, they're dirt cheap now, since most people have gotten DVD players. Wal-Mart has Sanyo VCR's now for $28.00, and if I wanted to see something that badly, I'd sure find a way. I know where you are it might be harder to find things, but not impossible. Try to convince your parents that they really need to get a VCR, since you will want to watch this movie more than once, trust me.


I doubt that I'll be able to buy a VCR. Sadly... I can imagine that they are extremely cheap, but in Alaska, most everything's horribly expensive because of shipping/air frieght. Although you are right that it's not impossible (Look at my personal text, for cryin' out loud!)

Man... $28 for a VCR... People spend about that much on two footlong Chicken Bacon Ranch sandwiches at SubWay! (Not counting extra cheese, etc.) I miss the Lower 48 so much sometimes...

And I KNOW I'd want to watch GWH more than once. I'll see what I can do. Maybe if I forfeit my beloved laptop for a whole week, they'd let me watch it. * crosses fingers *

bloonuggets 11-17-2007 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by Ccook50 (Post 63772)
"CN's schedule on their site confirms the changes. Thanks for the heads up."

Glad to help you out, Ccook50! :cheese:

Mr. Marshmallow 11-22-2007 09:00 AM

Sadly, we always go to my aunts for Thanksgiving (too early I MIGHT ADD) and it bugs me because every year I keep missing the Fosters marathon. I was able to catch some of it last year when I spent thanksgiving with my uncle in Minnesota.

Which upsets me because its one of the few marathons I really try to make time to watch. I'm probably gonna have to timer tape the new episode only because as much as I want to see some of the old episodes again, I mainly want to make sure I see the new one.

BabyCharmander 11-22-2007 10:16 AM

Aw man! My cable got the episodes wrong last night. Cuckoo for Coco Cards was on this morning and I slept through it because I thought another ep was showing. D: I did catch Land of the Flea though, which I haven't seen before. Also managed to tape Good Wilt Hunting~ (Albeit with all the commercials, but oh well.)

Can't wait to see the new ep tonight. %3

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