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InsaneFan 09-19-2006 05:16 PM

Since I last posted on this thread, I've kinda...Fallen in love with it.

THERE, I said it.

I'm not even going to hide the fact that I went and bought the first two DVDs. So ha.

Mr. Marshmallow 09-30-2006 04:43 PM

There's nothing wrong with liking it or loving it Insane Fan.

I myself am gonna buy the freaking Trouble in Tokyo movie on DVD even though I taped it off the TV.

It's a good show and there's NOTHING to be ashamed of for liking it.

InsaneFan 10-10-2006 06:03 PM

I know, it's just that I come from a place where you're a freak if you watch anime.

But it's all cool now, because I'm such a trendsetter for my sisters and friends. They all like it now.

Plus, I bought the third DVD and the video game. The game ROCKED HARD. Me and my friend started it at 7:30 PM and played it nonstop until we beat it at 5:00 AM. Then we started it again on medium and played for another two hours. We were planning to stay up all night(and we had da 'Dew ready), but then I remembered I had a Martial Arts class that day, and I didn't wanna be dead for it.
Haha, I made her play as Mad Mod after we unlocked him as a player for the battle arenas, just so I could beat his virtual booty into next year. I HATE. HIM.

I've made some TT fanarts, if anyone wants to see them...

Mr. Marshmallow 10-10-2006 09:13 PM

Teen Titans was probably the most succesful "anime" styled cartoon made. I actually know alot of people that accept it then most cartoon shows, and while I'm a firm believer in loving what you love, I still am nervous talking bout it.

Some shows like Teen Titans no one cares because they can see what people like in it. Anime has almost become unviersally accpeted since CN owns like over a dozen of em, but there are still alot of shows I feel cautious admitting I like.

My brother thinks I'm weird for going to see kids films like The Ant Bully, Over the Hedge (which I LOVED) and watching Foster's. He doesn't know I like W.I.T.C.H and I know that if anyone ever found out, I'd never hear the end of it.

I'm actually dressing up as a Teen Titans villain for Comic-Con 2007, I figure since he is from the comics it would be okay anyway. It's Killer Moth my favorite Titans villain. The real Killer Moth in the comics isn't half as cool as the show's version.

InsaneFan 10-11-2006 03:53 PM

Plus, he's got a psyco daughter. 8D

xxxClaire 04-29-2007 02:15 PM

I love Teen Titans! It was my favourite TV show before Fosters! I bought all the DVDs and I watch them all the time! (Yeah, I kind of have an obsession. XD)

frankie_fan 04-29-2007 07:35 PM

Another of my favourite animated shows!! Raven will always be my favourite titan!! :frankiesmile:

Jetbaby 05-03-2007 11:45 AM

Really didn't expect to like this series as much as I did, but Glenn Murakami and crew did a great job reinterpreting this DCU with plenty of humor, anime homage and superheroic drama. So disappointed they didn't continue the series a la Justice League Unlimited.

Mr. Marshmallow 05-03-2007 03:51 PM

I at first disliked this show and wrote it off as a stupid cheap kiddie knock off the Justice League type shows. But after watching it, I totally loved this show and despite some clunky dialouge in the early seasons, the show really kicked ass and I loved every minute of it.

Starfire is my favorite character, I think she's cute as can be and HOT to boot. I long support her love for Robin and i was really satisfied with their Tokyo movie airing last year. I loved those random little "super deformed" segements they randomly pop up with.

I loved their villains on the show, Ron Pearlmen was amazing as Slade and I loved their use of "comical villains", like bad guys no one would touch with a 50 foot pole. Like Killer Moth, Control Freak, and the weird ass army of Bobs and the Newfu tofu alien thing.

AerostarMonk 05-03-2007 04:02 PM

Yeah, I was surprised anyone would touch Ding Dong Daddy of all villains. I mean really? Ding Dong Daddy? Even in his day he was unspeakably lame. But they put him to good use and made a fun Wacky Races episode.

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