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Ccook50 10-08-2007 09:50 AM

This past weekend I rediscovered an obscure favorite of mine. Boomerang is running The Cattanooga Cats (ABC, 1969-71) weekends, and within it is a feature that is run twice per show, Motor Mouse & Auto Cat. Think Tom & Jerry with Formula One engines. Motor Mouse is a cycle-riding rodent that lives in the Spin-Your-Wheels garage, where it's Auto Cat's job to get rid of him.

The Cattanooga Cats was pretty banal outside of Motor Mouse.

AerostarMonk 10-09-2007 03:54 PM

Not so much obscure as frequently passed over, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. The animated series inspired by the hilarious seventies B movie spoof was a laugh and a half. Picking up not too long after the original film, the show dispalyed the trademark humor that made the movies famous and jokes that would make the Zuckers and Abraham and the SNL writers green with envy. It was a real fun watch in both my early childhood, my preteen years, and on up to my actual teens. Fox seemed to break out every few years when they wanted to fill some space.

montitech 10-09-2007 05:29 PM

The cartoon was much better than the movie, (attack of the killer tomato)

while in contrast Toxic avenger was a better B movie than cartoon.

but yet Ed Grimley (Martin Short) was great in both skit comedy and in cartoons.



Originally Posted by AerostarMonk (Post 58646)
Not so much obscure as frequently passed over, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. The animated series inspired by the hilarious seventies B movie spoof was a laugh and a half. Picking up not too long after the original film, the show dispalyed the trademark humor that made the movies famous and jokes that would make the Zuckers and Abraham and the SNL writers green with envy. It was a real fun watch in both my early childhood, my preteen years, and on up to my actual teens. Fox seemed to break out every few years when they wanted to fill some space.

Sparky 10-09-2007 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by montitech (Post 58660)
but yet Ed Grimley (Martin Short) was great in both skit comedy and in cartoons.


I had NO idea how fondly people remember the Ed Grimley cartoon until I started a fansite for it. I think more than 50% of people who email me are Australian and around 30, stats I find interesting. ;)

Ccook50 10-12-2007 11:02 AM

Boomerang now runs The Completely Mental Misadventures Of Ed Grimley late night weekends.

Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes (one of the charter shows on Fox's Saturday morning line-up in 1990) had the voice of John Astin reprising the role of Dr. Gangrene, whom he played in the sequel Return Of The Killer Tomatoes. Of curious note, the closed caption during the theme gets the last line wrong. The last line is "Can Wilbur get rid of that dumb parachute?" while the caption reads it as "Can Wilbur get rid of that tomato shoot?"

cartman414 10-13-2007 02:24 PM

Boomerang has Ed Grimley? Man, stupid Cox making it a digital cable only channel.

Sparky 10-13-2007 04:49 PM

We don't get Boomerang. I will pay someone to make me copies of all 13 episodes of Ed Grimley. No, I will. I will.

Please. :P

Cassini90125 10-13-2007 05:07 PM

I'm guessing Ed isn't on DVD, then?

Sparky 10-13-2007 05:52 PM

No, I'm the only person who's made an Ed DVD set, and I used pretty old VHS transfers.

AerostarMonk 10-14-2007 10:41 AM

I can't believe I didn't remember this show. But as soon as I heard the theme song the whole thing started rushing back to me. Especially the Count Floyd bits.

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