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One Radical Dude 08-28-2006 05:23 PM

I would ask around, but I think you're right.:P

Sparky 08-28-2006 07:06 PM

I'm not a "professional" costume-maker or anything, and if I were to make something for someone I wouldn't care where they used it! I'd prolly just make sure they had some of my business cards (like for my website) and I'm sure they'd hand them out if someone asked where they got the costume. *shrug* I dunno.

Hoshikaji 08-28-2006 07:57 PM

First of all, props to you guys for finding our skit so fast! AGSMA was hoping that I'd plug it here, but I arrived at the boards and found it right off. Thank you for all your sweet comments! We are doubly pleased that there are Richie and Blake Superior fans.

Masquerades! They're such fun and a great way to meet other people who are as crazy as you are. I've learned so much from AGSMA just by entering with them. If you're feeling the urge, do enter! Fun for you and hopefully your audience too!

In Masquerade experiences with AGSMA, I've found this (or slight variations) to be the golden rule of costumes that aren't created by the wearer:

(from Anime Expo Masquerade guidelines)
9. Costumes and Props must be constructed by the contestants. The only 2 exceptions are:
1. Costumes and Props of a group were made by members of the group.
2. Costumes and Props were made by or helped by non professional family/friends without monetary compensations. Any assistance from family/friends is limited to one group.

So it's fine to wear something that was created by another member of your group. For example, my sister made Richie, Bloo (both of which she wore) and the Mac costume that I wore. We both made the Cheese puppet that Liddo-chan used. Furtech made the Eduardo that WayneKaa wore, WayneKaa made Wilt and Coco that were piloted by Liddo-chan and our friend, etc, Liddo-chan made the Frankie that she wore. I wrote the script, we all recorded the voices, our last Florida-teammate made the final recording. Team effort!

I think the lines are fuzzier with props--you MUST give credit to the maker, but I don't think they have to be in the group.

But no worries, Masquerades appreciate entries of all kinds, and they judge accordingly--Junior, Novice, Journeyman and Master. Just be sure to read up and follow the Masq's rules, and that's all there is to it!

Scribble 08-28-2006 11:16 PM

lmao, I'd love to be able to do something like that. XD The costumes and puppets were really good!

Mr. Marshmallow 08-29-2006 05:22 PM

I must say BRAVO BRAVO and good day to you sir and all that jazz, you guys deserve a trophy or something man. Even if it wasn't anime, I've taken my cosplay and costumes onto stage before and I've NEVER ammounted to anything as amazing and well designed as that.

You got all the characters down and it was truly inspiring, that's the kind of stuff people should be trying to do, because THAT is originality in it's finest. The voices didn't really bother me that much. I only had one problem and it wasn't major, but it was with the person who was operating Wilt from behind.

I can see why Wilt was done that way, but I would suggest not using a black outfit to go behind a red colored character, it just looks a bit weird. Other then I loved it, and I was SO happy Frankie and Cheese were included even if they did just come until the end. But I think your best feature was Blake Superior.

It was a genius idea because he's someone you would NOT expect to see, and the outfit looked great (as much as I could see). Once again, fantastic job and encore, encore!

vinny 08-30-2006 10:24 PM

that the most lucky kid in the world.

antgirl1 09-01-2006 08:47 PM



Voice rants: XD

Bloo: Too girlish.

Mac: Too light!

Wilt: Makes me wanna bang my head against the wall for it's stinkage, but he was in character.

Eduardo: Horrid.

Coco: She was done REAL well.

Frankie: Not what's on the show, but it's good though.

Cheese: Done well.

Richie: Bratty as usual.

Blake: Show-offy, and was good too.

Medikor 09-02-2006 05:42 AM

LOL! Cheese comes from happy cows! Brilliant!8D

bloonuggets 09-06-2006 08:15 AM

Pics of the Eduardo and Blake Superior costumes are now up on

One Radical Dude 09-06-2006 11:43 AM

It might help, if you post the specific links.

Mostly Eduardo

Mostly Blake Superior

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