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montitech 02-02-2007 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by some guy you dont know (Post 31482)
:( ok seriously, am i the only goofball fan here?

Dont feel so alone, I am also a goofball fan.

i would like to see them bring back goofball watching Ivan.

But really that should not happen since they both have owners already.

But I really would like to see RED. red is fun, Red is great. REd is dumb. And RED is LOVE. ;D

Monty :-/

Cassini90125 02-02-2007 07:24 AM

I would like to see Goofball used as reactor shielding.

Mr. Marshmallow 02-02-2007 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by Voxxyn (Post 31602)
Bendy was meant as a villain through-and-through, and he was effective doing so. And the episode had a very satisfying ending at least to me, since it suggest that both Bendy and Bloo will get punished for their misdeeds--which is good, because Bloo is sometimes almost as bad as Bendy.

I didn't see Bendy's episode as insanely cruel or barbaric as Frankie's treatment or Wilt's treatment prior. Bendy is like you said Vox, a villain, you shouldn't hate an episode just because you have an evil character doing what he does best.

Foster's isn't a show about super heroes and villains but enemies are bound to show up in any show you watch sooner or later. I actually liked Bendy's appearance, and his big eyebrows and evil smile really helped show his character.

I'd like to see him back with the other baddies like Berry and especially Little Lincoln and Moose. I thought LL was a brilliant villain and considering his intelligence, he could easily show up again with more tricks up his sleeve.

Nathander 02-02-2007 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow
I didn't see Bendy's episode as insanely cruel or barbaric as Frankie's treatment or Wilt's treatment prior. Bendy is like you said Vox, a villain, you shouldn't hate an episode just because you have an evil character doing what he does best.

That's the thing those: Bendy was an antagonist, but I always saw him far from being evil. Really, he was just a slightly more extreme version of Bloo in the things he did, as well as the fact that he didn't openly do them in the manner Bloo did. While I'm not trying to defend what Bendy did, he just didn't seem like a real villain to me, though the only characters who have seemed like villains to me is Little Lincoln and Moose. And, while I love Bloo, Bloo has generally done much worse over the course of the show than what Bendy did in his one time appearance.


I thought LL was a brilliant villain and considering his intelligence, he could easily show up again with more tricks up his sleeve.
I agree wholeheartedly. Like I said above, I thought Moose and Little Lincoln were the only two characters who were true villains in the show. Thing is, LL seems to also have a fairly heavy self-preservation mode, so I'm wondering if Madame Foster intimidated him enough with what she was willing to do with him to keep him from messing with her and the house again. Though, all things considering, I suppose there are other schemes he could work up that wouldn't necessarily attract Madame Foster's attention to scold him....

Mr. Marshmallow 02-02-2007 12:31 PM

Lincoln's too smart for his own good, and I have no doubt he'd try and mess with Madame Foster again, especially considering he had everything planned out perfectly up until Madame Foster found out when she came down the stairs.

I also do think Bendy is a villain, but like I said before, villains don't have to wear costumes and be killers to be a villain. Villains can be something as normal as a lawyer, or a enviormentalist, or a brother, or a bully, or anything like that.

Bendy's problem was his intentional mean spirited acts, where as Bloo does seem like a tamed version of Bendy, Bloo's issue is he's selfish and normally doesn't care. Where as Bendy actually cares/wants to get others in trouble for things.

koosie 02-02-2007 02:04 PM

Crackers, Crackers, Crackers and Crackers.
Oh yeh, Barry, Bendy, Berry and Eurotrish.

Howard 02-02-2007 03:25 PM

Three words: Old Man Rivers! He and Madame Foster still need to settle their differences!:frankiesmile: :mfoster:

some guy you dont know 02-02-2007 03:38 PM

forgot about that guy. yeah, old man rivers too. and dont forget young man rivers. he was funny

Wilt's Sorry 02-09-2007 08:40 PM

I just want to see more of Crackers.
Then again, I think Crackers has only been on once.. I can't remember.
I just know the little pick thing from the first ep. with Cheese. It was such a cute little friend.

Nyo 02-13-2007 10:21 AM


Eurotrish and Berry.

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