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bloonuggets 11-30-2006 01:13 PM

Now, here's one compliments of, where I'm also a member, of a gal named fullmetalchibi. She makes a good Mac IMHO.

donna323 11-30-2006 02:10 PM

Hey guys ... could someone please explain this to me? I looked at the website and it's obvious there's costumes involved, Anime ones, right? But ... what's it all about?

idril 11-30-2006 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by donna323 (Post 19462)
Hey guys ... could someone please explain this to me? I looked at the website and it's obvious there's costumes involved, Anime ones, right? But ... what's it all about?

cosplaying is pretty much when people dress up in costumes of characters. anime, cartoon characters, characters from books and so on.

they go to anime conventions and just walk around in their costumes and take pictures of other people, and buy manga and stuff like that. a big part of cosplaying is people flapping around at conventions and saying OMG ARE YOU NARUTO? I LOVE THAT SHOW OLOLOLOLOLOLLOHUEHUEEHEHU

One Radical Dude 11-30-2006 04:18 PM

Yeah. You should have seen the reactions I got from Anime Expo, when I wore the Bloo costume. Lots of OMGs, laughter, and surprised reactions. I could NOT move much without being photographed. 8D

bloonuggets 01-30-2007 02:40 AM

Compliments of American Cosplay Paradise (run BTW by our pal WayneKaa), here's TsukiNoBara as another Goo!

Scary, hunh?

Cassini90125 01-30-2007 07:32 AM

I feel a strong urge to go out and buy earplugs... :gooblab:

Howard 01-30-2007 07:36 AM

I want my Mommy!:gooblab:

One Radical Dude 01-30-2007 09:37 AM

Blab-blab-blab!! :gooblab:

CG 01-30-2007 01:11 PM

Oh wow, now that is amazing!

"C" the Dragon 01-30-2007 02:15 PM

Wow, that's just like Goo!:wiltshock: Cool!:D

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